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Everything posted by maxman

  1. No best Sub?, for shame I know this is probably not what you realy want to here, but here go's anyway. First read Toads Noob guide. This well give you the information you need to make informed decisions. Then do a lot of reserch and reading in general. The search option in the uper right hand corner can be very helpful. If there is anything else we can help you with, just ask.Welcome to RWG Alex Mike
  2. Thanks for the pics Brian. Just a heads up for anyone interested. Exactreplicas has many, many complants about them. It might be a good idea to check Complantsborad.com. Good luck Mike
  3. Maybe it's me but something just does not smell right about this sale. Mike
  4. Thanks for the poast andrew. I find this watch intriging. Something the termanator might wear. I think these things are going for around $300.00. So this is a great deal. Just a little to funky for me, cool watch Mike
  5. To RWG. If you want to learn from the best then start with Toads Noob Guide. This guide realy got me on the right track. Do a lot of reading and research. Before you know It you will be looking down at your wrist with a big smile Mike
  6. Welcome to RWG Panerista. I take it your in to Pams. When I arrived here I knew very little about the Panerai brand. All I knew is that they were big and expensive. Now I cant get enough of them. In the last six weeks I have purchased two, 196 daylight and 217 Destro 47mm. Be careful of the bug, he's a tricky little mother. Happy hunting Mike
  7. Very nice, where it well. I just received my Pam 196 from Paul. All went well. Enjoy your new watch Mike
  8. This site bugs me.I dont know. Been there done that sort of thing. Mike
  9. Welcome to RWG Enzo. Do you have a Ferrari Enzo? If you do you can afford to by a gen watch We have many members from france and french Canadian members also. Take your time and do a lot of research. Toads Noob Guide is a great introduction into the world of Reps. Have fun Mike
  10. Hey John dont be such a stranger. Good to here from you, good luck on that new watch Mike
  11. According to WatchTime magazine. The average Quartz loses about 60 sec per 12 months,not bad Mike
  12. to the party Steve. Looks like you have been doing your research, good man. Maybe a quick or not so quick review of your new watch when it arrives. I must warn you that this little hobby can take on a life of it's own. Enjoy Mike
  13. Welcome to RWG Speedy. If building a franken is something you would like to do you have come to the right place. We have some of the most knowledgable people in the genre. Happy hunting Mike
  14. This site has several videos on Youtube. Not the best videos ever made but I guess better then no videos at all. I visited the site a few weeks ago. The only thing I could come up with is Watcheden and Idolreplicas are owned by the same peeps. I think Heloreplicas might be a part of the same group, not sure. Mike
  15. To spend thousands of $$$ on a watch(timepiece) is absured. Now thats just me. It's a personal thing. I spend quite a bit of money on cars. There are people who would think thats absured. I guess it comes down to what one values. I'll stick with my reps,thank you very much. Lets be honest. Some of the reps that are available now are quite amazing. Mike
  16. Neat topic. It does give one pause for thought Mike
  17. Welcome to RWG my Florida friend. I lived in Hollywood Fl for many years, Hope you enjoy your stay Mike
  18. I cant beleive you posted before the introduction. This is just terrible. I dont know Recardo if this can be forgiven. We will see what the Admin has to say. I like to take things apart to. Its to bad I cant put them back together again. Welcome to RWG Mike
  19. Welcome Shanny. That first rep is special. Kind of like your first girlfrind. Although; there will be others you will never forget your first Mike
  20. Welcome Nick. It is overwhelming at first. When I first arrived I felt the same way you do. Doing the research is key. It takes a little time to get the feel of this rep thing. The good news is that the most incridable information is at your fingertips. Toads Noob Guide is a great place to start. Before you know it you will be looking down at your wrist and smiling Good luck and happy hunting Mike
  21. Welcome to RWG stiggie. Sounds like your ready to play. Have fun Mike
  22. I see there is not a lot in the way of feed back. Not a good sign. I would rather be safe than sorry. Give it some time and see what kind of info you come up with. Again, good luck Mike
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