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Everything posted by maxman

  1. Welcome to this best lark In the business Pettie. I was at a benifett with Pete Rose, actually sat at the same table as old Pete. He came across kind of snobish. He gave me a autographed baseball. It was at his reasturant In Ft Ladurdale, Oh well. It seems that there all kinds of werid things going on here at RWG sence the upgrade. But things do seem to be getting better, hang In there. Mike (ps) Tried to use another emoticon and It tells me I have no permission,DAM It will be nice when things get back to normal. Another (ps) Just In case you are the real Pete Rose, One of the hardest playing players ever, Johny hustle baby
  2. He Is going to be a repologist, tisk tisk tisk TeeJay, you should have known that
  3. This looks like a well done rep to me.I dont see any glaring faults. I like It, thanks for the topic Mike
  4. Not to get to far off topic but... If I were to ask you "what Is the most recognizable watch In the world" you would probably say a "Rolex Submariner". and that would be correct. The thing Is, people who know nothing about watches know a Rolex Sub when they see one, Thats some powerful brand recognition right there. BTW does anyone know where I can get the best sub? sorry I could not resist Mike
  5. Welcome to RWG. I went through a pam faze and now Im Into Bentlings. Im hopeing to purchase the yellow SW In the next month or so. I have to take a little break and give my Credit cards time to heal What can I say? " I love these reps " Again welcome and happy hunting Mike
  6. +1 and this Is why I purchased the Motors T. Although It's not my most accurate rep It Is my favorite, fantastic build quailty for a rep. The best advice I was given when I arrived here was "buy what I like". That has proven to be very good advice Indeed. Mike
  7. I think the britlings are hard to beat as far as accuracy In concerned. I just purchased a Bentley motors T that Is not that accurate but the quality Is unbeleivable. It Is very well made. The rep that I hope to buy next Is the Seawolf (banana) with the yellow dial. There are many very good Breitling reviews and my understanding Is that It wont take much to make them Gen like, lume, ar and not much else. In some cases even these Issues have been addressed. Example,.. the Seawolf Is supposed to have great lume out of the box, good luck. Mike
  8. Looks like you have a lot of time on your hands (wrist), sorry I could not resist. Beautiful watch btw. Im looking at the yellow SW atm, love those Breits Mike
  9. The guy sounds like a real POS. Im glad you stuck your convictions, f k him. Mike
  10. DAM that bad huh. I will just take your word for It, thanks Mike
  11. Ahhh, you refering to the much misunderstood but very efective " [censored] SLAP " If done properlly you will definatly have the attention of the : [censored] SLAPIE " This also works when going upside ones head Mike
  12. To answear your ?, yes you are asking for to much. How dare you want to be treated with common courtesy. I mean come on, thank you and please. I guess you dont undrstand that some people dont have time for such formalities. I was going to say thanks for the topic but Im just to bussy atm Mike
  13. Sorry TeeJay but I would rather do anything then slam my boys in a car door
  14. RWG has the best of the best dealers. There are some Issues that still exist. Give It some time and you should be able to see all the dealers and there links, give It a few more days and all should be fine. The $1000.00 Sub Is a big fat scam, stay clear, good luck Mike
  15. Indeed that Is a bargin. Most people have never even heard of a B&R and would not know a Gen If bitten on the buttox, enjoy your new watch Mike
  16. Good point Toad, the Iron man Is a fine watch for such activities,tough watch. Takes a licking and keeps on... well you know
  17. I know how you feel, It really Is overwhelming at first. The kid In the candy store really applys here. I have now five 7750s. They all run well. I also agree that If you have a watch that you really like and plan on keeping for a while, have It serviced. It really Is a small price to pay when you consider what the Gen counter part cost. About a month ago I finally started looking for a watch smith/ repair person,etc. I picked up the yellow pages and started calling these small repair shops. This place In the mall said they worked on all kinds of watches. I called the guy and asked If he had a problem working on Reps. He said no and that he had two Rolex reps himself. See everyone loves reps, well almost everyone. Im taking my Pam 250 there tomorrow. Dont forget that you also have Zig and Vac If need be. Just stay out of the AD's. Most ADs well not share In your enthusiasm for reps. Good luck Mike
  18. I have had a G shock for over five years and I have beat the shi out of this thing and it's has never failed me, not once. If you must have a auto the Invicta Pro diver Is hard to beat. They came In 40mm - 47mm I think. I know a lot of people look down on Invictas but they are a good watch for the price. Pro divers go from just under $100.00 to 300, depending on the movement, Swiss/Jap. There are many reviews, just google search Invicta pro diver, I would go with the Casio, good luck Mike
  19. Sounds to me like your free at last, free at last, oh lord your free at last. I have been to the mountain top Mike
  20. It's great to have you here, welcome. RWG saved many of us from being riped off. I always well be grateful to RWG as well. Mike
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