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Everything posted by maxman

  1. Yes they do....that combo looks really good. Mike
  2. I've never considered putting a Pam on a Nato/Zulu strap before. I have to admit that looks pretty dam nice. Mike
  3. Go ahead and post a few pics....you're new and need a little help. No big deal. Mike
  4. This topic has come up many times in the past....and It is a Interesting topic to be sure. Lets face It...not everyone fits under the same Umbrella...If you will. For me It's about value...bang for your buck as it were. When you look at the prices of gens compared to there rep counterparts...well there's just no denying the strong value that reps provide. Throw In the shity economy and the picture becomes quite clear. For the most part you get a lot for your money when you purchase a rep. I'm not talking about those pos Canal street reps.... but the reps we buy here. Many of the reps we buy here are of excellent quality. If that were not the case I seriously doubt that this forum would exsist. A community strong as this one would not be built on shity reps. If I need a watch/clothing/car/etc to represent what kind of person I am....well Im In big trouble. The the thing is most people could care less about what kind of watch Im wearing. I too don't pay much attention to whats on someones wrist. Most folks are to busy to notice anyway... while there nose Is pressed up against there Iphone or whatever the [censored] there looking at these days. I do understand why the gen owner might cring when his waiter looks to have the same sub or whatever on his wrist that he saved and worked hard for months/ years to obtain. But that gen owner knows what he's got... as well as the waiter. If the waiters sub is a gen....well thats the restaurant that I want to work at. Mike
  5. It's Saturday bitches http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEEzbFxEbB8&feature=related
  6. When I first saw this picture I could not figure out what was going on. Then It hit me...and some others as well. Mike
  7. That Is so touching.
  8. Impressive collection mystere....well done. Mike
  9. I do..but I still like to wear it on not so hot summer days. Just one spritz to the chest and Im good durring the warmer months. Not cloying whats so ever. Actually many of the reviews mention that It could be used year around. Unlike A*Men..which Is pretty much a colder months fragrance. Mike
  10. Well make sure you at least brush three times a day.
  11. Ha ha...knew that was coming.
  12. Nice find. That thread does Indeed add a wide range of perspectives to the topic.
  13. Good looking AP diver. Relume and polishing wont be a probelm. But I dont think there is anything that can be done about that dent. I hope I'm wrong. Good luck. Mike
  14. Go with Ken...you won't be sorry. He's very busy at times so you might have to wait a bit for a reply. But he will get back to you as soon as he can. It will be worth the wait. Mike
  15. Love It...absolutely love It. Well done Andy. Mike
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