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Everything posted by maxman

  1. Thanks W...good to hear from you my friend. Hope all Is well. Talk soon. Mike
  2. One of my favorite Seawolf pics from RWG member Bazz. Here's his review if you're Interested. http://www.rwg.cc/to...venger-seawolf/
  3. Ha ha. I agree..not a bad price. Especially when you consider that the gens on the bracelet are over $3000.00. The Seawolf Is also "one" of the best reps ever made Imho. Excellent build quailty on these things. The accuracy of the replication is also outstanding. I'm Indeed excited about this rep. Always kicked myself for not picking one up the first time around. But now with the SLN....happy days. Mike
  4. The Steelfish on the bracelet with the ETA 2836 is $388.00. So my guess Is It will very close to that price point.. Maybe a little cheeper elsewhere.
  5. WOW..sorry to hear that. Glad It's over and hope you never have to through that hell again.
  6. I've been waiting for what seems like ages for the Seawolf to return. One of my all time favorite reps to be sure. Im going to contact a few dealers and get a price... then I will order the yellow. This Is the first time I have been really excited about a rep In a long long time. I know Im not alone here. I cant be 100% sure but It looks like. It may have received the C3 Super lume treatment this time around. Big plus If thats the case. Open link...then close It...then open again If necessary. http://www.1-pc8838....8a-p-12529.html Mike
  7. Never had them and pray I never do. Women have told me It's like giving birth...without pain killers. My heart go's out to anyone who has gone through that nightmare. I'll pass on that one...oh wait. :I mean...no thanks. Mike
  8. Congratulations on the Tourby Phil. I guess It's pretty hard to pass up a $56.000 savings. Mike
  9. I got to give Amazon props. They know nobody's going to buy this [censored] and they still advertise It. love It. . Just like there Zenith tourbilion for $88;964.99. http://www.amazon.co...h/dp/B001K3IXW8 It's all for shits and giggles...and I really do enjoy reading the reviews. Well done Amazon. Mike
  10. Hey guys...has anyone tried this one.http://www.amazon.co...f=cm_cr_pr_pb_t I just might pick up a bottle. The reviews make this one look like a keeper. Mike
  11. "Animale Animale"...a fragrance so nice they had to name It twice.
  12. I dont own any Creeds but I have purchased several decants. I did own GIT but didnt care for It....to green. So I traded with another basenotes memeber. I just have a really hard time with Creeds prices. Im going to order a sample of Tabarome Millesime. With the tea tobacco ginger and bergamot notes...I think this one might be the first Creed I actually keep and enjoy. Dont get me wrong...Creeds are Incredible fragances. But those dam prices. But a lot of people seem to be more than happy to pay for the privilege...so they must be worth It. Mike
  13. I actually think of Turkey when it comes to hash. Have you seen Midnight Express? awesome movie. One of the reviewers on Basenotes said that Pasha made him feel like a Persian Prince. I guess I kind of took it from there. But Morocco It is. Mike
  14. Cartier's Pasha for me today. I was at Nordstroms a few weeks back and liked the look of the Pasha bottle. Never really been a big fan of Cartier's cologne. Anyways I hit my wrist with a few spritz. Actually forgot about It and went about my business. I got In my car to leave and I smelled this wonderful clean fresh sent. It was different and I loved It's uniqueness. I returned to Nordstroms and purchased a bottle. The sent reminds me of what a Persian haberdashery with some hashish burning In the background might smell like...a bit exotic If you will. Mike
  15. I can only share my personal experence with Ken over the last four(almost) years. Always been friendly and has always deliverd "exactly" what I orderd. Since I've been a member here I have seen Ken bend over backwards to please a customer. I have not only seen Ken barely break even with a sale but know that he has actually lost money so as to meet the exspectations needs and desires of a customer. One dosen't build up a excellent reputation by offering poor product and service. Ken Is guilty of none of those things....not by a long shot. So to the OP...try to chill a bit mate. Ken will take care of the situation when he can. Try to remember he has a lot going on at times. "Patents Is a virtue". yo. Mike
  16. Been asking myself the same question....and have strarted threads much like yours. I have also been waiting forever for the factories to release or rerelease the Breitling Seawolf. Unfortunately I dont have a answer. The rep biz seems to be In a slump right now. I hope they will be back to business as usual soon. Most of the latest offerings have been lame at best. Quarts fake turbys.. and [censored] like that...not good. I feel once some of the heat is off they will be back making the great reps they are known for...at least I hope so. Fingers crossed. Mike
  17. Most people I know say Creeds "Green Irish Tweed" Is there favorite. I like It but dont love it...a little to green for my taste. Maybe you should try a sample to see how you like it. It's very expensive......like all Creeds. Here's a good place to purchase decants at reasonable prices .http://theperfumedcourt.com/ Mike
  18. Good to hear from you lobster. Thanks for the link... Im going to have to check that new TM out. Mike
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