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Everything posted by maxman

  1. The Panerai 088 GMT Is one of my favorite Pams, you have good taste. I was hoping to get the GMT on a nice gator strap. They are Indeed beautiful pieces. Sounds to me that the bug has bitten Mike
  2. Thats great news I remember when I got my first, I could barely sleep that night. Welcome to the addiction I I mean hobby Mike
  3. Tony @ Asian1750.com Is sending me one at no charge, nice guy Mike
  4. Thank you very much, I will give It a go Mike
  5. OK thanks. Bumpity bump
  6. WOW, thought I had I died and gone to Pam heaven
  7. I need a CG screw for my Pam 250. Im having a hell of time finding one. One of are great members "Blackbard" sent me one with the case tool that I orderd, no charge I might add, thanks BB. But the screw was a liittle to big The screws for these Pam 250s are extremely small. If anyone can help me out or point me In the right direction I would really appreciate It, thanks Mike (ps) I dont know If It matters but It's the screw thats exposed, not the one behind the CG lever.
  8. Hey all. just a quick up date. I received my RW Nabucco from Tony today. I have purchased seven reps In the last six months and this has been the best packaged watch of them all. It took me around 20 min to get It on my wrist, unbelievable. He sent It out Monday and I got It today, not bad. He was a pleasure to deal with and answeard all my questions. The watch Is beautiful and I will take pics when I get my camera In the next few weeks. The watch was around $150.00 less then most dealers. Mike (ps) Thanks micky for the Info on tony and scorcing parts. I have a Pam 250 thats missing a screw, the one thats exposed not behind the lever. Maybe there the same size, Im not sure. I will see If Tony can locate such a screw, thanks
  9. I just orderd a RW Nabucco from tony. He returned my messages promptly. He has the RW for $278. The other dealers are asking at least $450.00 or more. I put the order In last friday. He sent it out the following Monday with a tracking no. I hope to have It soon. I will do a small review on the watch and his service as soon as I can. RWG member Andrew started a thread about 3-4 months ago. Take a look at that thrad for some more Insight, good luck Mike
  10. Thats a beautiful watch. I have one on order that should be In my hot little hands In the next day or so. I did not know that RW made a white dialed Nabucco Mike
  11. Sounds good, keep us posted Mike
  12. Congratz on your new Ebel. Did you say that you have made 339 rep purchases. Im having a difficult time wrapping my mind around that number, DAM I guess you really have been buying reps sence the stone age Mike
  13. The watch winder Idea Is bad ass, props to Lanikai. Counter weights or battery. Sounds like someone better get patent Mike
  14. Im sorry to hear about your FM. I hope your dealer does the right thing and gives you a replacement, good luck Mike
  15. I do understand how frustating It can be at times. I have had a few weird things happen to me along the way also. But you have done the right things by sticking to the trusted dealers here at RWG and posting your concerns. you cant go wrong. I think I will order the Omega Seamaster PO lite from PT. It looks really nice for $128, with a saphire crystal to boot Mike
  16. Relax my friend, It Is a difficult question If you dont know the answer It Is not that no one wants to answer your question but no one really knows why era Is involved. This Is a first for me. Give It some time and maybe someone will have had a experence just like yours. Have you tried to contact PT and and ask them why era Is involved? The good news Is ptw Is a good dealer and you should have no problems, good luck : Mike (ps) I cant think of any reason why the equal rights amendment would care about your rep
  17. Welcome to RWG, sounds like you got It bad. I know how It Is, I showed up here six months ago. I thought I would buy one cheep quartz rep and be on my way. Number seven Is on the way, I got to slow down Good luck and happy hunting Mike
  18. OK so It Is Puretime watch. It seems that greg and fitmic are telling you that this dealer Is crap although; they are a trusted dealer here at RWG, am I missing something? Mike
  19. DAM thats cool, nice work. I dont think you would have a problem selling these at all. Good luck Mike
  20. I know It cant be puretime watch, so who Is PTW???
  21. I used Maguires scrach x or you could use Maguires plas x. These two products are very mild, you dont want to use anything to strong. If you do use another product make sure It says " safe for all paints" It sure worked well for me. Sorry I could not find the orignal article. Mike (ps) @ Funkybuda, It looks like you got more then one reply
  22. Hey guys i just returned home from the dentest. Im going to check on the rubbing conpound and see If I can find that article Be back soon (ps) @ Deltatahoe Would you mind telling us where you got the strap for your 212. That thing looks amazing on your Pam, thanks Mike
  23. Wow thats a stunner I would have to agree about the crystal. I think all 212 reps come with the mineral. Before ording ask the dealer If they are 100% sure the crystal Is indeed saphire. Here's a little tip. I rubbed against the side of my garage while wearing my flyback. There was a scuff mark across the front of the crystal. Im sure you can imagine how I felt at the time. I had read somewere that rubbing compound can remove such marks If they were not to deep. I gave It ago and It worked beautifuly. The crystal that I thought I would have to replace Is now as good as new, just a little tip. Mike
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