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Everything posted by maxman

  1. The Seawolf is a fantastic rep..one of the best Imho. Unfortunately they are out of stock..I have spoken with several dealers in reguards to the yellow version. I was told that all colors are out of stock for now...they should become available again sometime soon. Fingers crossed.. Mike
  2. Welcome to RWG Dan. I would spend the extra $100.00 or so and get the better rep. the one you posted has a really bad pearl for starters..not a very good rep Imo. But If you can except this fact..and you are still comfortable with it...then go for It. But chances are that you will be disappointed later and wish you has spent the extra money. The one in the link is a much better example Imo...but do some research and comparisons on your own. Become familiar with the rep before purchase. Hopefully one of are UK members will chime In and address your other concerns. Again welcome. Open link then close it...then open it again if necessary. Mike http://www.1-pc8838....242-p-9795.html
  3. The first pic makes the date seem to high in the dw...but second pic looks ok. Probably just the angle But good idea to ask for a second pic with different date. Mike
  4. (1) Pam (2) Pam (3) Pam (4) Pam (5) Pam It was a very good year.
  5. Lol.. I guess my comments were a little confusing. I've had three Super Avengers..a white battons a black arabic numeral and a blue with white sub dial arabic numeral.....I kept the blue dial. I will probably pick up another white dial some day...I think they look awesome on the bracelet..I also think there one of the best looking watches on a leather strap. This Is the one I have. Again...congratulations on the Skyland. Mike
  6. Im sorry but that FB is just pure evil as far as Im concerned. Im so glad that I wasnt active there..I shared no personal Infomation to speak of..and had only one pic posted I believe I heard that they can keep all your [censored] for seven years after you have your account deleted...all you have to do to reactivate your account is log back in with your old pass word. So In my mind...the accout is never really deleted or deactivated...not fully anyway. [censored] THAT Mike
  7. Good to hear T...thats one thing about this place...someone always looking out for the good of the community. Mike
  8. Congratulations on the Skyland gg..fantastic rep. I agree with Kontic...If you like a bigger watch go for the Super Avenger...I have had three of them...really nice reps...especially now that they have a much Improved (thicker) Pro2 bracelet. At 48.4mm/18.6mm they are a substanital watch to be sure. You could always sell your Skyland later if you wish... being that except for size they are the same watch. Enjoy your new rep. Mike
  9. Hard to tell..maybe 44-46...of course It could be bigger.
  10. Just a wild guess...not much screen time on that one. PP Calatrava?. Nope thats night right...I see a date at the three and small secs at the six. I think. Mike
  11. Maybe I should have said..."beautiful work offered"...and Indeed it is. I've never seen better. Mike
  12. Beautiful work Zigmeister...this will make many of are members very happy....as it should. Mike
  13. I have to give this kid one thing...he sure does have good taste for someone his age. I didnt even know what a Panerai was when I first arrived here. Mike
  14. This kid is only fourteen years old..he has taken a great Interest In his fathers watch collection His dad Inherited this DJ from his own father...this kids grandfather. He wants to become a watchmaker someday....I say he's on his way. How much did you know about watches at fourteen?...me? 0... not a dam thing. Most of my watches came from a cracker jack box. Mike
  15. It would probably better to just buy a new one. I have a older one where the 40/240 at the three are staring to fade a bit. I was going to send it out. Now Im thinking Im better of just buying a new daylights with the a 7753....I havent made up my mind yet but this is the direction Im headed. Good luck. Mike
  16. Understood T..and thank you for sharing something like this...Im 100% you are not alone. At the end of the day It works for some..and It dosent work for others...for a varity of reasons...Privacy being the main issue i suspect. Although I dont care to be on FB..I can understnd why others choose to Interact there. I think Im the only person I know that dosent have a account on FB. Besides some of the folks here. Mike
  17. Anything to with Breitling is great...but those dam blingy diamonds. But I guess the extra weight keeps the pimp hand strong. Mike
  18. Sounds good mate....keep me posted. Mike
  19. Thats the first time I've seen female screw strap on and bum In the same sentence. Well played gaizka...well played Indeed. Mike
  20. Does that mean you have to take short hand now.
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