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Everything posted by maxman

  1. Welcome to RWG Agrippa. Dont be to disapointed that theres not a line waiting to give you answears. The thing is that all the infomation that you need is literally at your finger tips. There are members here that have given so much of there time and knowledge to help us new members. All they ask in return is to read the reveiws and articles that they have written. I dont think this is to much to ask. This is also the way we learn. To be given a quick answear is convenient, but thats about all it is. realy. The good news is that it looks like you have already done some homework. The information here is incredable. Just give it a little time and your questions will be answered. If you have not done so as of yet, read Toads Noob Guide, it is a staple of this community Also the search function in the uper right hand corner is a wonderful device. When I arrived here I knew nothing about Reps. Well now that I have been here for a while I can say that, well I still dont know anything about reps, but Im a bad example So roll up your sleeves and get to it, I promise you it will be a great experence. Happy hunting Mike
  2. Welcome to Rep heven Ronin. Have a little look around and see the community that makes RWG tick Pun intended. It looks like your off to a good start. The search engine, uper right is very helpful. Good luck Mike
  3. Try watcheden.com. I think they have a few. Good luck Mike
  4. Wow thats some kind of wrist shot Looks very painfull. Im glad your on the mend. I hope the DD was held acountable for his actions. Good to have you back Mike PS Im sorry to ask this, but what is it that your avatar is saying? I cant quite make it out, thanks
  5. Italy has as many Rep factories as China. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOkkkkkkkkkkkkkk?????
  6. Thanks for the information. It is quite amazing how good these reps are getting. I was showing my Pam 250 to my dentist. He saw it on my wrist and asked me" new watch Mike?" I told him that it was a high end Rep. He was very Impressed. I told him about RWG. He wrote it down and said that he would be checking it out. I could tell by his face that he would buy one of these in a heart beat. Made my day. Things like this never happen to me Mike
  7. Just wanted to let you know that there is another member from Guatemala who is new to RW?.... Oh never mind
  8. Welcome to RWG. My good friend Jose is from Guatemala. He knows that Im a Coffee addict. I cant even talk untill I have my first cup in the morning. He had his sister send me some beans from his country. All I can say is " the best coffee I have ever tasted", fantastic. Reading Toads Noob Guide is a great place to start. Take your time and do a lot of reading and research. RWG is a very special place as you will soon find out, enjoy Mike
  9. To RWG. The Omega PO has been my favorite watch for a very long time. I hope to have the Orange bezel chrono Gen one day. The Raymond Weil Nabucco is my must have watch atm. Good to have you with us,enjoy Mike
  10. Welcome to RWG Jim. I can relate to your story. My story is realy not that much differant. I totaly agree with you about Rolexes. I will probably never have one because of the fact that Rolex is synonymous with fake. There are some nice looking Rolexes so you never know. I was about to purchase a rep from exactreplica. I felt uncomfortable so I did some research. Thats how I found RWG. Im so glad I did. When I first arrived here members warned me about the addiction, I thought they were joking. They were not joking. This is a bonafide dependency. I hope you like the Goverment cheese RWG is a fantastic community, I know your going to love it here. Welcome Mike
  11. Thanks for the pics. Price if you will. Im thinking around $450. Thanks Mike
  12. I do believe you have something there Mike
  13. Welcome guys, good to have you here. Hope you enjoy this awsome community Mike
  14. Good to see you Dolph. Welcome to food stamps and that wonderful goverment cheese, you know the stuff that smells like feet. I would tell you to run for your life, but would you listen,? naaaa, they never do. Then when it's to late members try to sell off what ever they have left for there next fix(reps) There was this guy a few weeks ago tring to sell his wifes toupee, very sad Have fun Mike
  15. Welcome to RWG. The fun is in the hunt. Read Toads Noob Guide. Then go to the Tag area and do some reading up on varrious models. There is some great reveiws, check it out. then you might want to go to the trade review section. There are plenty of reviews on the dealers that this community deals with, check it out. There is always the trusty search buttom, upper right hand corner. very helpful indeed. Then you should be ready to go. Good luck Mike
  16. Audi/VW owns Bentley motors Last I heard anyway
  17. This is why reading Toads Noob Guide is so beneficial. Anytime we order a rep there is a chance that customs will seize the watch. This is a chance that we all take. The good news is that it does not happen to often. This is not to say that it never happens. Most of are dealers have been pertty successful using various ploys, if you will. If contacted by customs, you know nothing. Do not respond in anyway. To my understanding this is the best coarse of action. Good luck Mike PS most dealers will send a second watch as a act of good faith.
  18. Jeremy is a pompous ass, But he and Top Gear are the best at what they do. I do love that show
  19. RWG being the classy place that it is, and it is indeed. I would hope that we find out the whole story before jumping to conclusions. If this gentelman has done nothing wrong, fine. If he has Im sure the Admin/Mods will act accordingly. "Contempt pryer to investagation" is never a good thing. Mike
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