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Everything posted by adrenalin

  1. I know better than to air 'dirty laundy' in public. I specifically didnt mention names, watch types etc... I am trying to give the benifit of the doubt here. The problem is that all of the other folks I have been dealing with have been so good, when somebody doesnt meet the same standard, you begin to wonder. I am not a fly-off-the-handle kind of guy... I allways try to treat others as I would like to be treated. If there was a problem, I would send a quick note--- 'death in the family back in a week'. I understand stuff happens. Like I said, I dont want slander, dont want to get paypal involved, I just would like some comunication with the member. Thanks for your help. -K
  2. adrenalin

    Nato love

    One for each wrist!
  3. Greetings all, I need some input. I contacted an RWG member on the forum that had a watch to sell. I have purchased other watches from other members and have allways had a excellent lines of communications during the transactions. I have allways been forthcoming in my expectations, as they have been in theirs. In all I have had a great experience... there are some great guys here! I recently contacted a member (good standing, no reputation, seemed reasonable) about a watch, agreed upon a price/ shipping etc... I understand the policy of holding items until funds clear--it makes sense. I paypal-ed the funds and they cleared after the apropriate time. I have since emailed the member informing them as such, confirming shipping address and the like. I have heard nothing. No email, no PM... nothing. I figured life gets crazy and its difficulty to get to the computer at times. I have sent a total of 3 emails with not a single response. It has been 3 days since the funds have cleared. How long do you guys typically wait before contacting paypal? I really dont want to do that, I just really want the watch. Any help would be apreciated. Thanks, -K
  4. Greetings all, I was lucky enough to have one of those pesky little screws that holds the tube and strap in place back itself out and disapear. Does anybody know where I could possibly find some 1.3mm hex head screws? I can find the loc tight, just cant source the screws. If those are impossible to find (?) anybody know what type of springbars to use and where to locate those? Thanks for the input! -K
  5. Thanks guys, I will try what you suggest. I apreciate the help! -K
  6. Greetings all, I have a question for the forum. I realize that there are many, many more watches out there than The Zigmeister, or any of the other resident experts could possibly service, lume, AR, regulate etc, etc... in a series of lifetimes. So this begets the question...what do the rest of you guys do for basic PM? I don't posess a degree in horology (though I am tempted after being here) otherwise I would attempt some of these things myself. Problem is, I hate to ruin something that isn't really broken, due solely to my ignorance. So, how do you guys choose a local watchsmith? Im not stupid enough to go to an AD, but as I have tried to inquire to some smaller 'mom and pop' shops with mixed results. Nobody has inspired me with confidence enought to leave one of my watches with them. One basically told me they would confiscate any rep they came across. So aside from mailing off to one of our own rep-friendly guys and waiting many, many months for somthing basic (non-mods)... Whats a guy to do? Is there a secret password and a super-secret handshake? I live in the south west CONUS, and didnt think it would be that big of a deal to find somebody. Aparently I am mistaken. Any input would be apreciated! Thanks, -K
  7. +1 +2 +3..... @#$%^&*() for $1500 I would chew my own arm off!! I want one! I would easily pay more than that... A gen speedmaster moonie? WTF did you find it at that price? Is it a reputiable person? Last time (about a month ago) I priced a gen. they were about $2800-3200 USD depending on where the watch was... Make sure that it is what they say it is.... Lucky #$&*.... I am jelous. Now I have to start looking again... Wear it well! -K
  8. Anybody have an idea where to get spring bars for the B&R 46mm style case? I think that they measure 27mm if my eyes can focus correctly... Any help would be apreciated! Thx, -K
  9. I would be lost with out you guys! Thanks! -K
  10. Thanks to all! Thats what I thought... I was thinking 950-1100ish with all the parts and pieces and a small premium on top for time of not having to send things off, wait in line etc. I apreciate the 'blue book' estimates quite a bit! -K
  11. Greetings all, I ran across a rep IWC 3717 that was for sale. Some of the mods include: - Gen ETA Day/Date Swap - Gen Swiss ETA 7750 - Superlume - AR coating What would be a reasonable asking price? I dont want to insult the guy by trying to low-ball him, but dont really want to pay a kings ransom either. Thanks for any input!
  12. Audi A8 is an excellent car. I personaly think that it is a sleeper. If you have a merc s550, bmw 7, and the audi a8 all doing 100mph+ above the posted speed limit, the cops would pull them over in this order 1:BMW 2:Merc 3: some other dude then 4: the Audi. The car kicks butt--excellent power, AWD, with excellent fit and finish. With a car from the late 90's it is just getting broken in... MPG is directly related to how hard your right foot goes down on the accelerator (which, you will want to do--frequently)... your looking 16-20 mpg in mixed driving. I will also echo about the tiptronic--they did have several bad recalls that were fixed at the dealer. I will warn you about potential rust issues in the 90-93ish years... they used a steel cross member to help stiffen part of the sub frame. This aparently set up a cathode/anode reaction with the steel and aluminum that cause some rust issues. They removed this shortly after 93 when the new design was implimented. Excellent choice, drive it well! You could do alot, lot worse... -K BTW, you need a new Patek or Vascheron Constantine to compliment your new (potential) purchase!
  13. Hey Guys, Was doing a once over of my BR 01-92 and noticed that I am missing a bracelet screw... Any ideas where to find one (or more)? Thanks in advance! -K BTW, the left is missing, the right is what I am looking for...
  14. Where I come from they prounounce it 'Waahh-t-ch' For what its worth... -K
  15. Bravo! <golf clap>
  16. Legalized Drug dealer... (Anesthesiologist.) One of the few times I can pass gas in public.
  17. Thanks, Thats what I am finding out too... -K
  18. Thanks! Great starting point! -K
  19. Greetings all! I have a quick question that will hopefuly be answered in this forum... Is there anybody in the CONUS that does decent mods that doesnt have a 6 month waiting list? I would love to get my IWC 3717 a new set of date wheels, AR coated as well as serviced. ( As well as some other pieces too) Problem is, the Jedi Masters (eg. The Zigmeister et. al.) isnt taking new work at the moment. I am not too sure I have the skill/patience to do these mods myself (inspite of the excellent pictoral tutorials). I certianly dont feel comfortable attempting an AR coating, even if I had the slightest idea of what to do.... Anybody know where to go? Thanks in advance, -K
  20. I dont care if its urban legand or not... Thats funny!.... I dont care who you are! -K
  21. Greetings all, Well, it happend. I got my PAM 177G. Now I want a 111, a 127, a 253...oh, you guys know the story.... I havent seen many examples of the 123 Polished steel 44mm destro Luminor around. I have searched the archives trying to learn as much as I can about the destro/lefty. Any ideas where to look? Who carries a reasonably accurate rep? Are they any more difficult to mod? How about the movements durability with seconds at 3? Help? I dont mind doing the work, I just dont know where to go next.... Thanks in advance -K
  22. Yes... I am kidding! When I got my AMV8 the dealer had the 'option' to include a gen AMOVX-01 with the purchase. Upon further inspection, the price of the car increased $9700. I didn't take that 'option'. I thought it would be cool to have the matching watch, but not $9700 worth.... If you have ever had to deal with Aston Martin, I recomend it. Really excellent service. If you have money or a gun, you can just about get anything you want from them... It will cost, but 'No' isn't aparently in their vocabulary (Hence the reference to starting the car). I saw a DB9 for delivery that had 6 (six) different leather colors in its interrior. My comment was "EEeewww!"... The salesman just simply said '....well, it is rather....sudden' . We both had a laugh! Still looking for something that goes well with the car... but not at 10k worth... Have a good one! -K
  23. That would be cool! I wonder if AM could retro fit my AMV8... Have fun with that Jet black.... it takes some keeping after to keep it pristine! Oh, BTW be real careful with the paint... it scratches real, real easy Happy driving! -K
  24. Common guys.... your not making this any easier... So, as near as I can tell, Get the watch from one place, a dome from another and caseback from a 3rd.... At this rate, a gen might be worth the extra scratch just not to deal with it.... I too will keep looking... Thanks for all the feedback -K
  25. Greetings, I am looking for any of the AMVOX series.... If anybody knows where to find one, please let me know? Thanks in advance, pretty watch...... -K
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