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Posts posted by b16a2

  1. Well here's the story, and the conclusion....

    I was on TZ and noticed the first picture (at the top of this thread) It struck me how the datewheel appeared sunken, and the lack of AR. I saved the picture and zoomed in and noticed the other flaws as mentioned at the top.

    I posted on Timezone that I would recommend an authenticity check for the following reasons...bla bla bla.

    Eventually after a bit of discussion, the original poster replied saying that it was indeed a replica given to him by a friend. He wanted to highlight how good replicas can be and that he didn't mean to inconvenience anyone....what a load of tosh. He has made multiple posts in the past of this Navitimer, and it has been unquestioned. It really worries me that people like this will try and sell it as the real deal without box or papers to some undiscerning person.

    Well let it be a warning to people like that, us rep collectors will make sure that they get their upcomance!

  2. You are right that the datewheel looks sunken. I'm certainly no Navitimer expert...but the rest of the watch looks alright to me. The main thing I'm going by is that the slide rule markings seem to line up all the way around. The 60 is set a little towards 1-o-clock on the outside ring, but the other markings line up seemingly an equal amount relative to the amount that the red 60 sits towards 1-o-clock.

    If you have a chance to line things up exactly, and all the markings all the way around line up...that's usually an indicator.

    I'm not sure how much the gen datewheel is sunken.

    Yeh that's what puzzled me. It appears to line up, which would suggest a gen/21k Navitimer which had the correct case. But the datefont and subdials are indicative of the 28k Navitimer.

  3. I have seen this Navitimer which is owned by someone who thinks it's genuine. I am hoping it is the real thing but something doesn't look right;

    Lack of AR

    Wrong datefont + sunken datewheel

    Subdials run into the little markers around the outside of the dial

    Date window isn't correct

    The shape of the arabic numbers are wrong - too fat and cut out too much by the subdials

    What do you think?



  4. The first of the trio that I would choose is the IWC Portuguese. For me it finds that balance between elegance and everyday wearability. I cannot think of a watch I would rather own than this one! I can never decide whether I prefer the white/black or the 3714/5001, but at the moment Im looknig to get the following as a graduation gift for myself this coming summer....


    The second is a watch that I have actually owned quite recently, but sold it...and really regret doing so. So I will purchase one at some point in the future, because again its so good for everyday wear, and its very versatile;


    And the third...my word, its when you restrict your choices you suddenly realise how many beautiful timepieces there are out there!

    My final choice comes firmly down to my roots, I am a massive Breitling fan, and the Navitimer has always really been the one watch that has always stood out among all other watches. It'd a very complicated watch, something I don't usually like, but it has such a unique look to it, and for me it is the iconic Breitling;


    A very tough thing to decide on three watches there Robbie!

    Among the rest that I can think of off the top of my head;

    UN Big date/MMD

    Omega Deville

    Breitling Skyland

    Pam 127

    IWC Portofino

    Tag Carrera

    BP FF

    oh dear I could go on all night so Il stop haha

  5. oh....my....god.... I really like the stick markers, but what wasn't clear from photo's I have seen was the use of the textured subdials, they really give something to the look of the watch!! Beautiful examples, wear them both well! You would have a great work out if you did a Maradonna and wore them both at the same time :)

  6. I had something similar a year ago, saying that I would have to change my account. I ignored it and nothing happened. I think it's just Paypal trying to get you to upgrade so they get more money out of you! They were implying I was a trading business, which of course I wasn't so I just ignored their first few emails, and never heard anything more.

  7. But my F1 hero his Alonso, manly because he waked up the boring sport that F1 was during ferrari/sumacher domination.

    He his the one that overtook him, and made him retire.

    So when the confrontation between Alonso and hamilton raised i chosed to support alonso

    I think alonso is one of the best driver but also a genius in car devlopement, look at what renault can be with him or without him.

    Alonso is an incredible talent. To see what he has done with that Renault defies belief, without a doubt one of the best drivers in F1, currently and historically.

    I think next year with all of these changes it will be sink or swim. Massa is a great driver, but I don't know if he really has what it takes. He had some serious consitency problems at the beginning of the year. He ironed them out, but it will be interesting if he will 'cut the mustard' with these changes. Alonso on the other hand, I think with his skill and witchcraft he could pose a serious challenge next year. A mention on Hamilton....I think with his talent he will cope with the changes. Being very young and confident I think he will adapt to the changes quite quickly.

    But at the end of the day I'l have to wait and see....I certainly don't think I've ever looked forward to a season of F1 so much as I have right now. It just seems to be so open, with some really very skilled drivers around and with the proposed changes, it could be a very varied season!

  8. I think lack of privacy to an extent bugs all famous people. It must be quite sad to be hounded where ever you go. In my mind I don't think Hamilton is the kind of person to complain/be ungrateful for his status, just watching other interviews and the way he is, he seems to be 'above' that kind of personality (but that's my interpretation of course)

    I was watching an interesting program a while ago, and the production date was quite old too, Mr Coulthard looked very youthful! They were interviewing a lot of the drivers and asking why they moved abroad to Switzerland/Monaco. It got to Gehard Berger and he said something along the lines of....

    'I know everyone has probably told you they come here for the privacy and the views, but I the main reason is tax....' :) The other drivers all dismissed it, but good old Gehard hit the nail right on the head.

  9. ok guys. josh is sending new datewheels so assuming my guy can fit them i am once again back in love.

    thanks for the advice and especially for not telling me i was being too fussy or that its all part of the excitement.


    Good news! Make sure you post some pics once it's done, I love the Bentley :)

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