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Posts posted by b16a2

  1. Wow that is nice! It's good to see we have a few UN fans on here, they make beautiful timepieces!

    Is that a gen? Sorry this might be a stupid question, but I know next to nothing about UN... gens or reps. I've only seen Robbies watches.

    Either way it looks great man... congrats!

    It is indeed a genuine :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  2. Have a look in Cheiftang's AR section for good details and pictures on this topic

    Single AR - inside the crystal only - limited reduction of reflections (used by Panerai and most Omegas)

    Double AR - inside and outside of the crystal - reduces the amount of reflections drastically (used by Breitling)

    Double AR makes the dial ALOT clearer

  3. I can't believe I missed this thread, that is the funniest thing I have read in a long time!

    HERE is the classic golf club thread. It's at RWI so you have to be a member there and logged in.

    Without a doubt this is the funniest thread I've ever read... the whole thing is pure comedy.

    Caravaggio = ex-Paneraifreak = good man, good member and a serious humorist (I hope). :tu:

  4. As MP has said, usually a 'gift', or 'broken jewellery for repair' does the job. Customs in the UK is verylapse, and I've never had a problem ordering from the US, China or Thailand. It's more likely that Parcelfarce make a mistake when delivering it rather than customs making an issue of the pakage :D

  5. For the price this isn't a bad rep at all! A little trimming of the CG's to make them look less pointy, and maybe a new bezel insert and this would look fantastic!

    As for the Blue vs Black following.....one thing is for sure, everyone loves the Seamaster no matter what colour it is. I had never seen a gen 2254 in the flesh before, and never liked the contrast of the large numbers on the bezel (the black and white) However, I saw one the other night, in the flesh this watch is an absoulte stunner, and something that will become rarer now due to it's discontinuation :(

    PS - I just love how that GMT's dial is 'popping' in that last picture!

  6. That's a great story Robbie. I get the impression that this is the kind of service one could expect of the high end manufacturers, i.e UN, AL&S, Patek etc... whereas you take a Rolex, Omega or Breitling back and they'll charge for the privilege of waiting another 3 months before they fix the FLAW on the old one! This might be a somewhat sceptical view, but that is great service nonetheless!

  7. Great review b16a2 of a fantastic watch. I fell in love with this watch but what I have read in the last days it is maybe a unfortunate love. I have some (nooby) questions to that watch.

    - will this problem with the movement by the sec at 6 came in any case/watch or is there let's say a 50/50 chance?

    - is there no way to change this incorrect working movement to a other one?

    - is it right that this graphite method is just tested for a short time (a few month) what could mean, that the problem can come back every time.

    and last question, could everybody with watchmaker experience solve the problem if it happend? (My fingers are all thumbs)

    By the way, I have to say sincere thank to seadweller4000 for his review about the SOH46 and his recommandation. I bought this watch as my first rep and this piece is working so accuracy and it is a pleasure the wear it. And now the "hunting" has started for me. ;)


    Thanks Champ, the 3714 is one of the nicest watches on the market at the moment. With regards to your questions;

    1) It's very difficult to put a probability on the liklihood of the movement surviving, there is only one thing that is certain....it is a ticking timebomb.

    2) Unfortunately the rep makers haven't designed a new improved movement. The Zigmeister has written extensively on how they could improve it (less transfer gears and more jewels) but the rep makers never listen. There is a member selling genuine IWC movements, but whether the genuine movement would fit into the replica case without modifications is another question. Although IWC use the 7750 is used as a base movement, the thickness of the two movements is unlikely to be the same due to the different methods used to transfer the running seconds.

    3) Again, it's difficult to attribute a length of time that graphite treatment will extend the movements life by. Some have been running for a year since the graphite trteatment was introduced, I remember FxrAndy's 3714 ran for years without the treatment.....and still is for that matter. The graphite treatment has had great results in reviving 'dead' movements so it should help in adding to the longevity of the life of the movement. As far as I know, there hasn't been any tests to see if it reduces the stress on the movement or not (i.e. the amount of resistance on the movement caused by friction before and after the treatment is applied)

    My advice would be;

    A) Buy the 3714, have the graphite applied and hope for the best

    B) Buy the 3714, remove the gears that transfer to the six o'clock position, thus freezing the seconds at six. This will prevent the extra resistance on the movement from ocurring.

    C) Do neither of the above and pray to God it keeps running :)

  8. I can't remeber the source of this one but this is one of the craziest replies I've ever seen

    Because I know Muai Tai, Brazillian Ju Jitzu, and a little thing I like to call "i nailed your mom". I'm so bad ass, there isn't one little kid in any of my karate classes that even wants to spar with me cause i UNLEASH THE FURY! Yeah I've got a small penis and nobody likes me, but I drive a porsche worth more than your LIFE so f**k you! Like the other day, I was walking down the street and this little old lady told me she liked my watch, so I said, "What f**k you! It's not fake!" So I went into karate mode and SCISSOR KICKED HER IN THE FACE! *WHAM BAM* Then I pulled her up by her hair but her wig came off, turns out she was bald! *GROSS* [censored]ing old people. Then I picked her up by the ears and kneed her in the face muai tai style! *BLADOW* And I was like "That's what you get for walking so slow b**ch! AND THERE'S NO WAY YOU COULD KNOW MY WATCH IS FAKE, CAUSE IT'S NOT, IT'S A MODDED MBW SUPER DUPER ULTIMATE SUB, AND IT'S REAL! REAL I SAY! IT USES THE SAME MOVEMENT MOST REAL WATCHES DO ANYWAY, IT'S SWISS ETA, IT'S A DIVISION OF SWATCH, PLUS I BOUGHT IT FOR A GOOD VALUE, NOT CAUSE I CAN'T AFFORD A REAL ONE CAUSE I SPENT ALL MY MONEY ON KARATE CLASSES, SO f**k YOU! OH, AND I DRIVE A PORSCHE WORTH MORE THAN YOUR GRANDCHILDREN!" *KAZAAM* Yeah, I showed her what's what. That's the last time she'll be calling me out on my watch. But I gtg, I'm late for yoga class WHERE I PICK UP CHICKS LIKE YOUR MOM! AMERICA!!! f**k YEAH!!!
  9. I love b16a2 saying that success is determined by how many people show up at your funeral.


    I work voluntarily at my local airport at the weekends, just for the love of being around the aircraft. One of the instructors there sadly died after a serious aircraft failure. He was reknowned nationally for his passion, skill and most of all...his candour. 100's of people turned up to his funeral, we packed (literally) a hangar full of people and a personal friend who owns a Spitfire did a 15 minute display in memory of him......if that's not success I don't know what is. He wasn't rich, but he lived the life he wanted to. His compassion and drive eminated from him. A true gentleman.

    Spider, you have a passion for programming, and you want to be a CEO of a good company....so you know where you want to be. Now fill in the details, and take that journey. It might not ever be as simple as follwing steps A,B, and C, but it sounds like you have ambition and that is key! Also remeber in this life you can chop and change between careers. If you find programming starts to lose it's appeal after 5 years, maybe look into something else that you enjoy.

  10. Success is a term that should be subjective. The real measurement of success in this life is how many people turn up to your funeral :)

    I was also 19 when I first joined these boards, luckily I knew what I wanted to do.....military aviator.....unluckily for me, it din't turn out medically.

    However, you get set backs in life, and I set my sights on something else, Im now about to finish my law degree and go and work for a good company. Do I consider this success.....to some degree yes. Do I consider it an important mark of who I am.....no.....the measurement of success comes from the journey that you make, not where you end up....it's about getting up each morning and motivating and challenging yourself.

    Success truly isn't measured in terms of status nor wealth. It is measured in happiness. Yes, money buys you freedom to do as you wish, however, it doesn't buy happiness, and that's why I don't think it is a measurement of success.

    Therefore, back to your OP, find something that you really enjoy. You can be passionate about it, and this will shine through in the work that you complete. If you don't know what you want to do, experiment, but ALWAYS keep your options open, never find yuorself closing doors....you never know when you might want to walk through it again!

  11. The UPO comes from one factory. Thre are varying qualities of 45mm PO's but the UPO's are all made in the same factory. Beware that you might receive an asian clone instead of an ETA movement. If you buy from Eurotimez you will be alright. If you buy from another dealer, either pay for the clone, or make sure you get pictures of the movement before sending 300USD for an ETA movement.

  12. I would estimate that over the three years I have seen roughly 50-60 reps pass through my hands.

    On that basis, even if it were only 200 members that had seen 50-60 watches pas through their hands, this would account for 10,000-12,000 which is quite plausible. Then for isnstance if we factor in members who have just joined, or those who don't buy as many and have seen maybe 5-6 replicas. If we use Toadtorrents figures and go with an active membership number of AT LEAST 1,200 on a day to day basis, that would be;

    200 members x 50 = 10,000

    1,000 members x 5 = 5,000

    Sub total = 15,000

    add Lani's watchcount;

    Total = enough to pay for a small island in the sun :)

  13. I thought just because it was a 45mm Planet Ocean, that didn't necessarily make it a UPO. As the link I posted shows, the 45mm PO can be had for as little as $118, I don't think you can buy a UPO for that.


    Correct, only the UPO is the UPO :) Not all 45mm PO's are UPO's. I was just giving you some history of how it came about. Most of the 45mm were pretty dodgy, until the UPO was released.

  14. Thanks for the sound advice. I thought the UPO was just a larger (45mm) version of the PO but obviously not. It's early days and I'm on a very steep learning curve.

    The Planet Ocean has seen many different developments. At one point the 42mm version was the best around, this was known as the 4th generation of Planet Ocean's and is very hard to get hold of due to the factories not making it anymore. The factories then released an even better Planet Ocean, but in the 45mm size. This was then termed the Ultimate Planet Ocean (UPO) and is still the best around to this date (it has been around for some time now)

    It's not as good when cmpared to the latest batch of replicas of other watches, eg the Breitling Skyland, but having said that, the UPO is the best Planet Ocean that money can buy.

  15. The majority of Navitimers are Asian movements, the Swiss ones will set you back over 700USD (if you can find one)

    My advice is to read through Andreww's excellent guide to Navitimers which can be found HERE

    If you have any further questions post them up and we'll see what we can do :)

    As for dealers, buy from here otherwise you'll more than likely be ripped off. You shouldn't be paying anything over 300USD delivered to your door for a Navitimer replica

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