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Posts posted by b16a2

  1. That is what I thought too...but I didn't want to sound stupid if it was not :shock:

    From pics, unless they show some certain angles, it's really hard to tell for me.

    The crystal is great and some other details look like very gen indeed, but who knows these days, it might be a super franken too.

    Anyways, that is a great watch, so congrats again

    Being a Breitling fan I can claim ignorance of the Rolex brand if it isn't, whereas the Rolex experts like yourself...well that's a different matter ;)

    It's like you say either a superfranken, or a gen. If it is a franken it certainly is a good one! Wear it well!

  2. I have seen a rep of the old blue ltd ed, it's not all that good though;


    The newer Planet Ocean has been repped (from Casino Royale) and is pretty good;


    I am yet to see a rep of the newer black dialed SMP ltd ed, and the newer Quantum of Solcae PO, which in my opinion is fugly!

  3. I echo the sentiments of the above posts...not a good idea. How about giving it another year before going over there? You could do a European 180days trip this year, then leave the US of A until next year when you are old enough to enjoy the benefits that come with being 21.

  4. I don't think so, the lume dot at three is full. They are repping the black steel right now, I could order one and it would be here next week.

    EDIT: I guess it is gen, I found it on WUS

    Hey Fidestro, I know you have realised it's gen now, but just thought I'd point out the lume dot at 3 'tell';

    On the gen, its is very nicely formed, in full, and there is a slight gap between it and the date window

    On the V1 - it is half a lume dot

    On the v2 - full lume dot, a bit 'blobby', and no clear gap between it and the datewindow.

  5. It's a gen, the fourth picture is slightly blurred given the impression of misplaced lume dots.

    1) I havent seen one in person but I have heard they are of very good quality

    2) Yes same weight - uses auto chrono movement - remember the Breitling Calibre 13 movement is based on a 7750, so the weight will be the same (within grams)

    3) They might be a hair different in length (I think the so called V1's were slightly too long) but the V2's certainly dont look any different to me. Even the V1's you wouldnt notice on the wrist, its only obvious in macro/really close up pictures

    4) The biggest giveaway is the lume dot's V1 has half a lume dot at 3, the V2 generally comes with slightly misplaced ones. It would take a very close inspection of this watch to tell it from the gen. Even if you had them side by side, it would take someone who knows what theyre looking for.

  6. People should definitely show gens here if they have them. Having a gen watch and being a bragging arogant git don't go hand in hand, as is evident by all the gen owners here.

    Whenever I have seen gen items posted it has always been in good faith and taste....never 'look at my super expensive watch, bet you wish you had one' etc etc. I think if people take offence to seeing a gen here it says more about them, than the OP.

    At the end of the day a watch is a watch, rep or gen. If a member has a gen, post it. I sure know that I love seeing Robbies UN, Laz's Stephens and By-tors Rollies, V's Pams, Dtan's Big Pilot.....the list goes on!

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