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Everything posted by b16a2

  1. b16a2

    " Big" IWC

    Not yet released, but it's on its way....when it does become available I predict it will sell like the Skyland has!
  2. Here you can see the bottom of the He valve is roughly in line with the 10 marker as you describe, so yes the one you have seen is probably a genuine. Only very few were released (a long time ago) with a well placed He valve.
  3. It's like being given the choice between Angelina Jolie, and Jessica Alba, very hard to choose!! I would opt for the rubber, and swap it the leather now and again.
  4. I would go for the Steelfish and buy from Eurotimez he is the only person I am aware of who fully QC's his watches. Another point, don't take it anywhere near steam, I woudn't take a gen near to steam!
  5. The Speedy Pro is a classic, I would keep that one. However, if you are becoming bored of it, you can always buy another in the future if you wish to.
  6. Yes thats a rep. You can get a nice SMP replica from Silix. Dont waste your money on this one.
  7. I meant more from an 'intent' point of view rather than the specific dealer being obvious. If we post names here we run the risk of having them removed from our posts due to external linking provisions etc... It seems RobbieG was attacked for asking quite a fair question? Don't want this to go off topic, just stating what my thoughts were on it
  8. Very fair questions, and I predict that the Admin team will see this as a logical set of questions to ask, and not as a criticism or stirring up trouble. I also believe that you should not be apologising for asking the questions, they are questions that are playing on many of the members here, whichever side of the fence you sit on with regards to certain dealers. Your posts are well thought out TJ, and I am again sure that the Admin team will acknowledge your tactful demeanour and not take it the wrong way.
  9. If you want any better you'll have to buy the genuine. This is as good as it gets. They aren't flaws per se, just minor 'QC' problems, which you will encounter regardless of what version you buy! There is no such thing as a perfect replica. This is as close to perfect as I think we will see, Il eat my hat if I'm wrong
  10. Seems quite clear to me......
  11. Nice review, it is quite possibly the best rep we have seen yet!
  12. Hey V, sounds good to me. Anyday between the 11th-28th August is fine with me.
  13. Go for the genuine, there are no good replica's Dont get the new version though, I think the older repetition minutes was the best Aerospace ever made. I used to own one, they are amazing watches, and so comfortable!
  14. Great pictures V, looks like you brought the sun back, the midlands has been pretty sunny this week!
  15. Profit increases are the goal of businesses, increasing prices is not. A price increase can lead to a decrease in demand if the product is elastic. I have seen over the year less people buying replica watches due to the price increases. Also bear in mind that the factories already have this equipment in place, they would have paid for their equipment many times over. Therefore their equipment costs in relation to new watches is relatively low compared to a few years ago, when they started making such good replica's. With experience comes lower costs. I think the main cost to the factories would be the weak dollar, and the increase in price of materials. Im not quite sure I agree totally with this point but I see where you are coming from. However, without these boards, we would be paying a lot more for the watches, by several 100USD at least. There are many websites external to this board selling the watches we can buy from our dealers at a much higher price. It is only because the dealers sell here, that prices are much lower than the rest of the market and I do believe we provide the majority of their demand. If you take the market as being represented purely by us, then yes we are paying more because we demand the product, but in the larger pattern of things, we are paying very low prices. The banning has less to do with economics, and more to do with protecting its members from abitrary acts by the dealers. Now they have been banned from RWI, yes the loyal customers will continue buying from them, but the newcomers will not have that choice, because there will be no links to them (unless they are a member here and at RG) At the end of the day, we demand the product, they price it accordingly. But look at what has been happening just recently. There is a small price battle going on, and J and A have supposedly intimidated another dealer to raise the prices. If this is the case, then that is not on.
  16. These watches aren't exclusive to J and A and certainly not just this board. You can get the so called 'super reps' from jsut about anywhere. Granted the price is higher, but they are available. I do no believe that for one second all of the good reps we are currently seeing are bought and pioneered by J and A, that is simply not true. A few of them are, but the majority I would argue are not. Bringing us good reps or not, there are plenty of people who provide a great service and source new reps, Silix and Angus to name a few. If J and A go, it will their loss, not ours.
  17. Plice Officer - 'I saw you take the watch from his wrist' Accused - 'I didn't do nothing' Double negatives always get me going. I also seem to hear a lot of people putting the word 'like' into a sentence too e.g.; It was like a great movie like, but like the only reason I went was because like I didn't have anything better to do.
  18. haha I see you're creating the movement TeeJay. I think the main problem with going forward and banning them (looking from the otherside of the fence now) is that J and A have been around for a long time with a good history of sales and service. The latest event perhaps lacks that crucial piece of evidence (ie it isn't entirely conclusive) to show to the J and A loyals that they are nothing more than hot air. They offer a great service yes, but I feel that all of these continuing incidents are detrimental to us as a community.
  19. It is, and until some action is taken it will just keep going, it's cyclical. I can guarantee that near the end of October/November time we will be here discussing the same out thing. Same sh!t, different day
  20. RWI was there, but it was removed after they were banned...understandably so. And what i am saying is that we have proof to some extent of what J and A did. We have no proof that Repgeek is funded by J and A, and I have been assured that they are not. So yes, we shouldn't fire speculated mess towards RG. If we have proof that they are funded, that they are protecting J and A more so than other dealers, then yes by all means we should flame them because this would have an adverse affect on it's member. This is not the case, so therefore speculating that RG is somehow in bed with J and A is just that.....speculation......just like the Iraq war, speculation leads to a big mess and broken relations. Back on topic....It makes me wonder how many of these types of threads are going to appear before the loyal see that maybe these two dealers don't have our best interests at heart. Granted the proof isn't conclusive, but every one of these little white lie threads/shady actions threads always seem to appear in relation to these two dealers.
  21. I have spoken to the admin there, they categorically stated that the board was PERSONALLY financed by the admin team, and that Joshua and Andrew DO NOT pay any money for their sections. In the same conversation it became very apparent to me that the admin over their are protective of the community, and if they genuinely felt that J/A represented a threat to it, they would be gone. Speculation on the origins and running of RG should be left to lie. Speculation can end in people becoming confused between what actually occurs and what people believe occurs.
  22. Congrats TP, the grey dial looks fantastic!!
  23. If you add a warranty you increase the price you cover the risk of a return. One has to ask themselves would they rather pay more money for a watch that at the end o the day is a replica, or pay less and do without a 6 month guarantee of sorts......Im for the latter......
  24. The problem is that it goes much further than this. Intimidating dealers to change prices is not accepted behaviour. I do not know of any policy that covers this, I feel it is more of an unwritten code, that dealers and members are expected to abide by.
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