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Everything posted by maxman

  1. The first person I thought of when reading this was watchdog, Im sure Im not alone. Indeed very misleading Mike
  2. There is only one thing left for you to do to this Pam, wear it well Mike
  3. Thanks for your response. This is two replys of the same answear, good enough for me. The dealers dont make this clear on there sites. I had a feeling that this might be the way the watch works but again was not 100% sure, now I am. I also did not want to pull the crown out to the first click and turn the crown if the watch was not designed to do so. I dont know a great deal about movements and did not want to take a chance. Again thanks for your help Mike
  4. Ok, lets try this. Im sure that out of all the Pam members here someone must have a 250, 196, etc. If you own one of these, how do you change the date? Maybe a better way to put It is "does the Intergrated pusher function"? I woud take a chance and try to figure it out on my own buy Im concerned that I might harm the movement. I have had only one reply in two days and I just want to be 100% sure. I have also posted this ? in the movement Q&A, nothing. I guess I can ask the dealer from who I purchased it from. I just assumed that with all the "Pam experts" around this would be a no brainer. Thanks Mike
  5. Thanks for the reply. I had a feeling that this might be the case, Although; Im still not 100% sure. I do agree with you, I can also live with out this feature If need be, thanks again. Mike
  6. I poasted this qustion in the movements Q&A section, not geting any feed back as of yet. So I thought I would try here. I have a Pam 250(7750) with the resess pushers on the left side of the watch. Im not 100% sure but I think you pull the crown out to the first click then insert a ball point pen. Again Im not certain on this and dont want to take a chance and harm the movement. I have searched high and low and as of yet have no defenative answer. If anyone can help with this It woulkd be mucho appreciated,thanks Mike
  7. Hey guys quick question. I have a Pam 250 with the resess date change pusher on the left side of the watch. I was wandering if you have to pull the crown out to the first click before changing. I read that a ball point pen would sufice. This does make sense to do it this way. I really like this watch and I dont want to f it up. I heard these movements can be sensitive. So instead of doing whatever I would rather get someones advice that knows these movements/functions. Thanks in advance Mike
  8. Nice work my friend. I cant wait to wrap one of these bad boys around my wrist. As soon as there available I will purchase one. Again nice work Mike
  9. IM a big timberland fan. Love there kicks. I also like this watch with the new strap Billy. I have really been bitten by the Panerai bug resently, and as you know straps are a big deal when It comes to Pams. I have spent so much money on straps in the last few months.... well now Im straped for cash Mike
  10. That looks like one bad ass movement, cool video to, thanks . Mike
  11. See how great RWG is, ask and thou shall receive
  12. Sinnowatches has a pertty good reputation. many members here have purchased from him. He has many videos on you tube. I just purchased a HBB(quartz $220) and I love love it so far. I have the black ceramic bezel and pollished ss case. It really has that POP if you know what i mean. Give them a good look and decide what one you perfer. As far the quality of reps. They are nothing like the reps of several years ago. A good rep can last 5-10 years. Maybe a little less but probably a little more. Some say If serviced every 4-5 years they can last for many,many years. Good luck Mike
  13. I dont know but nice to see ya, Welcome back. Mike
  14. My favorite watch to have on when I meet a young or not so young(depending on how my night is going) Lady is a Divers watch. Thats right, a Divers watch My moto is " I DIVE at FIVE- and there's no MUFF to TOUGH" Mike
  15. Thank you sir, may I have another
  16. A lesson learned thats for sure. Thanks for the reminder Mike
  17. Dam you mean I cant wave my fake around anymore, Dam. People were giving me strange looks when I would make a big production while looking at my watch with a wall clock 10 feet away. Actually I agree 100% with everything you said Mike
  18. Congratz on your new watch. I know how exciting the first rep can be. The day mine arrived in the mail I could barely contain myself. There is a ton of info on watch care and maintenance. Just google search "taking care of your watch" There are videos and anything else you could possably Imagine. Enjoy your new watch and show some pics if you can. Mike
  19. Your welcome, dont mention it. BTW whats a tobe? If your looking to find this watch 99% replicated I suggest you buy a gen and get it over with.
  20. Welcome to Rwg. I dont know enough about movements and the like to be of much help. There are many members here who can help you out. Try hanging out in the watch repair and upgrade section or the Q&A on movements. Good luck Mike
  21. Now that may be the most honest poast yet Thats why I poasted my first well ...??? poast I guess Now look I cant stay away from the joint, oh well Mike
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