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Posts posted by b16a2

  1. Just to clarify the point made above;

    I contacted the seller, who confirmed this is the same model being sold by Joshua. The only difference between this 'new version' and the old one is that some parts were sandblasted, the movement itself is the same.

    Hopefully if we can get a watch from Joshua/Andrew it will confirm this, if not, Il try and get a replacement sent out...I must say I'm very cynical about these new movement claims.

    Thank you Francisco for your support and service, the watch arrived back in the UK today, very quick shipping!

  2. Can anyone actually tell me why the price of some of the reps are so high? I'm sure they manufacture these watches for an extremely low double figure, yet people talk about 'recovering margins' on $480-600 reps.. I think theres ONLY profit to be made from these pieces, surely?

    Surely, theres no way they are costing $100-400 to manufacture, no way. Even with the QC, some modifications and specialisation (WM9).

    This is best to be discussed in a new thread if you wish to start a new topic, it will open a can of worms though, be warned....:)

  3. SD it's certainly a difficult situation, and Laz's comments sum up my thoughts on the matter too.

    I think of all of the watches you own though, the Seawolf might be the hardest to part with, as it is such a wonderfully modified watch, and so so rare. However, if you would get more happiness from selling this along with the others to fund another purchase then so be it!

    P.S. I like the sound of that Pam ;)

  4. Firstly if you are unsure about servicing a movement, don't try it. Especially with the 7750. Try buying a cheap 21j asian movement and experimenting on those first, then work your way up.

    When you say in need of a service in the future, has it started to 'misbehave' or is it something that you wish to do for piece of mind?

    Also it depends on how much you spent on the watch. A service will typically cost from 150USD upwards (guestimate), so it depends whether you think that spending such an amount is proprtional to buying a new one. One thing I will say is that once the A770 is serviced it should run smoothly for at least 4-5 years before needing another service. So do you see yourself wanting to keep this watch runnig for a decade, or just as something for a few years to wear?

    I appear to have created more questions than I have answered :)

  5. Very well said!

    Thank you, and with an Avatar like that Shundi, many members will be motivated to stick around for many more years to come :)

    I can't say it better.... ;)

    Sorry english is not my native Language....

    Well seeing though English is my native language I have no excuses, but Tribal your grasp of the English language is very good. When I come to the board and there are so many mainland European members who can speak a vast array of languages I feel ashamed that I can only speak English ! It is my new years resolution to get a basic grasp of other languages :)

    Well said b16.

    The main thing for all of the newcomers is to understand first that there is no such thing as a "PERFECT REPLICA"

    no AD,no watchsmith and no one who really is into the rep hobby will ever be fooled by a replica watch............

    Thanks guys for reading my expressed opinion,i hope you repect it as i respect yours.


    John, with this attitude I think you will enjoy your stay here, and the rep collecting hobby in general.

    It is very scary how accurate replicas have become though. For example, I would be very surprised if even a WIS could pick out a rep Swiss SOSF from the genuine (if they're not a part of a rep community) but in general you are correct, passing a rep as a gen can be a dangerous game to play.

    I think the other thing that really is great about when a new member interacts and sticks around is that they learn much more about watches than if they were to join a genuine forum (in general). Because we know about the little flaws in the reps, we also know when a gen is a gen......rep WIS's are very anal (picky and precise)

  6. I think TT's saying sums it up perfectly;

    'Where people gather life happens'

    I love this place for all the interaction. I don't see a real divide between noobs and vets. I've only been on the forums for just over two years, and still consider myself a noob. I'm learning all of the time from members here.

    I apply my JKD principles to hobbies like this, you're never a novice, and you're never an expert, you're always on that journey to understand more about your hobby and get rid of the information that you consider irrelevant. It is this journey to seek out our own goals that brings enjoyment and friendship with other members. If someones goal can be achieved by merely purchasing a super rep, well then that member misses out on the journey that can be had in searching and researching both through members first hand knowledge, and archived posts.

    New members here asking questions is certainly not a problem. In fact a new pair of eyes on a situation helps long term members here see things a different way, and the questions help remind us where we all started off. It's the quick bang for a buck, and the questions which show no prior input that I feel is at the heart fo the problem. Like Tribal has said, this is a forum for interaction.

  7. Couldn't agree more Jmarin, but generally forum members here have all the time in the world for those who show willingness, it's those that are here and show no participation that sometimes get the blunt end of the replies.

    For example

    New Member #1 posts;

    I have searched the Rolex forum, and found out the new Wm9 is one of the best Subs around. I am on a budget, and don't know whether I can justify spending that much when I could get a Noobmariner which seems to be cheaper, and I can't see that there are that many differences. Can anyone point me in the right direction.

    New Member #2 posts;

    Where can I buy the best Rolex Sub?

    In the first scenario most members would agree that they have done a search and are seeking help. In the second scenario, it's pure laziness, something that we see quite a lot and it does get boring.

  8. I know I was also a Noob back in the years,but as i found the old RWG

    I introduced myself and read a lot to learn........

    that's the normal way i think......

    But that's only my two cents........... ;)

    That's the problem, the forum has changed from patient people looking into reps as a hobby to a much faster flowing instant source of amazing reps. It is quite sad really. There are still members joining and sticking around, but quite a few don't, or so it seems.

    Shundi, yes I suppose maybe a link to Toad's tutorial page with the noobs section could be provided?

  9. Yes, his 'in built' navigation sense isn't the best!

    Here is the quote from the article I read;

    James May - "I've still got every watch I've ever owned, including my childhood Timex. I was given it when I was five and still wear it occasionally. Today I'm wearing an IWC Portuguese, but I've also got a couple of Rados and the Omega Seamaster with the orange bezel, which is a great-looking watch and very funky. I've also got two old Jaeger-LeCoultres ? a Reverso and a Memovox ? an old Baume et Mercier chronograph, a few pocket watches and a very nice Oris."
  10. Thank you for the welcome!

    Sorry about my ignorance, I thought the reps are graded as A, AA or AAA. What I wanted was the best reps for 2254.50

    I had one but I lost it :(

    UPO would be nice but sometimes it seems to me that the hour and minute hands disappear against the dark background when the watch is at a certain angle whereas 2254.50 the hands are more visible.

    Is the better UPO mentioned in the previous thread 45mm or?

    Thanks again!

    I never had this problem with mine, I found the Planet Ocean to be one of the most readable watches I've had.

    Don't worry about the AA+ thing, it's just a little bit of good natured leg pulling, all the people here are good guys, we've all started off where you were at one stage or another :)

    Yes the UPO is 45mm, unfortunately the best 42mm version doesn't seem to be made anymore, but the UPO outshines that watch anyway. The UPO can be picked up for around 200USD if you shop in the right sections, I wouldn't be swayed by the Swiss movement claims, quite a few come with an asian clone (which seems to be quite a good movement) If you really want Swiss though, buy from someone who will ensure they will check the movement is Swiss, and then have it checked by a watchsmoth independantly your end.

    I really hope they make a good 2254 and 2531 at some point, they would sell like hot cakes!

  11. I have to admit, I was pretty surprised when I saw it myself, I was thinking " :huh: What's he doing wearing the pumpkin version on orange... ??" Maybe he's trying to 'live dangerously' :D I guess as long as he's happy with it, that's all that matters :lol:

    What a turnaround that would be, although there is evidence to support that! Driving the Bugatti, pushing the Ferrari 430 through the twisty mountain roads.....a transformation might be taking place :)

    Won't be long until he's back to saying 'Oh no I couldn't possibly drive that supercar, I'm a gentleman'

  12. In my opinion the Montbrillant Legende is the most accurate of the Navitimer family. It is rather large though, so depending on what you're after this might fit the bill. If you put that into the search box above (not the shout box :) ) that should yield some results. Also have a look at the top of the Breitling section for Andreww's incredibly in depth Navitimer overview, that will answer many a question that you might have.

    As for who to order from, thankfully in the UK we don't suffer from too many customs problems, so you can pick whomever you wish really. Narikaa and Precious Time ship from within the UK for added security. I use Angus (Puretime) and Mark (Watchmark) usually.

  13. Yes, Clarkson does wear a Planet Ocean Big Size on rubber :) Quite often :) I've also seen James May wearing the Pumpkin variant on the orange leather strap.

    I read an article in a magazine which featured James May, he also owns an IWC Portuguese, which I guess would spring no surprises. A Pumpkin PO would have been the last watch I could imagine Captain Slow buying haha

  14. And I agree with all of the above. Not only is the 5002 the more accurate watch, but it is also the nicest in my opinion, it takes alot more from the original design of the pilots watch - based around the instruments in an aircraft.

  15. It has been a long time since I owned my 005 (very similar to the 111) and I remember you could here it ticking away at night. Not like a mantlepiece clock, but it was the loudest of all the watches I have ever owned. If it keeps you awake at night though, I would recommend getting it looked at by a watchsmith just to get it okayed, or get some good ear plugs :)

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