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Everything posted by maxman

  1. Thanks for the great topic By-Tor. I have noticed that people who know nothing about watches recognize a Rolo Submariner when they see one. Incredable brand recognizion. Most people I have met have never heard of a Panerai, not a clue. Im ashamed to admit It but I knew nothing of Panerai before landing here. I would say that Rolex, Tag links and Breitlings (John Travolta) are the most recognizable. Mike (ps) would mavado count?
  2. Welcome to RWG Whitestar.Im sure your not going mad,but give It some time, you will. RWG has resently went through a major hardware upgrade, maybe upgrade Is the wrong word That being said there are still some kinks and what not to work out. Give It some time and all should be well. I kinda of found RWG like you did. I was looking around other sites and became overwhelmed at all prospects. I can tell you this "when It comes to knowledge and know how, RWG Is the best, rep or gen". The best advice I could give you Is this, "take your time and get to know the place. Toads Noob Guide Is mandatory. It's really not but It sure helped me a lot. The search function Is a really great assist but It's been hit or miss lately. Two of are most popular dealers are Andrew and Joshua at Trusty time and Perfect cloans respectively. The more research you do the better off you will be, "knowledge Is power", again welcome to RWG and happy hunting Mike
  3. Nice to see ya Sparty. As far as the craken thing Im not really sure, how bout you? Mike
  4. I would have went up side that mofo,s head. Oh yes, the ever so popular B-t-h slap Peace dog
  5. I can only speak for myself. I think that $30.000 for a car Is cheep by todays standards,a loaded Honda Civic can run around $22-23.000, A HONDA CIVIC. Thats why know one really bats a eye at a $30.000 car anymore. But a $4000.00 anywatch Is something completly different In my eyes. I just cant justify that kind of scrach on a watch. Thats just my opinion and nothing more Mike
  6. A 217, I do beleive your right TeeJay. It also looks to be on a SC strap
  7. I think your right TeeJay, the one closest to the elbow Is a 250 If Im not mistaken
  8. I would also have to agree with TT. If you like the watch then It's a good choice for you. I will give you a quick example. I purchased my first Breitling about a month ago. It's the Bently motors T version. The running seconds are at the 9 instead of the 3 position. There are also a few other flaws that dont really bother me. The thing Is I really like this watch because of the outstanding quality, everything feels so smooth on this watch, from setting the time and pressing the pushers to turning the bezel and closing the clasp. The watch just feels good. I have more accurate watches but this Is the highest quality rep piece In my colection. I wish you well with your new Breitling. Mike
  9. Thanks for the topic. I treat my reps like I treat any other of my watches, of corse Im a little more gentel with my reps. That being said I really dont see that much difference between my reps and gens. They are watches I like to wear. What people think or may not think Is really no concern of mine. If I felt uncomfortable wearing my reps In public then I would not purchase them. I really dont see the point of having a watch that you only wear In the privacy of your own home. I think you would also be suprised If you knew how many people wear reps, they just dont talk about It, again thanks for the topic. Mike
  10. Well some will last one day and others 30 years. I really cant add much to this topic but I will throw my hat In the ring non the less. I have eight reps that have been purchased over the period of seven months. They are all running great and keeping very good time. I have one issue with a Raymond Weil Nabucco. The top pusher will start the chrono but It takes multiple trys to stop It. Outside of this one problem I have been very satisfied. The pusher Issue Is a easy fix, so I have heard. Imho these reps will only get better as time go's by, good luck with yours Mike
  11. Congratz on your first rep, good choice Imho. It seems that your are new to reps but not timepieces In general, you have some mighty fine looking watches there. My first rep was the Omega Po chrono with the orange bezel. I did not have a clue about movements when I got here so I purchased the quartz version, big mistake. Oh well I had to start somewhere. Looking at your gens It's really hard to say much on your rep. I hope you enjoy your stay here, RWG Is about as good as It gets, and thats rep or gen Imo, good luck and happy hunting. Mike
  12. +1 Toad. I love the look of this watch, 95% of my watches are divers and this would be a highpoint In my small but growing collection. I agree that this exact watch wont be reped because of the movement, but maybe one day. Nothing would suprise me as far as reps go and there steady Improvements over the years. I wont hold my breath on this one Mike
  13. Actually the lugs are curved down so It should fit anyone with a 7 in wrist or bigger. Those crazy Japannises are at It again (no offense)They have this thing for crazy big watches. I think It was on youtube where I saw a 90mm watch being worn by some folks In Japan. But that pales In comparison to this bad mofo. Mike
  14. Know It's not you, It Is are wonderful new hardware I suspect. I know that It Is very frustrating, lets hope things get better soon Mike (ps) On a possitive note, I was able to successfully search some information yesterday.
  15. Good to have you here Jun. Im sure you will have many friends at RWG In no time, good luck and happy hunting Mike
  16. That Is a beautiful white monster. I purchased my first Breitling a month ago, a motors T. Im on the fence right now on the white or Blue with white sub dials. The Breitling SA are a very Impresive, thats for sure. Best of luck with your new clock.. I mean watch. Mike
  17. I remember when I got my first screw down crown. It did take me a while to get the hang of It. I was use to the pull and push varity. It Is also better to come here and ask a question then taking a chance of harming your new watch. The old adage Is true " the only dumb question Is the question you dont ask" Oh Im so clever Good luck with your new watch Mike
  18. I have two Rep quartz watches, a Omega po crono and a Hublot BB. They are both keeping great time after more then six months. I have read that most quartz movements are good to about 60 secs per year. My understanding Is that most reps have the cheeper Japanise movements. I would also say that Offshore would know more then most about quarts watches. Mike
  19. Who In the hell wants to wear a seiko ?????? Why not?.Im not offended By-Tor, just a simple observation. I did not say anyone In this thread put down Seiko. I had not even read your post until I went back after reading your response. I would have responded ealier but this upgrade Is killing me. But Seikos and other Japanese brands have been .. Well lets just say they have not been given that much respect In many threads, thats all, no big deal.. I do realize that Seiko Is not a upercrust brand. Honestly I do realize this. The crux of my post was to show how the rep makers have uped there game over the years. I do understand that Bmw, MB, dont compete with the likes of toyota, honda or Nissan or several other Japanese brands. People are entitled to feel however they want to on any given brand. I think Seiko and casios are great watches. Just like I think Hondas and Toyotas are great cars. The reason I choose to buy reps most of the time Is because you can not beat the bang for the buck factor. That and I have been really enjoying the whole rep hobby thing. But Im not above buying a seiko or any other non swiss brand. It's been a lot of fun, expensive but fun non the less Mike
  20. It always makes me smile when people on a rep forum put down the likes Of Seiko. Seiko just happens to be one of the most respected watch companys In the world, and for good reason. One of the few watch manufactures that have there own In house movements. No waiting for months or sometime years for ETA to deliver. The Sportura line are some of the best watches made. They are so sought out that there Is useualy a waiting list on many models. I like to think of Reps as the hyundais of the watch world. Remember about twenty years ago, Hyundais were a joke In the auto Industry,everyone laughed at the Korean upstart. But Hyundai did as Toyota and Honda did years earlier, they got better and better. It was not long ago that Reps were a joke, a gag gift If you will, not anymore. The Chinese like the Koreans wanted to be taken seriously. Over the years they to have become better and better at what they do. I think this very community Is condusive of that. The bottom line Is this, If you feel that your paying to much for a rep then buy a Gen. Case In point..... How many complaints do we hear about reps these days, not many. Movements like the 7750 and the likes are very good compared to what they use to be like. With proper care and service they can last for many years. Mind you this Is for pennies on the dollar. I supose thats what Im paying for, and Im happy to do It, over and over again. Mike
  21. I know first hand that Offshore Is a class act, a fine person Indeed. Im glad that you were able to take care of your Seiko. Mike
  22. Welcome back, good to see you posting. No worries on TT, this happens from time to time. I just purchased a Motors T from Asian7750 for $163.00. I could not pass on the price. I know It's not the most acurate rep In the world but the quality of the watch Is fantasic. It's one of the most beautiful Timepieces that I have ever seen. Let us know when you get yours, good luck. Mike
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