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Everything posted by jjajh

  1. I humbly stand corrected Guilty as charged
  2. jjajh


    GG Where did your funny money go? Here...let me give you some of mine
  3. jjajh


    One pill makes you larger And one pill makes you small And the ones that mother gives you Don't do anything at all Go ask Alice When shes ten feet tall And if you go chasing rabbits And you know you're going to fall Tell them a hookah-Smoking caterpillar has given you the call Call Alice when she was just small When the men on the chess board get up and tell you where to go And you just had some kind of mushroom And your mind is moving slow Go ask Alice I think she'll know When logic and proportion Have fallen SLOPPY dead And the white knight is talking backwards And the Red Queen's LOST her head Remember what the dormouse said Feed your head Feed your head
  4. @retep Part of your post captures the essence of what goes on here... You cannot enter the Looney Bin with expectations of the norm. If you post something of a serious nature at RWG, you had best post it in the 'General Discussion' or 'Off Topic' forums. Once you post in the LB, you are subject to one cardinal rule... "there are no rules" So....Please do not take offense at what goes on here. If it offends you in any way (and it may), just avoid it and enjoy the other wonderful RWG forums available to you. Cheers
  5. Greetings member HAL Thank you for joining your neural flow with ours. May you find complete completion in all your manifestations Happy compping
  6. Munk Welcome to RWG But do not believe what Gran tells you because he is on a mission to make the most RWG funny money and no matter how many posts you make he will make more. but that means he is not buying watches which leaves the market wide open for you Happy Hunting
  7. BRILLIANT! Political overtones in Russia
  8. jjajh

    Bad Dog

    all these illegible notes plum wore me out
  9. jjajh


    Scott... There is a clown in all of us and we all need to let it out to play every so often
  10. I sense dark forces at work in LB. who are these interlopers and why do they bring discord? Could it be the avarice associated with this money for posting scheme that has been introduced? These new birds are hungry for rewards....
  11. We could start a Lonely Tree Dating Service
  12. Ken...this is Gunnar which should explain all
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