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Posts posted by b16a2

  1. so in my mind, that makes him nothing more than a jumped up arrogant POS.

    It really does lose a lot of emphasis and expression in writing. If you watch the interviews it comes across much differently than the way you are interpretting it.

  2. In his first season he almost became the world champion. In the second season he did become the champion, and the youngest person ever to do so. I think for a rookie driver that's quite an achievement.

    If you listen to waht the professionals have to say, they agree that he has an outstanding natural talent. Nobody has said he is the best ever, but plenty say that he could indeed become one of the best ever. This seems to prompt nostalgia, and people think back to the likes of Senna...and it's like comparng apples with oranges.

    He comes across very humble, and for 23 he is very down to earth considering his achievements.

    Hamilton has won 8 GP's since starting 2 seasons ago, Massa has won 9 and has been racing for 6 seasons. Massa has obviously matured and become more consistent than he used to be, but compare that with Hamilton who has come in from Season 1 and delivered.

    Do I think he is the best driver ever - no, not at all, but he has the talent to be come one of the best to grace the sport.

    Do I think he is overrated - no. It is the public that rate people, and I believe he has lived upto and gone beyond the expectations placed on him.

    Will he win next year - Well....let's hope so.

    Certainly Massa is going to be direct competition, and that yong Vettel seems to be a very talented driver too, next season is going to be very interesting indeed, bring on the chequered flag!!

  3. Yes he didn't try to push beyond 5th position......he tryed to push beyond 6th...and he did not make 5th position by his talent... :)

    Of course he did. If Glock and Trulli had pitted and changed to intermediates, they would have been far down the in the pack. The only reason Glock was in front of Hamilton was because he didn't pit. Hamilton raced an incredible race, changed tyres when necessary...if that isn't a demonstration of talent, then i don't know what is! It was his talent that put him in a position to allow him to get 5th right at the end. It wasn't a mistake by Glock that gave Hamilton 5th, because if he had have pitted, he wouldn't have been in the equation in the first place.

  4. although lewis is arogant and too much self confidence considering himself better than Ayrton Senna which makes me dislike him like no other F1 car driver ever, he does drive well and he earned this champ title.

    Never heard him say he considers himself better than Senna, only that he was his childhood hero! Lewis is an aggressive driver, much like Schumacher, and look how successful he was! I have only ever seen Hamilton be completely sincere and humble at how lucky he is to be in the seat of the McClaren, confidence should not be confused with arrogance.

  5. Glock and Trulli were both on slicks, their lap times were well down on those on Intermediates. You could see as Glock went into the last corner (after Hamilton had passed him) that the back end was all over the place. Hamilton wasn't gifted that position through kind will, he got that position through strategy and changing onto intermediates at the right time!

    Where amazing things happen there are always consipracy theories...not this time, that was a legitimate win....don't take anything away from Hamilton those of you claiming it was a set up <_<

  6. I think Ferrari will certainly (behind closed doors) be questioning Glock losing 18seconds on the last lap. However, I don't believe Glock has any affiliation with Hamilton, and the fact that slicks were being used on a track becoming wetter by the minute shouldn't present any problems.

    I cannot describe how fast my heart was racing, it was doing 18,000BPM I'm sure haha

    But McLaren isn't that great...lots of mistakes so ...Forsa Ferrari

    Boohoo :p

    British team, British driver, couldn't be happier :D

    I would love to see Button come on board next year, fulfill the British team and give Hamilton a decent partner. Button is a great drivier, but is let down by the Honda...as shown by Barichello struggling since joining!

  7. not a good list when people have to move true 3 pages to get the complete list, but ok no problem you peeps do as you like.

    I will talk to some people tomorrow, i have his info laying around on my gmail account.

    It was the only feasible way of doing it.

    Good on you Dani, it would be good to see some progress here, keeping my fingers crossed.

  8. Actually the gen Hublot does use the 7753. The only difference "generally" between the 7750 and 7753 is the 4 o'clock position of the date wheel. Starting out with a 7750 would only make life unnecessarily difficult. I understand that there have been other attempts on other versions of the HBB's but I'm referring to the new "Ultimate" that has just surfaced... Puretime's $700ish versions which claims exact replication on the case. I've also read in other places that the case is in fact an exact replication of the gen... inside and out.

    FYI: here's a link with more info about the gen movement in the Hublot: http://www.spitzwatch.com/WatchMaking/ljp/index.html

    Otis for the movement...

    I wonder if that relates to all Hublots, as I was always under the impression it was just a modded 7750?

  9. Jeremy Clarkson is an absolute genius when it come to entertainment. Reading through those really brought a smile to my face. For those that haven't heard him saying them in person are missing out. The context and the way he emphasises them is so funny, they lose a little in writing.

  10. This could become very circular...

    One party argues that the quality of the case/build quality more than makes up for the extra priceover and above watches with similar movements (eg Chopard)

    One party argues that its purely marketing which has caused the price increase, the strap is rubbish and can't justify spending that much on such a watch.

    One party will buy it, the other party won't.

    The OP has got both sides of the argument, they can make their mind up, and what a good bunch of members we have been to inform him of the pro's and con's :)

    There is one thing that I feel isn't contestable, and that is that this is a very impressive watch!

  11. Nothing wrong with my English Jake B)

    But according to the old standards (at least the way i remember them) a watch could have a great case, a nice crystal, a beautiful crown that screws down smoothly... but have a poor dial print, too low datewheel and faux power reserve... thus not being superduper great, but a nice try from our asian friends. No more no less... And i do call that cheap asian knock-off... maybe that's my sense of sarcasm :p

    Just to add to your point YM....The Chopard uses the same movement, the Noobmariner does....all coming in at 100USD. Both are very well built watches at reasonable prices...I cant justify the price on the BP either.

    I personally think the rep is amazing, but Im in the same boat as you, I am not willing to put 200USD down for a watch that comes with a $2 (speculation) movement.

  12. Some really good information here. Trading has always been somethin I'd love to get into afte graduating, and this has certianly wetted my apetite! Thank you Robbie and FTE for taking the time to post some very informative posts!

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