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Posts posted by maxman

  1. I appreciate the reply cluing me in (and the wacky ones as well). Many thanks.

    However, I think some of the others, smug and snippy are over the top. I said I was sorry for my ignorance. I looked at the NOOBY stuff and the homepage. It wasn't obvious to ME!!! Btw, for those who asked if I was a new member, taking a page from your own book, how could I have set up an avatar if I wasn't. So, we all do dumb things--duh! I'd suggest cutting everyone a little slack.

    Again, I'm sorry, but if this is what I get here there are a lot of other forums that are more user friendly.

    I'm an avid contributor to other sites and looked forward to being so here, too.

    Sorry to have bothered those who could take the time to reply, but slap me around.

    All the best.

    Well Avanti Im going to make you feel better. To show what a Rocket Scientist I am, I thought you were just starting a silly/fun thread. I can assure you no one was trying to slap you around. The more time you spend here you will see that the members of this community are a fun loving bunch. In a short period of time I have seen termendious acts of kindness. Stick around for a while and you will see what I mean. Welcome Avanti :) Rebelious Watch Gargoyles ? :pardon: Mike :drinks:

  2. No implication at all- that's exactly what I said and most everyone here knows it's true, whether they care to admit it or not.

    Well Lemon you got me there. So you found us out. No fooling you lemon man. Im getting the feeling your a kid messing with there parents computer. Thats it is't it le mone? I will not try to get through to a child, :2: waste of time. Run along sunny Jim. :smurf: Mike

  3. http://abcnews.go.com/Health/WomensHealth/...9355&page=1

    I assume many of you know about the woman in the story above, the one who just gave birth to eight kids, already had six at home. All of the kids were created via in vitro, the woman is unemployed, unmarried, and living with her (also unemployed) parents. I was at dinner with my family yesterday, all of us are in the medical profession in one way or another and we had a debate on ethics and this woman's sanity.

    Your throughts?

    "It is a vagina not a clown car". Instant classic. :rofl: The circus will never be the same

  4. Welcome Mondas. I remember getting a rep about ten yrs ago, Flea market variety. It was a joke. I would never buy one again. Then about two months ago I was browsing around and found RWG. I bought my first rep about three weeks after getting here. I like it very much. All I can say is "reps have come a long way in the last several years". Have fun :D Mike

  5. I'm here for entertainment. Idle curiosity I guess.

    Let's not pretend for a second that people don't buy reps to be something they aren't.


    So let me get this straight. The only reason you are here is to observe?(curiosity) Im thinking of all the places you could in up, and you end up here. Well Lemon I hate to break to you , but you know absolutley nothing about this hobby or its members. How incredably Repugnant. To say the members here are pretending to be something that there not is trully a sad statement. In essence this is what you are implying. I could go out today and dump 2-5 grand on a watch. I also could take that same money and have many watches and alot of good friends,and enjoy a wonderful hobby. What I dont understand is, why not speek for yourself? One thing you have proven, you dont have any respect for yourself or others. That go's alot deeper than the issue of rep/gen watches. :disgust: Mike

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