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Everything posted by gran

  1. Jeg er meget imponert Daniel Translated: Im am impressed
  2. WEB cast er ok ...men hvilken dato for et OSLO GTG skal vi velge slik at du også kan komme? kansje vi kan ta en poll med forskjellige dator? If you cant come insane at least send your watches with someone else to the OSLO GTG
  3. A 1 meter large ovum? thats quiet an egg..or you think it is possible?
  4. Ukjent art - Foto: Rudolf Svensen Ukjent art - Foto: Rudolf Svensen its about 1m in diameter This picture was taken in Oslofjorden..but what is it? an unknown species?
  5. Yes! Insane and I have planned and OSLO get together (when insane has completed his exams) I think a date in mid January can be arranged so all can join Hva med den 13. eller 14de januar på et sted hvor det er nok plass og vi kan ta med urene våre? Hva sier dere?
  6. thats too bad beacuseI told him you were Hungarian
  7. Translated: Jeg er ikke syk jeg er....ungarsk
  8. Breaking news TRC has finaly announced that agreement has been reached to adopt English as the preferred language for Replica watch forum communications, rather than German, which was the other possibility. As part of the negotiations with RWG and rolexaward, Bricky and Admin has conceded that English spelling has some room for improvement and accepted a five-year phased plan for what will be known as Replica-English. The agreement is as follows : In the first year, 's' will be used instead of the soft 'c'. German members will resieve this news with joy. Also, the hard 'c' will be replaced with 'k'. Not only will this klear up konfusion, but typewnters kan have one less letter. There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year, when the troublesome 'ph' will be replaced by 'f'. This will make words like fotograf 20 per cent shorter. In the third year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible. TRC will enkorage the removal of double letters, which has always ben a deterent to akurate speling. Also, al wil agre that the horible use of silent 'e's in the languag is disgrasful, and they would go. By the fourth year, peopl wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing 'th' by 'z', and 'w' by 'v'. During ze fifz year, ze unesesary 'o' kan be dropd from vords konteining 'ou', and similar changes vud of kors be aplid to ozer combinations of leters. After zis fifz yer, ve vil enjoy a sensibl riten styl. Zer vil be no mor trubls or difikultis and evrivun on TRC vil find it ezi tu undertstand ech ozer. Ze drem vil finali kum tru.
  9. We have all been there this is why some watches should come with instructions..but then who reads instructions g.
  10. Snart kan vi starte et eget replica forum med Norsk som hovedmål Håper du får det fint her ta deg god tid, les, søk og ikke forhast deg før du kjøper Hilsen Gunnar
  11. WOW! thats quite a collection WatchDude and if a watch is not always the focal point lets not get too distracted Chronus
  12. So our recent history is being rewritten due to the actions of (the fallen angel) JF it is a sad day for JF and the bin but a happy day for the humor forum.....now what about starting a ggg forum ?
  13. You certainly have a very valid point there dabom I guess there is no point in owning a watch that does not run well but what can we do? despite all the problems this is one of the best looking replicas around....and I have this sinking a feeling we are not going to see a 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation of this Iwc Portuguese rep with this and that improvement done to it like on the OMEGA POs.
  14. The RWG CI looks fantastic on you ken congratulations This made my day. I am so pleased. Regards Gunnar
  15. I am at a loss for words...... and what is a fembot?
  16. gran

    Bounce Gif

    Spätestens bei Tag 187 möchte ich Vollzug lesen !!!
  17. Please post your favorite "girl with watch" photo here The new member knex78 from Norway wanted a larger picture of my avatar and here it is...btw knex likes girls with big watches
  18. I like you NRG and I agree that a white datewindow might have been better on the later watch but black is beautiful too Regards Gunnar
  19. Life is good -klink aka Schulz aka Phil
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