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Everything posted by maxman

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Y2BmLkNKPg Looks like Jason is stretching those hammies out.
  2. Sounds about right to me.
  3. Yes Mr Woof...I just saw this news "flash" The organization says he....Jason Russell..... is a master story teller. Others are saying that he's a master baiter. Looks to me that not just the children should have been Invisible. You just cant make this kind of [censored] up. Mike http://www.nbcsandie...-142970255.html
  4. I hope they bring this one back....fantastic rep Indeed. Thanks for sharing. Mike
  5. Some very good advice....thanks Watchmeister. The rep world Is not as simple as It once was..very true. One can never do to much research as far as Im concerned. Mike
  6. Welcome Alexander....nice to have you here. Mike
  7. Thanks bro...the local Norstroms just strated carrying this last week. Im going to pick up a sample tonight. I will let you know what I think.... sounds good so far. Mike
  8. I too want to bring to justice bad people who do bad things to so many...but we have to ask ourselves..."at what cost"?? I also dont have the answer unfortunately. Again...the problem I have is with the video...I agree with the young Uganda girl In the second video....It's very misleading. I said earlier that my main problem was that the Invisible Children folks lack transparency. Case In point again....They have just disabled the comments...when most were excited at first and giving them the big thumbs up and positive comments....they had no problem allowing comments. But now that many are asking valid questions and giving the video a thumbs down...they chose to get rid of the comments all together. I wonder why they did that? I have to admit...the numbers and Interest this video has generated is trully staggering. When I first posted the video a few days ago It had around 63 million views. It now has just over 79 million views. It is good to see people asking serious questions about a serious subject. Not just taking the word of one film maker and his one 29 minute video. Mike
  9. Happy Birthday Red...enjoy your day.
  10. London by Burrberry for me today. Maybe I should pick up one of those new Burrberry rep watches that just came out to go with the cologne. Mike
  11. Thank you Nanuq....nice read. Mike
  12. Here you go Archie..I guess this is as good a place as any. Im looking foward to seeing some of those tats. http://www.rwg.cc/fo...232-mans-style/ Mike
  13. Well done Archie...thanks for sharing your experence with us...now how about a better pic of that tat. Mike
  14. That looks familiar....nothing beats a original design.
  15. Please feel free to post anything you like...I appreciate your Interest and participation In this thread.....I really do. I should have chosen my words more carefully....sorry. The major problem I have with the video and the Invisible Childern not profit organizaton is It's lack of transparency. The video only tells you part of the story....just enough to gather support and the money that go's with that support. Anytime you have UN forces In another country bad things are going to happen. One dosent have to look any furthur than todays headlines to see my point. I have watched the video three times...I honestly could not get the point of there mission at first. I feel that the videos main target audience are the young FB and YT crowd.....easy marks. case In point....Those Kony action kits were sold out just a few hours after this video came out. Most of these young misinformed people did not do any research of any kind. They took this film makers word as gospel....face value. This is a very complex issue...a few stickers posters and bracelets will make some people a lot of money...but do you really think It's going to change the world? The Uganda goverment has been looking for Kony for many years...why all the Interest now? Also the Uganda goveremnt has been accused of the very same crimes as Kony. Talk to the people who live there and they will tell you this is true. Kony is no longer In Uganda...some say he's somewhere In the Congo. He Is also not relevant any longer. Many soldiers of the LRA are no longer with Kony...they work In there own Independent groups. Like I said earlier....this is a very complex Issue. The people of Uganda say the best help they could get is In the form of better schools....they want to promote education. When I see some of these charities contribute to these issues It makes me very happy. But videos like Kony 2012 do not. I must say that this film makers choice to use his own son to promote this film leaves a very bad taste In my mouth. The only suggestion I have is for people to do there due diligence...research....and from multiple sorces.. Intellect over emotion. . Mike
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