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Everything posted by maxman

  1. Hey guys....just discoverd this hidden treasure of a fragance. If you like the Pure Malt Pure Havane Pure Coffee line from Thierry Mugler...then you're going to love this one. Animale Animale by Animale Parfumes(1994). I purchased a 3.3oz bottle from Amazon for $20.00.....thats right...$20.00...and this stuff Is fantastic. Many In the fragance community believe that Thierry Mugler was Inspired by this sent. After wearing It a few days I agree. The original Angel Men came out In 1996...so ya...I believe that Thierry was motivated by Animal Animal. When I first heard about this fragance I thought It would be a cheep knock off of A*Men....I could not have been more wrong. In a word....this [censored] Is AWESOME. At about 1/4 of the price or less...you get the best notes from Pure Havane and Pure Malt...does it really get any better than that? To my nose...no It does not. I've been wearing Animale Animale for about three days now. What can I say...I just love it. The thing that keeps going through my mind is..."how can they make something this good for this price"? I guess It just go's to show you how over priced many of the Niche and designer fragrances are. For example Pure malt and Pure Havane go for around $125.00 on Amazon for a 3.4oz. Thats when there In stock...which Is not often. You can do a bit better on the flea but I have had some negative experences on ebay. So I dont purchase my cologne there anymore. To many fakes and [censored] to deal with. If you have found a good seller on ebay ...fine. If not...stay away. Animal Animal has very good projection and longevity....not as good as A*Men...but very good none the less. It also dosen't have that harsh tar note that you get at the opening of A*Men. I dont really mind It but I dont really miss it either. Animale Is a smoother fragrance IMO. It's also more versatile than A*Men. I can see wearing this In almost any situation...be It work or play. I would wear this most likely In the cooler weather but many also wear it durring the warmer weather. I've been wearing It durring these hot summer days and have no Issues with It...like cloying. It really Is a one of those hidden gems that we find from time to time. The notes come together so very well In this fragrance. So if you are a fan of A*Men....In particular PM PH...and who isn't? Then you MUST give Animale Animale a try. I'll leave some reviews and a video down below. Cheers Mike http://www.basenotes...ID26120103.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Axw2q-xquWA
  2. Hey T....good to hear from you bro. I agree...I must get on of these GMT's. Im actually looking at some coke's atm. I'll hit you up with a message soon as to get some suggestions...Im very new to the Rollies. Talk soon. Mike
  3. I would say that the GMT's are my favorite along the Rolex line. I would love to get a coke bezel one day. well done Hambone.....enjoy. Mike
  4. Yep...man's best friend.
  5. I cant seem to find the original video Andy....but something very close to this.
  6. Indeed...I would love to have a Marathon one day. The one up above on that zulu would be a awesome combo.
  7. I see what you mean....the little loop Inside the B sems to be missing. I doubt anyone will notice without a loop. But I do see what you're refering to In regurads to the loop...or lack of. I have had three SA and never noticed until now. Mike
  8. I was checking out the Timex Intelligent quartz Depth Gauge the other day. Although Im not a big fan of Timex watches....or quartz In general. I do have a Ironman thats been a very good watch for the last three years. That being said... I just dont care much for the watch "that takes a licking and keeps on ticking" When I first saw the Depth gauge I thought It might be a Seiko....one of my favorite watch brands. Yep....lots of love for Seikos here. I just happen to think that It's a very good looking diver. The prices I've seen have been In the area of $225.00-250.00. I do like the overall look of the watch and the tempature gauge Is kind of cool. I do wish It was In fahrenheit rather than celsius. The (LBI) low battery Indicater could come In handy. The Depth Gauge actually has a lot going for it Imo. I do a fair amount of swimming throughout the year....about 2-3 miles a week. Im thinking about picking one of these up and maybe put It on a Zulu for beach days and just [censored] around In general. OBTW...It's a 46mm. about perfect for me. So what do you guys think....decent beater maybe? Im thinking the Zulu below would be a nice look. Thoughts? Mike http://www.timex.com...-gauge-t2n809za
  9. I agree Pete....some of these Mash Up's are very Impressive to say the least. Im going to have to check out some of DJDave's stuff. Here's one I really like. Some funky Beatles.
  10. A Kashmir remix...sounds Interesting. Can't say as I've ever heard It. Im usually not Into remixs unless there done really well. If you find It please post It. Here's a Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath "mash up" that I think is absolutely brilliant.
  11. Very nice looking watch Pete...thanks for the review...well done mate. Mike
  12. Mere mortals? I think not. These are the "GODS" of music.
  13. I have worn my reps over the years In a varity of circumstances....and never once was questioned. I think the main reason is I dont flaunt my reps..I just wear them like I would any other watch. I put them on my wrist is go about my business. But If you try to hard to convice someone that you just purchased a $5000.00 watch and drive a $2000.00 car....well you know. The only reason I could see someone being called out Is....wearing a cheep rep Into a AD...and showing It off....which Is a really stoopid. The other is trying to convince someone that your ticking sub is a gen. But even then most people dont know [censored] about watches or the movements In them....nor do they care. Now watch....just my luck...I will probably get called out today Mike
  14. Hey everyone...Im back. I know...there go's the neighborhood. Just really busy this summer. I would be so dam tired when I got home all I wanted to do his have few drinks and hit the sack. But I took today off and Im just going to kick back and relax. Tonight I will get drunk and get laid. Well Im at least going to get drunk. But things are returning to normal...somewhat. So I can hang with my bros here at RWG....home sweet home. I sincerely appreciate the concern and hope all my friends are doing well. Cheers Mike
  15. Thanks M...I really appreciate that bro. Been a little crazy this summer...so much [censored] to do...so little time to do It. Im sure you understand. So I had some time this morning and thought I would get my old school grove on...If you know what I mean. Mike
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