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Everything posted by maxman

  1. The rep pearl looks like [censored]....and thats being kind.
  2. Strange....I've never seen a watch with a kick stand before As far as Dior being a popular brand In China? All I will say Is "Buick Is the number one car brand In China"....fact....take from that what you will. Mike
  3. Sweet Pamalamadingdong....congrats.
  4. Quite possibly the most famous guitar riffs ever.
  5. I think this 5th deserves a 5th. congratulations dog. You have Indeed helped make this place what It is. The best dam watch forum on the net....thanks to members like you. Here's to the next five years. Mike
  6. Not yet unfortunately....but I have a feeling they will be available soon since the Steelfish In all colors has come out recently. As soon as I see the yellow version...I will buy It.....stay tuned.
  7. It's funny now that I realize that Grans remark about the 50 was referring to the watch...not the video It just so happend that the 50 mark of the video showed some very sexy legs that James was looking up at....talk about timing/coincidence. Mike
  8. http://www.omegawatc...ears-james-bond
  9. Congratulations Watchmeister...I have always admired the Diver 400...very Impressive Indeed. I hope to pick one up someday. enjoy. Mike
  10. Not bad...but a little to high up on the triangle. The bottom of the pearl shoud just crest the top of the Iner silver ring. The pearl also seems to be touching the sides. But not bad for a rep pearl. Mike
  11. Exactly Watchmeister...I have purchased many a7750's over the years...and for the most part they keep reasonable good time otb. But if one wants there movement at full potential....having It serviced Is the only way to go. Mike
  12. Indeed Nanuq. But i was thinking more along the lines of porn. Mike
  13. Is It possible that we can actually do less for ourselves? Apparently.....yes. Google glasses.
  14. Same thing happened to mine...the guy at the watchshop at my local mall fixed It In about 15 min...charged me $5.00. Most of those watchshops have a lot of spare parts...so It shouldn't be a problem. My clasp was fixed over a year ago.. and still no problems so far. Good luck. Mike
  15. Im not sure if this Is yoga or not...but one thing I am sure of. This young lady will never have to worry about drowning....never.
  16. I agree...a very good looking rep Indeed. With a quality strap It will be only be that much nicer. It may not be the most accurate rep around..but honestly...do you really think you will see one of these out In the wild? Of course It's possible...but I would think highly unlikely. It's not everyday that I/we/you see a(apox) $35.000 watch on someone's wrist....unless of course you hang around some very wealthy people that happen to have great taste In watches. I like It...let us know what you think... If and when you get one. Mike
  17. Beautiful....absolutely beautiful. Mike
  18. The thing about Sephora Is that there stores are not consistant. Some days there are a adequate number of sales people around to help you out...some days...not so much. But the one I go to is usually well staffed and samples are never a problem. Same go's for the Nordstroms In my area. Some days the fragrance department has very little In the way of help...they will most likely call someone over from another department to help you out. Unfortunately most of these people are not familiar with cologne and some of them have difficulty making up something as simple as a sample. They spray the [censored] everywhere but Into the decant/ sprayer Thats why I like that they now have been leaving sample sprayers In front of some of the cologne displays. This has actually worked out quite well. Mike
  19. Indeed..I get many of my samples from Nordstroms....If I dont see a salesperson I make my own...usally more than one. Sephora's Is also very good about samples... I was at one about two weeks ago and the sales girl made three up for me without batting an eye. Mike
  20. It's a chilly rainy day here In Charlotte...so I have to go with Terre D.
  21. Thanks for the heads up on fleabay...I picked up a fake JPG Le Male about a year ago...never again. At least I got my money back...and the seller allowed me to keep It. It smells almost the same and quite good actually...but It only last about 30min If that. Mike
  22. Feeling some old school funk today. It's Soulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll train
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