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Everything posted by maxman

  1. This is actually a neat thread. Always nice to see other members thoughts on there idea of a great rep. Good job
  2. I think your a very clever person. This a great way to get many opinions on the best rep without getting flamed, you sir are brillant. I wish I had thought of it Mike
  3. Woot ever Welcome to RWG. Be careful this hobby can take on a life of it's own. Mike
  4. Looks like a lot of fun. I also hope to make one of these some day. Love those straps and watches. Mike
  5. Welcome to RWG. Im also sorry to here about your situation The only thing that I might add is to read Toads Noob Guide. I wish you all the best my friend. Hang in there, thats what Im doing Mike
  6. This hobby has turned into a obsession, so I do know where your comming from Grilly Mike
  7. It sure sounds good to me. To be you must be nice Cheers Mike
  8. Welcome to RWG Paul. I dont know to much about the Tag reps. But what I do know is that if you stick around here long enough you will be amazed at what you do find. Good to have here Mike
  9. Welcome to RWG. You could not have picked a better place to learn about watches in general. The knowledge here is phenomenal. Toads Noob Guide is a must, good luck and happy hunting. Mike
  10. Sure Mick whatever you say my friend. Sounds good to me. I like the one about living in differant homes. Mick your killing me over here. PS just having a little fun Mick
  11. Thanks toad. Im having some similar issues. Can always count on Toad Mike
  12. With the watch fanatices here Im sure someone will be by soon with a answear. Good luck Mike
  13. Good job. I will look these over and talk to you soon
  14. I hope that works. Im kinda new at this so bare with me. If you got a new CG from the dealer,would you not still be facing the same problem? . I will see what I can find out. Im dealing with the same issue anyway. Good luck Mike
  15. Thats right, what do they know. I like the way you think Mike
  16. Looks real good except that crown guard lever looks to be a little loose Mike
  17. We all have been there my friend. What starts out as a harmless little hobby can soon turn into a raging OBSESSION There are days when Im at RWG for hours. When Im not here Im looking at some watch I want to buy. I for one dont mind a good quartz. My Omega PO quartz is a great everyday run around watch. It keeps near perfect time. I know that there is something special about the mechanical watch. I have two now, looking for my third. Obsession? nawwwww Mike
  18. Welcome to RWG mate. Like Lanikai said we have many fine members from the land of Oz, also Mods. This place is special as you will see. Do a lot of reading and research. Toads Noob Guide is a great place to start. Good luck and happy hunting Mike
  19. Welcome to RWG. I say anything more then whats already been said. Good luck Mike
  20. Do a little more research and you will see that these quarts Hublot were not created equal. Pauls Hub has a real ceramic bezel. Most of the cheeper Hubs do not. Most of the cheeper Hubs that I have seen are just that, cheep. Not of good quality. I know for a fact that Timrpieces WS sells top noch stuff. There lower quality watches are priced accordingly. Pauls quarts Hublot very well might be my next watch. Youtube has a video comparing a good quality Hub against a cheep quartz. These things are a joke. The band is nothing but a cheep piece of crapy rubber. Check it out if your so inclined. Mike
  21. Good luck on your Rolex, whatever model you get. My experence has been that most people dont realy care or even notice what kind of watch you are wearing. I think most people admire watches from afar. If your friends are Rolex enthusiast they might ask you to give them a upclose and personal look. I dont know. If not no one will be the wiser. I cant help think that more people wear reps then we think. What if you went out and bought a gen Rolex and then found out your frinds were wearing reps, priceless. Think of it this way. Have you ever aproached someone and asked"is that a real such and such". I would hope not. Same differance. Dont sweat it and have some fun. Mike
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