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Posts posted by maxman

  1. BK is referred to as the 'sub cannibal' on another rep board and as much as I love subs, he's miles ahead of me. I'm sure he can help you out, he's helped me in the past and I've even had the pleasure of answering a few questions for him. It's that sharing of knowledge that makes this a great place.

    This hobby can be frustrating at times, but in the long run, if you stick with it, you'll learn a load and end up with some fine watches to boot. This experience with George that you've had hasn't been the greatest, but hopefully you'll be able to salvage it and end up with a great watch. These subs have come a long way in the last 4-5 years and the WM9/BK subs are some of the best we've seen to date. You made a good choice w/ the refurbed WM9 because it's really the best watch case out there for building from, IMO. Once you get the dial and hands squared away, you'll be good to go. I know it's a lot of money, but you are working on a first class rep- these are really la creme de la creme. And when you start adding gen parts, they will be basically indistinguishable from the gens.

    Hopefully you'll stick around here and continue to learn. I guess that's what I really love about this place is that you can learn so much- just keep reading and asking questions. This is really the place to learn about watches in every fashion, gens, reps and frankens.

    Well said :thumbs: Mike

  2. I was just kidding on the poker game thing. We have the ideal situation between us. I manage my money, she manages hers. We live in different houses, though we're only a mile apart. She and the two boys are under one roof, and I'm under another and in that way, sanity is preserved. I'm not sure we'd have made it this far if we had to cohabitate.

    Another great thing about her is that she never got the shopping gene. And on rare occasions when she does do something nice for herself, she never has to tell me that she "just brought this dress back from the cleaners." Instead she wants to put on a fashion show. And I won't have to say anything about the reps except, "Hey Hon, look at these beauties." If I'm happy, she's happy and vice versa. She's a real peach.

    Absolutely I will post lots of pics when I get the reps, in about a weeks time Joshua assures me. I made a sweet little light tent out of some spare PVC pipe and an old white sheet and some 3 dollar floods from Home Depot, that will be perfect for this. Thing works like a champ for how cheap and easy it was to make.



    Sure Mick whatever you say my friend. Sounds good to me. I like the one about living in differant homes. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Mick your killing me over here. :acute: PS just having a little fun Mick :D

  3. are there any reps out there that are atleast 40-42mm or bigger with a faux diamond bezel? the only thing really i can find is rolex, but they arent big enough for me. am i not looking hard enough? thanks in advance guys

    With the watch fanatices here Im sure someone will be by soon with a answear. Good luck :) Mike

  4. Welcome to the forum. Words of advice. Dont lie to her about reps because you will be getting many many more so the poker excuse will be old. Just tell her you're collecting watches..some are reps, some are gens..and it's just a hobby just like she's shopping for jewelry/clothing :D

    Then run like hell :cc_scooter::lol:

  5. Good eye Mike! I read that removing the CG and sanding down the base so it sits closer to the case is the easiest solution. Wonder if anyone has tried doing that? I might ask the dealer to send out another CG.

    I hope that works. Im kinda new at this so bare with me. If you got a new CG from the dealer,would you not still be facing the same problem? . I will see what I can find out. Im dealing with the same issue anyway. Good luck :) Mike

  6. Welcome

    I joined this site a few months ago and it is without doubt the best site for replica/gen watch discussion. I too got bitten by the bug and have bought 4 watches in as many months. Next purchase is a watch box the question is how big do i go, seeing as my watch collection is definately not staying at 4 lol.

    Expensive hobby and I do get comments like"why do you need more than one watch" but what do they know.... Enjoy your watches like people say must post pics of your purchases.



    Thats right, what do they know. I like the way you think :thumbs: Mike

  7. We all have been there my friend. What starts out as a harmless little hobby can soon turn into a raging OBSESSION :Jumpy: There are days when Im at RWG for hours. When Im not here Im looking at some watch I want to buy. I for one dont mind a good quartz. My Omega PO quartz is a great everyday run around watch. It keeps near perfect time. I know that there is something special about the mechanical watch. I have two now, looking for my third. :sweatdrop: Obsession? nawwwww :D Mike

  8. http://www.timepieces.byethost13.com/timep...ade%20Page.html

    This QUARTZ hbb is listed in his TOP SWISS category @ a price much higher than what we can get it from the dealers here. Either he's mis-informed, or he's misinforming.

    Do a little more research and you will see that these quarts Hublot were not created equal. Pauls Hub has a real ceramic bezel. Most of the cheeper Hubs do not. Most of the cheeper Hubs that I have seen are just that, cheep. Not of good quality. I know for a fact that Timrpieces WS sells top noch stuff. There lower quality watches are priced accordingly. Pauls quarts Hublot very well might be my next watch. Youtube has a video comparing a good quality Hub against a cheep quartz. These things are a joke. The band is nothing but a cheep piece of crapy rubber. Check it out if your so inclined. :) Mike

  9. Good luck on your Rolex, whatever model you get. My experence has been that most people dont realy care or even notice what kind of watch you are wearing. I think most people admire watches from afar. If your friends are Rolex enthusiast they might ask you to give them a upclose and personal look. I dont know. If not no one will be the wiser. I cant help think that more people wear reps then we think. What if you went out and bought a gen Rolex and then found out your frinds were wearing reps, priceless. Think of it this way. Have you ever aproached someone and asked"is that a real such and such". I would hope not. Same differance. Dont sweat it and have some fun. :) Mike

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