I love RWG
I am very happy that this forum is running smoothly and stay online. You do a great jobb. Thank you!
I think the team should take it as a positive thing that members care enough about RWG to "complain" about how things are run around here
People with opinions are needed, and obviously their opinions can be negatively charged , but in the end it is good that such opinions are brought to the surface and can be digested (in thread fashion)....a forum of "yes" men is not the RWG that we should sthrive for... we do need the "drama" to keep things alive
I think it is also clear that the other replica fora are thriving these days and we are being refered to as the "knitting club" (and this possibly reflects that our RWG is more the new TRC than it is the new RWG at this moment in time) That being said I am proud to be part of this "knitting club", but maybe some more action is needed here? and it is not just the "Team"s but everyones duty to make sure we stay vibrant
RWG will always be my second home