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Posts posted by b16a2

  1. I know, the N95 has a great camera It takes better pictures than my digital camera! I use an old D600 phone at the moment (yes I know - how old haha) My sister is looking to upgrade in the next month to a new phone on her contract so Im hoping to inherit this one, which would save me buying a camera and a new phone separately. B)

  2. I'm sure you'll re-acquire one in the future :) As per Robbie's thread, of all my watches, of all the ones I would sell if I had to, the SMP is the one I would keep, as it's just so versatile :)

    Definitely, it's like Cranberry sauce, it goes with everything!

    I'm very tempted by a Silix SMP right now, they are very good replica's of the SMP and not badly priced!

  3. The first one looks like the V2 that was released by Angus, it's a rep of the 5004.

    The second one is a picture of a genuine watch. For 70USD you won't receive something that is as nice as that unfortunately. There is a very good rep of the 5002, its named the V1, you can get it from Joshua. It comes with an Asian 21k movement, which is cheap, but the reports of the owners suggest the build quality of the watch itself makes up for it.

  4. For me I had always wanted an SMP like you Teejay, so I bought one. Then I got the Skyland rep and didn't wear it anymore. Being very silly, I ended up selling it, so unfortunately it doesn't get any wrist time by me anymore. One thing is for sure though, my desire for an SMP hasn't ended, and one day we shall be re-united :)

    And before you ask, I had a heavy night the night before, I wasn't looking my best :)


  5. It has been a relatively slow Sunday for me...I've been working through some Equity and Trusts seminar work for uni next week. So, when the clouds pulled apart and the sun shne down into the garden, I pinched my sisters N95 and took the opportunity to snap some pics and relieve myself from my desk....










  6. Good to see you back SD4K. I know how you feel with law, Im also in my final year, it certainly takes a lot of time to prepare for them! I wish you al the best, I am sure you'll do very well. Sounds like you're putting the time in, and that's what is needed with this subject! When you get the good results treat yourself to a nice new rep :)

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