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Posts posted by maxman

  1. On a side note about the cost it's $156 for the tux and I've offered them all many outs (I have 6 some people need to go) but no one is taking it I've sent out notices like "Ok I know the cost is a lot so if you can't afford it no biggy just let me know you can still come to the wedding but I just need to know how many groomsmen I have for sure" and get 6 responses within a few hours "I'm in man!" when I know half of them are probably going to flake but I don't know how to nicely kick people out lol I mean obviously they're all good good friends so what do I say?

    Other than,

    OH yEAH? well if you're not fitted then I'll kick your ass YOU b***h!!! Well I know Muai Tai, Brazillian Ju Jitzu, and a little thing I like to call "i nailed your mom". I'm so bad ass, there isn't one little kid in any of my karate classes that even wants to spar with me cause i UNLEASH THE FURY! Yeah I've got a small penis and nobody likes me, but I drive a porsche worth more than your LIFE so f**k you! Like the other day, I was walking down the street and this little old lady told me she liked my watch, so I said, "What f**k you! It's not fake!" So I went into karate mode and SCISSOR KICKED HER IN THE FACE! *WHAM BAM* Then I pulled her up by her hair but her wig came off, turns out she was bald! *GROSS* f***... old people. Then I picked her up by the ears and kneed her in the face muai tai style! *BLADOW* And I was like "That's what you get for walking so slow b***h! AND THERE'S NO WAY YOU COULD KNOW MY WATCH IS FAKE, CAUSE IT'S NOT, IT'S A MODDED MBW SUPER DUPER ULTIMATE SUB, AND IT'S REAL! REAL I SAY! IT USES THE SAME MOVEMENT MOST REAL WATCHES DO ANYWAY, IT'S SWISS ETA, IT'S A DIVISION OF SWATCH, PLUS I BOUGHT IT FOR A GOOD VALUE, NOT CAUSE I CAN'T AFFORD A REAL ONE CAUSE I SPENT ALL MY MONEY ON KARATE CLASSES, SO f**k YOU! OH, AND I DRIVE A PORSCHE WORTH MORE THAN YOUR GRANDCHILDREN!" *KAZAAM* Yeah, I showed her what's what. That's the last time she'll be calling me out on my watch. But I gtg, I'm late for yoga class WHERE I PICK UP CHICKS LIKE YOUR MOM! AMERICA!!! f**k YEAH!!!*

    Lol sorry joke from RWI I'm sure some of you saw it :-P

    It's stories like this that restore my faith in humanity :cry: Very touching :throb: Thanks for sharing :cry2: Mike

  2. :welcomeani: to RWG. I know how exciting it is when you first arrive here. When I got here I realy felt like a kid in a candy store, even more so. :drool: I had to slow down and gain my composure. In about two weeks I made my decision. It takes a little time to get used to this new and exciting hobby. So take your time and enjoy this awsome community. :) Mike
  3. Welcome to RWG Dennis. By-TOR is giving it to you stright. Once your here for a while you will see that most of these sites are crap. :horse: Thats puting it nicley. I will assume that your here to learn about the rep biz. I can tell you this "the knowledge and expertise here at RWG is with out peer. Take your time and do as much reading and research as possible. Then you will have the tools to make educated choices. Good luck and happy hunting :) Mike

  4. Welcome to RWG Newbee. Like the name btw. I have spent a lot of time in the great city of Toronto. We have some awsome members from Ohh Canada. :D Theres Toad, auther of the famous tutorial, "Toads Noob Guide". On the NY Times best seller list for 14 months stright, ;) and a hoast of other fine members. Take your time and get to know this fantastic community. Happy hunting :) Mike

  5. __________________

    Before you proceed I strongly suggest you read right through this very informative post:

    >> http://www.rwg.cc/members/DSN-Experience-t...;hl=dsn+problem

    I was about to purchase my first better quality Pam from this source. The discussion on that post caused me to revise my plans.

    Well worth a read.

    And good luck with your Pam hunt (like many newbs I didn't understand the attraction of these odd watches. Now, one is seldom off my wrist)

    I also did not give pams a second thought. There were like ok but nothing special. Now I cant get enough of them. Just orderd a 196 daylight and nice thick strap from Heroic18. This hobby is going to be the death of me yet. :D Mike

  6. not sure why you would remove links from the lug end, but i'm confused as to why this ruined your bracelet. can't you just add the links back to the lug end of the bracelet (back to where you removed them from), then remove links from the clasp end of the bracelet?

    what am i missing here? :g:


    This is what I was thinking. Tried as I might I could not get the dam thing back together. Took it to the AD, I know the guy. He tells me that the bracelet is ruined. said he was sorry but there was nothing he could do. Maybe he could have been more helpful if not for the rep. :unknw: Although I do remember reading something about this. I will try to find it. thanks :) Mike

  7. Im realy ashamed to admit this. :headhurt: I know better or so I thought. The only reason Im posting this is so that someone who is new does not make the same costley mistake. I thought I would take a few links out of my Omega po chrono Quartz(orange bezel) ss bracelet. I removed the links from the lugs instead of the clasp. :doh: As far as I know the bracelet is ruined. Beautiful new bracelet wasted. I read a article some time back addressing this very issue. I dont know what I was thinking, how incredibly thoughtless. I now have to buy a new one for $60. I think I will buy another Omega po black bezel. It is more cost efective to buy another watch for a extra $60. I believe the 42mm and the 43.5 mm are interchangable. The 42mm and the 45mm are not so Im told. Nothing like throwing hard earned money down the toilet. :fool: Well I hope this will help someone. Although; I find it hard to bellieve that anyone could be this foolish(read stupid) :stupid: Thanks for reading :mellow: Mike

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