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Everything posted by ArtM3

  1. all the cars on dry tires were 20 sec/lap slower...it's like grease on those tires... I watched the race with FiA live timing... 0-750 HP in 1/2" of throttle throw...and NO traction control... plus wide tries and very light car 600 kg w/driver...spells undrivable... Glock did not slow down, but Hamilton was lucky he caught him...
  2. actually there is a limit... 80% of the CB rating so a 20A circuit can be sized to carry 16A a receptacle is usually calculated at 180VA load no. of recept allowed = (120V x 16A)/180VA = 10.7, round down to 10...
  3. I'm an electrical PE with 25+ years experience this is fine... it would be nice to have a 60A CB in the sub-panel, but it's not required by the NEC... what is on each CB in the sub? add the actual loads up, see what it is, my guess, much less than 60A or do this, get an clamp in amp meter and turn everything on and measure...
  4. In about 40 of the states, any law-abiding citizen may carry a concealed firearm. In two of these, a license is not required; in the others (
  5. almost all states now have CCW laws... in PA you can get a permit in 5 minutes...no training, nothing, just a clean record... in Vermont anyone can carry anywhere with no license... the laws are 'shall issue', meaning they have to give you a permit unless they can prove you shouldn't have one... in almost every state you can carry on your property with no permit... most allow non-concealed carry without a permit
  6. no, alonso pitted ~lap 12-13, 2 before the SC incident... it was a great race...
  7. I own a gun (H&K P7), NRA lifetime member and have a CCW permit... guns aren't the problem, people, or more accurately, their thought process is... having said that, it's too easy to get one... to get a permit in PA takes 5 minutes...no training, no insurance, no nothing, just a simple background check... I would have no problem yeilding mine if I could be certain (to a reasonable degree) that ALL would be confiscated... that means most cops too...only the very experienced and psychologically vetted should carry... a society without guns will be safer...but the issue in the US is the genie is out of the bottle, millions out there, undocumented or controlled... no way to ever get a handle on it... I'm surprised no one mentioned the 2nd ammendment, the right to bear arms to keep our government 'honest'... or Switzerland, all kinds of guns (full military type) in every males closet...yet hardly any homicides... the American mentality is as much the problem, as the guns...
  8. Eames lounger/ottoman for me too... closing on my new home Oct 3...new ones are being made by Herman Miller I'll start looking Oct 4th here's an option, the plycraft version, vintage 50's http://cgi.ebay.com/PlyCraft-LUXURY-Lounge...id=p3286.c0.m14 much more affordale
  9. http://stereophile.com/standloudspeakers/908polk/ Polk Rti A1 ~350US readily available and possibly at a good discount depends on your music preference... these are great for jazz/classical here's another Paradigm Atom Monitor v.5 loudspeaker http://stereophile.com/standloudspeakers/907para/index.html 250US great sound, at any price
  10. thanks, that was cool
  11. BMW M cars flyfishing F1 Karate
  12. second hand too close to the center...
  13. both parties are full of shyte...and they have us where they want us, divided, fighting and distracted...while they do wetf they want... keep playing their game boys...drink the kool-aid... btw: they are not taxable...if your sole income is SS (which will be less than 32k/yr) it is not taxable... iirc only 50% is taxable above that amount... this pretty much shoots holes in every one of the above 'facts' http://www.snopes.com/politics/taxes/sschanges.asp
  14. a hateful moron...glad he's washed up...and that Jerry S screwed him but shuting the show down just when they were ready to pay him the others the BIG money....
  15. THAT is a classic... the 6 series are beauts too... the best though imho are e28 M5's, look like German taxis, with huge brakes/wheels, lowered and 300HP subtle and inocuous like a mallet...sleeper... BMW's used to be car guy cars, now they have become status symbols...but that doesn't make them any less of a car...BMW engineering is world class, the engines may be THE best, tied with Ferrari...
  16. http://www.thenation.com/doc/20030224/alterman2 liberal media? snow job... suppose the 'bias' is only seen by those who want to see it, or use it to reinforce their position... suppose this 'bias' is actually the natural process of the media reflecting the views of the majority of Americans...and rejecting those of extremists... suppose this 'bias' is against the fringe elements on both sides...and the media is representative of the mainstream repubs & dems... suppose if we don't get our heads out of our asses, and come together, we will lose an opportunity to make things better, and take control of our government back... suppose Bush sr. (a good man) saw his son raped and misled by neocons and is trying to do something about it: re new Sec Of Def, Baker on the Iraq commission...etc.
  17. I've seen it, years ago... the number in IBC only counts deaths that made the news...some estimate that at one out of three, or less been reading the news? 3000 per month REPORTED is the current rate... the 150k number came directly from members of the Iraqi government and has not been disputed by ours the 600k +/- 300k from a Lancet/John Hopkins study, validated by others... what's funny this methodolgy has been widely accepted (even by the US) when applied to Africa, Bosnia, etc. even the number killed by saddam...but in this case it's dismissed, wonder why? talk about bias, minimizing the deaths of x00,000 because they are not of your clan....dear boy (sounds racist and condescending doesn't it?)
  18. standard tactic is to mock, dismiss or redirect when the facts aren't on your side... the basic 'I'm smarter than you so I see clearly the reality of the situation and the other side doesn't' mindset...arrogence at it's finest...a mask for doubt and insecurity... news flash: chances are equally probable that you have deluded YOURSELF and they are right ignorance is bliss...you must be estatic
  19. the American people (and those of the world) are smarter than we give them credit for...they are not 'dupes' of the media...which is controlled as much by the right as the left... the economy... the market has grown 8% in 7 years education costs have risen 75% medical 100% average wages have gone DOWN 401's have taken the hit to re-establish the market... record trade and budget deficits all I have talked to, those in Iraq, and those who have returned said to a man it is MUCH worse than it appears on the news... less water & sewage systems less power per day less food less medical care attacks at record levels mass desertions of Iraqi troops and refusing orders in addition to the deaths recently reported anywhere from 600k +/- 300k or the actual Iraqi government, 150k, let's call it a conservative 200k...since Americans are pretty self centered let's put that on terms we can relate to...equivilent US deaths 2.4 million....two point four million...get your head around that one... as much as they would like you to believe everyhting is peachy keen, thank God the American people saw thru the smoke & mirrors and called for change...
  20. nice thread...good info I still love my Speedy Moony
  21. I know you guys have missed me just picked this up...
  22. I'm not sure...but for the e = m c ^2 equation energy must be in ergs and c in m/s 3 x 10^8 m/s 1 joule = 10 000 000 erg but I'm not positive... edit, I see the speed of light is correct, you squared it...durrrr basically multiply you answer by 10^7...and that's a lot of beans nanuq could verify
  23. yes it was, the point being, even if you lay all those on saddam, it's nowhere near the 25 mil (80,000/month) stated
  24. mines real, and I see the price has gone up to 3k$ in the latest Omega catalog my wife snatched up for me on a business trip (great wife ) I'm looking for a pre-moon version, 1965 to 68 period... just noticed, speedy's has a ` above the E in the tachy...I thought mine was a scratch...some don't have it...
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