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Posts posted by maxman

  1. Yeap...RWG is like NY city...All the cultures of the world in a community that never sleeps,24/7!!! :band1:

    And full of the finest people out there with culture,education,great sense of humor but most

    importantly knowledge and passion for everything,especially watches...all kinds!!! :D

    :welcomeani: 9coftw


    Well said my friend :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  2. Thanks for the heads up. Their service is a little off but I did receive my last Tag from them. I hope the Sea Dweller gets here. What can you recommend for a reliable and good product site. thanks


    No problem Brian,glad I could help. The only thing I can do is relate my experence. I read Toads Noob guide. This realy helped prepare me for the world of reps. Then you have a search engine at the uper right hand corner,fantastic device. The dealer reviews are very informative. There are several good dealers on RWG. It will be up to you to decide what dealer is best for your needs. So take your time and get to know the place. There is so much information here,use it to your advantage. Happy hunting :) Mike PS good luck on that Sea Dweller. :thumbs:

  3. I dont mean to alarm you but there are some things you should be made aware. I almost orderd from exactreplica. Before I did that I thought I better do some research on them,Good thing I did. Thats how I came upon RWG. There is a Complaint borad . com. It has many,many complaints about bad service and watches. Some folks received nothing. It is also on RWG,s scam list by way of a member Fakemaster. Might want to take a look. Maybe things are better there now :unknw: Good luck :) Mike

  4. :welcomeani: To RWG. This site can be adictive. Nights when I cant sleep to well I end up here for hours. :crazy: One thing I can say is "Im learning a lot". Now I have to learn some restraint. It's not easy. I just orderd my second rep. The Pam 196 daylight. So much for restraint ;) Enjoy this awsome community and keep an eye on your $$$ :D Mike
  5. In some circumstances, silicon may be used as the adhesive. Need to be careful to use only very small amounts so it doesn't "ooze" to areas it shouldn't be!

    My local wholesale guy, who is also president of the local watchmakers assoc, recommended it to me as against buying dial dots, (even though he sold them!) Cheaper, and in his words, "silicon gives a better flexibility, shock absorption, and is easier to remove"

    I do a large number of quartz movement replacements, and silicon does the job most times. If it does go wrong, it is pretty easy to pry apart and scrape clean. The one thing I have found, is to use very, very small amounts, for fear of the aforementioned oozing, and to not make the join too thick.

    I caution to add, that this is for "cut and shut" quartz movement replacements, I would seek better alternatives if I was working on an expensive genuine.


    Thanks Offshore. I prefer quartz movement for everyday run around use. This info is very helpful. Cheers :) Mike

  6. :welcomeani: Cyfer. That is a beautiful Tag. I love the SLR line. I have not been here quite two months and Im on my second rep. Just orderd a Pam 196 daylight. I would have never considerd this brand before I arrived here. I was a Omega and Tag man. RWG has opend my eyes and mind to all kinds of timepeices. Thanks for the pic. Enjoy your new hobby(obsession) ;) Mike
  7. Welcome to RWG. I know how you feel. I purchased my first rep about sex oops ;) I mean six weeks ago. I knew I wanted the Omega PO chrono. I just could not make up my mind who to go with, at the end I went with Andrew. It was a good desision. The first time out is a little nerv racking. :Jumpy: It does get adictive. I just orderd a Pam 196 daylight. I to want to thank this community for the great infomation. RWG is the best. Good luck with your new watch. Let us know how you feel about it when you have time. :) Mike

  8. Welcome to RWG Jim. Greece is a beautiful country. Ouzo anyone :drunk: I am also new to the community. I have seen some very nice Breitling reps. Read Toads Noob Guide. It is a great intro into the world of reps. He also go's into detail on a specific Breitling. Enjoy :) Mike PS your English is fine :good:

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