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Posts posted by maxman

  1. I can totaly relate Jim. I also dont care for the tag "noob" But I guess thats the price we pay as new members. ;) It does indeed sound like your a full blown addict. It is a ocupational hazzard :D The main thing to remember is to stick to the dealers here at RWG. These dealers have a proven track record. The last watch I orderd arrived not running properly. The dealer said to send it back and he would send out a new watch. The watch is on It's way back to me by express mail. The dealer is picking up the tab, also read the trade reveiws. It gives one a lot of insight not only on the dealer but also on specfic watches, again welcome and enjoy :) Mike

  2. Howdy,

    I'm new here too so it feels kinda weird to say welcome.

    So where in Washington are you from? I grew up in Seattle and went to Highschool in Lake Chelan.

    Anyway, welcome to the site and I hope you find it as interesting as I do.

    Welcome Jim, good to see you here. I hope you guys stick around and enjoy this awsome community :) Mike

  3. I'll give it to Fakey, he may be one of the most arrogant, pompus, self righteous piece of s**t on the planet, but he is a master of his craft!! They don't make much better than some of his pieces, including Switzerland!!

    Man that must be the nicest thing I ever said about him, I need a shower now, I feel dirty!!

    This is the nicest compliment I have ever heard someone give MF, I mean FM. ;) Good stuff :thumbs: Mike

  4. It's funny but the SS bracelets are usually very nice. The SS bracelets that came on my Omega PO and Pam 250 were of very good quality. Why the [censored] leather straps? I dont realy know. Im thinking it has to do with the factories that make these things. There tooling is for metal and the like, Im assuming. It would be painfuly obvious to have a realy nice watch on a crapy bracelet/strap. If your going to do it, might as well do it right. :) Mike

  5. I give RWG members a pass, taste and what is expensive are relative. I can tolerate ugly at 500 bucks a hell of a lot easier than I can at 20k

    Amen to that. :thumbs: It's funny actualy. I thought these Hublots were quite fugly on first inspection. Then I saw one in my Mens Health Mag several months ago. I dont know but I for some reason found them?? well lets just say Interesting for the lack of a better word. I like the ones with the ceramic bezil and carbon fiber dial. Sorry about the rambling :rolleyes: Mike

  6. A couple posts above is the pic from Transporter 3 of Statham's wristie with a 310 gen shot.

    This is a gen 196:


    You'll notice at least in Transporter 3, that the numbers on the watch are arabic only at 12 and 3 and there doesn't appear to be a subdial at 6 like on the 196. I think you're right though that in the pic below (I'm not sure which Transporter this is from)...it might be a 196:


    Toad your saying that I might be right? Well I guess there is a first time for everything. :D It's realy hard to get a a good veiw of the watch to my eye because of the angle, reflections,glare etc. That and my knowledge of Pams is still in It's infancy stage :) Mike

  7. I dont know about this. Here I was feeling bad that this poor chap would not get any feed back. I received maybe three or four replys. on my first post :p I have to agree with the strap sanrio. More times than not they suck, and thats on a good day. Our strap/bracelet section can be a good place to look. I purchased my first strap for my Pam 250 @ Heroic 18. Beautiful strap and excellent service for around $100.00. There are many good straps to be found so take your time and look around. A strap can definitely make or brake your watch. Good luck :) Mike

  8. But it did ;)

    As to the topic, it's worrying that there are press releases about how good reps have become coming from Basel World.

    It makes one wonder if they are about to ramp up attempts to get to the manufactures or at least to stop the flow into the western world.


    Indeed it did. I guess there are a lot of people that would buy a nice rep, but they may not admit it ;)
  9. Transporter 3 is definitely not a 196...I think it's a 310.

    Do you have a good wrist pic from Transporter 1 or 2?? I don't recall one earlier on in the thread.

    Toad go to Strap culture gallery. There is several decent pics. Also of other movies. Daylight with Stalone witch put forth this whole panerai revival. I might have my movies confused :confused: Maybe a Pam 74 or 72 :scratch:

  10. Yup...Maxman is all class in his responses. He's just going by the usual experience of folks here who start off with a casual interest that, when they do in fact spend the time to start searching realize that there is a lot more info out there...GOOD and USEFUL info...and exciting discussion that they find RWG to be more than just a quick answer help desk for your one rep.

    RWG aims to be a community of watch enthusiasts. The feeling with most folks here is that we try to encourage an interest in the "hobby" as that is what is of interest to us.

    If you do indeed only have a passing interest in just getting one nice watch and don't care about putting back to the "community" of knowledge...then most of the "pros" here don't want to spend their time answering questions that you can find the answer for yourself through searching: if you don't want to spend the time searching...why should we spend the time responding.

    That being said...hopefully you got the info you needed. If you only want this one watch and that's it...fine...the Breguet will be fine.

    Thanks Toad. Your Wall-Mart automatic watch is in the mail, enjoy :D Mike

  11. @ maxman: no disappointment here, whatsoever. In fact, I went to bed shortly after posting and when I got up just now you folks had all answered. :D As for your points, a agree entirely....and disagree entirely too. As to the former, I have felt exactly as you write myself, on a number of forums dealing with various things. The number of times I've thought "learn to use the f***ing search button for f***'s sake, you dimwit f***tard", or stuff to that general effect, can be counted only by someone with at least a higher degree in mathematics.

    In an ideal world (ideal for you that is, here, and for me elsewhere) everyone would of course carry out exhaustive searches before asking questions and otherwise never post superfluously, but this world ain't that world and never will be I suspect. For noobs and people with a casual and passing interest it isn't ideal though and until such become endangered species we're both likely left with imperfection. Personally I subscribe both to the noobish persuation and to having only a casual interest in the subject matter, but to my defence I did carry out a few fruitless searches before posting. Said fruitlessness and a certain message designed to nag us noobs into posting at least once then resulted in the original post.

    Since I have nothing better to du right now, let me ramble on a bit longer: if no one had answered my first post; at all, ever; then maybe I would have tried again here sometime later, or perhaps I'd have tried somewhere else. Probably not though, given the casual manner of my interest in replicas. The same casualness would have precluded any deeper research as well and given my uncertainty about the quality and reliability of these things I would probably have decided not to go shopping either, thereby (maybe) forever removing any possibility of my being sufficiently impressed by the quality and reliability of a replica to be bitten by the bug and become an enthusiast myself and, in time, someone who might contribute constructively to the community. That's all a bit of a long shot of course, but you get my point I'm sure.

    Anyway, in case you think I was offended by your very slight rebuke of my noobish abandon of good forum etiquette; I wasn't, in the least. Your language was far kinder than that used by myself on innumerable occasions and you should really view the above more as a "note to self" from me to me. I'm so seldom on the receiving end these days, so it was most useful in fact.

    @ greg_r: thanks a lot for the information regarding the reliability of the Lemania and 21J movements, which convinced me that I will indeed go and get one just as soon as my tax rebate (yes, apparently miracles do still happen) arrives. I had a look at the "Top 10 replicas" (or something) thread and I might just see if I can find one there that I like the look of as well.

    As far as being spotted wearing a replica, that's really of no concern at all. I've never seen a Breguet in real life, whether genuine or fake, so the chance of being denounced in public is really, really slim I think. :D Nor do I intend to try to pass it off as a real one - I just want a really nice watch to wear now and again. Like you say nothing beats the genuine article, but unless I should decide to turn to a life of crime I fear the likelyhood of owning a watch in that kind of price bracket is next to nonexistant.

    @ everyone: Thanks for the info and the welcome folks, much appreciated! And please try to pardon my longwindedness and instead take pity on me, for I have a full week off work and nothing much to do with my time except chilling, listening to music and rambling on the internet. Woe is me. :D

    - Agrippa

    Thanks for your response. I cant find anything to disagree with thats for sure. The thing I hate is some new members will post some questions that might be of the noobish variety, witch I totaly understand. Sometimes these post will have no replys whats so ever. Im sure you have seen this yourself. I feel bad for that member. To return here and find nothing. It wont give you a case of the warm and fuzzys thats for sure. So I do what I can to make a new member feel welcomed. I can only hope that said member will not be offended. It sounds to me that your forum savy, thats half the battle right there. I can see you have been around. This is the first forum that I have. ever joined. If know one would have responded to my first post I would have probably have left and not thought much of this community. So I try to welcome folks and return the same consideration that was so freely given to me. Again welcome and be careful,the bug has a vicious bite :drinks: Mike

  12. Welcome aboard. Maxman is the official Wal-Mart greeter!! I'll be brief here:

    - ANY watch you like is worth having

    - ANY rep you plan to pass off as gen will have the potential of being called unless it's a Franken built with 100% gen visible parts

    - There are generally a couple categories of reps IMHO worth buying...reps that are super accurate, and reps that aren't but are still nice

    - Generally, there aren't a lot of high accuracy Breguets. There are 1 or 2...can't remember which...but given that so few of them are spotted in the wild, the odds of anyone knowing what it is, or being able to spot gen vs. rep are slim

    - Just because they aren't high accuracy, doesn't mean they aren't nice and worth buying.

    I don't think the grey dial in the 1109 (first one) suits a Breguet. The 884's are nicer.

    If you like the 884, I would recommend the Vacheron Constantin Malte Chrono with the same movement and layout...more accurate a rep...and the movement is solid (as it is in the Breguet as well).

    These are RobbieG's pics:



    Clean up on isle 5 :D

  13. Mike, you're way of welcoming new folks and reacting to those typical noob-questions is really heart warming. Thank you for that. :hands:

    I fully understand that the old time cracks here are sort of fed up with answering those posts again and again. Maybe it takes us semi-noobs to friendly guide the really noob noobs towards the desired information treasures.

    Yours kindly


    Thank you sir. I appreciate the kind words. :thumbs: Mike

  14. Welcome to RWG Agrippa. Dont be to disapointed that theres not a line waiting to give you answears. The thing is that all the infomation that you need is literally at your finger tips. There are members here that have given so much of there time and knowledge to help us new members. All they ask in return is to read the reveiws and articles that they have written. I dont think this is to much to ask. This is also the way we learn. To be given a quick answear is convenient, but thats about all it is. realy. The good news is that it looks like you have already done some homework. The information here is incredable. Just give it a little time and your questions will be answered. If you have not done so as of yet, read Toads Noob Guide, it is a staple of this community Also the search function in the uper right hand corner is a wonderful device. When I arrived here I knew nothing about Reps. Well now that I have been here for a while I can say that, :huh: well I still dont know anything about reps, but Im a bad example :p So roll up your sleeves and get to it, I promise you it will be a great experence. Happy hunting :) Mike

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