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Everything posted by maxman

  1. Welcome to RWG Peter. IMO the chase is half the fun. Good luck with your hand Mike
  2. Just take it to the "REPS ARE US" on state Rd 14, right across from the UFO service station. Just having some fun. Since are hobby is not the most mainstream hobby around, It takes a little time to get situated. Im right now looking around for a watch repair person or watchsmith. Not everyone as Im sure your aware will work on a rep. I would suggest having a good look around your community. Pop into a few smaller watchshops. Try to stay out of the AD's. As a rule they are not rep friendly, for obvious reasons. Be patent and in time Im sure we both will find someone to work on are reps. I already have one promising prospect that Im checking on tomorrow. Having a look around here cant hurt. Although most are booked until the next Solar Eclipse Good luck Mike
  3. Hey Dave, hope your having a good weekend as well. Welcome to RWG. This place has some of the best if not the best Information around. Reading Toads Noob Guide is a great place to start. Again welcome and happy hunting Mike
  4. Welcome to RWG. Good luck with your new watch. I have always been a Omega man. I have one older gen and a Po rep. Good to see you here,have fun Mike
  5. Good to see ya Hawaiian. I to arrived here with my sites on a gen Omega PO. The price tag is a little much atm. The thing is I dont think having the gen could be as exciting as buying a rep. To spend $4.000 on a watch, well naturaly it's going to be great. The dam thing cost 4 big ones. To get a watch that for all practical purposes looks the same, well this is even more impressive,Imo, when you consider the price difference. I mean "come on" were talking about pennies on the dollar here. Thanks for stoping by, Mike
  6. MMMMM sounds tasty. I just love me some salmon. Big plus is great source of Omega 3 fatty acid
  7. U guys are making me hungry. About three yrs ago I was visiting family in West Virgina, big deer hunting country. Well I was at my uncles house when he asked me if I liked jerky. I said "yes, very much so" He go's into the kitchen and brings back a huge zip loc bag full of the stuff. He says "here try some I made It myself" I tried some and I will tell you the best i ever had. He says with a big grin and smile, " It's Vinison from the buck i shot a few months back. I spoke to him a few months ago and he says he has plenty more. I will be going back soon. Moral of the story. Eating your deer is a good thing True story Mike
  8. Demsey I cant agree. Then again I cant disagree WOW Oh and by the way it just so happens that Led Zep is my all time favorite band. Jimmy Page on his double neck. classic "Get the led out" Mike
  9. WOW is all I can say You are indeed a artist Mike
  10. I know where your coming from but they are scamers, make no mistake about that. Please dont take my word for it. Complaintsborad.com has six to seven pages of people who have had serious problems. To scam and intentualy misrepresent something are the same thing in my book. They are not forth right or honest with there product. Call it whatever you want to call it, just dont buy a watch from them. Mike
  11. Welcome to RWG Lazbals.. I see that you have been given some great advise. I do want to add one more thing. Have fun and happy hunting Mike
  12. Nice work, I wish i could make my own straps. Congratz Mike
  13. I wish you will with this strap endevor. I think your realy on to something. The Serpente straps are kick ass to be sure. If you could find someone to work with you on a design for a buckle, well who knows? Best of luck Mike
  14. maxman

    Strap Culture

    I purchased a strap for the Pam 217 Destro that I had on order. I like to have the strap in hand before the watch arrives. To make a long story short the watch was not working properly when deliverd. I had to return it and get something else. I sent SC a message telling them what happened. I asked them if they would take the strap back, I had not received the strap by this time. I got a message from Seth. He said "no problem", just return the strap and I would get a full refund. I have had a few problems in the past returning straps, not with SC. All I can say is "the strap was awsome". I will be getting a Pam GMT soon. I will also purchase the strap from SC. Great straps and great customer service. Thanks Mike
  15. Good to see you here R. I would say that your off to a good start. I also dont mind a good Quartz, Although; I have to admit that Im more Interested in automatic watches these days. That being said, I have a Hublot quartz on order. Have fun and welcome Mike
  16. Welcome to RWG Punisher. Is that what your girlfriend calls you? The bug is a fierce little mother. Once bitten look out and hide your wallet, not that it will do any good Take your time and have a good look around, happy hunting Mike
  17. Try Paul @Timepieces.ws. There $6.00 a piece I beleive. Mike
  18. I would be very interested in purchasing one of these awsome straps. Do you know what would be cool, very cool? No mike what would that be? I think a buckle that looked like a snakes head would be all kinds of Rockin Roll. Just a thought Mike
  19. Same thing happen to me. I had payed for a watch that I did not have. I received the watch three days later. Relax it will be fine. Easy for me to say, right? Dont foeget those wristies Mike
  20. I know how you feel Prsist. I was waiting on a watch about six weeks ago. After 15 days had passed I sent my dealer a message. He said that after the watch is sent he has no control on the shiping time. He said to relax and that it would arrive soon. I thanked him for his reply and told him I would let him know when I got the watch. It was the next day. The funny thing is I was going to wait one more day before I sent him a message The next watch arrived in 8 days. I guess you never know. Let us know when your watch arrives. Some wrist shots might be nice Mike
  21. Welcome to RWG. Just curious about what you paid for your first rep. To get 2 years of everyday use sounds pertty good. The quality of reps as grown by leaps and bounds over the last several years. Take your time and have a good look around. It wont be long before your looking down at your wrist with a big smile Mike
  22. All I have to say is "1thunder is one lucky guy/gal"
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