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Everything posted by maxman

  1. @Pete..almost had me there mate....almost
  2. Im still having the same problems...cant edit.. cant attach files/pics..missing pics from post..etc. Mike
  3. Story gets national attention. I know this is a serious matter... but...the good people of this Texas community were able to get Mr Adams home address. From what I read....about fifty pizzas were delivered(pizza prank) to his home resentely. Im sorry..but I cant help but Maybe the good judge should sign up here...and jump Into are pizza thread. http://content.usato...er/1?csp=34news
  4. Congratulations on a fine acquisition..but I cant help but notice how good the rep looks. I mean the chances of two people wearing this same watch...one being a rep..the other a gen...running Into each other...just saying...and I guess there is quite the price difference. Again...congratulations. Mike
  5. Exactly Ken..."not as bad as It looks" I guess If you are not the one being beaten..or have Cerebral Palsy...ya..I guess then It's not so bad. He's a sick mother f who dosent want to take responsability for his own deplorable actions...shame on that pos. I understand that some kids need a good spanking from time to time...I dont have a problem with that...I probably should have had more than I received But To beat and emotionally abuse a 16 year old girl...who just happens to have a medical condition....well I cant see how anyone could feel ok with those set of circumstances. This also makes one pause and think...what about those spankings/beatings that took place off camera...from my research this was not uncommon...thats why she had the camera In position...she knew sooner or later this would happen (again)..and it did. The father says.. "he Is sorry"...well I dont buy it...oh he's sorry alright...he's sorry that his daughter had the foresight to have that camera on..thats what that pos is sorry about. Texas law inforcement officals are looking Into the matter now..looks like charges may be filed. There is also a tremendous outcry accross the nation for this mans removal from office/bench. There has also been several death threats sent to his office....of course I dont agree with those types of reactions. More to the story has come to the surface....this man abused his entire family on a regular bassis. His wife left him because she couldnt stand the abuse anymore. The young girl In the video is now a young women...21 I believe...She said her father has never tried to make up for his actions..never said he was sorry..untill now...I wonder why that is? She's In therapy/counseling now...and I do wish her and other familys is this type of situation...the very best......sad...very sad. Mike
  6. Nope..cant say as I do. why not make a purchase and tell us how it turns out. Thanks. Mike
  7. "Are budget reps all [censored]?" I dont think so. There are some decent reps out there that wont break the bank...nothing wrong with that. Im far from a Rollie expert T..that being said...If I were to see you wearing this watch..under normal every day life situations and conditions...I would have no reason to believe that It was a rep. Of course If I were a Rolex enthusiast..or really knew my stuff about that particular model...under close observation...well?? I hope you enjoy your new/old DJ for as long as wish to do so.. T Thanks for sharing bro. Mike
  8. Same here again..strange Hope you're enjoying your B day T. Mike
  9. Same here bro...the very same thing. Mike
  10. This is a link to a very disturbing and disgusting video...the video speaks for itself. What makes this especially appalling is...the judges daughter suffers from 'Ataxic Cerebral Palsy" http://www.about-cer...bral-palsy.html It's one thing to discipline ones child...but beating the shi t out of your disabled daughter is something complety different. Her crime??..using the computer like any normal teenage girl around the world....yep..thats why she was beaten. Irony??..Well this pos obviously hates computers....those very computers he hates will now destroy his political career and life as he once knew It. I applaud this young ladies courage..to post this video must have been painful for her. But she should be proud of herself...her father..the family court judge(more Irony) has just been served. This Is the link to the video and article...Please read before watching the video http://gawker.com/58...sabled-daughter Mike
  11. No problem Dave..I just feel that the rep SA are a very good rep....I'll leave at that. Mike
  12. I have worn a gen Dave..I still think the rep is very close to te genuine article..in all aspects. If you are trying to say that the gen is better than the rep....no fuc king duh So If you want to spend around $4000.00..for the real thing... or.....If you want somrthing that is very close....go with the rep. I mean..isn't that the whole idea about buying a rep? Mike
  13. No worrries Pete...the lume dots are fine...not perfect..but very good..I can assure you mate. Mike
  14. Man Andrew...you dont say much lately...but when you do say something???...you rock bro. Bunch of pussys up In this mofo. Mike
  15. Thank you so much Zigmeister..Im sure that you have saved more than a few watches with this very Important Information. Mike
  16. Just a point of reference ............This Is the gen...........................................................................................................and this Is my rep that I got from Tony
  17. That Is Indeed a very nice rep..one of the best. The pics are also very good. Wear It In the best of health. Mike
  18. That is a fine looking piece of equipment Red...very Impressive. My motto Is "go small or go broke" Mike
  19. From what I can see Pete..the gen SA lume dots are different on the numbered vs batton models. It looks to me that the reps are the same way. There pretty well done on both versions. Thats why I say...."you cant go wrong with either model. Of course and most likely...I could be wrong. Do some side by side comparsisons to see how you feel about It personally. Mike
  20. Im sorry to hear this janchik and plaifender ... I also hope Francisco is ok. I believe that after all these months... this issue needs to be looked Into. I have never heard anything but good/great things about the gentlemen..I hope that dosent change...Im sure It wont. Good luck guys. Mike
  21. Imho Pete...the SA Is one of the best otb reps available. I've had three but sold two of them..I have a V1 blue dial with white sub dials now..one of my favorite reps. I believe Chief would agree that the older blue dialed SA rep Is very good...the blue color is better than the newer models Imo. The DW is not perfect..the white surround Is a bit thicker than the gens..but no big deal Imo. If I were to pick one up now... I would go with the numberd version..the battons model Is just as good now that It has the two piece batton. I just prefer white. Add to that the new pro2 bracelet..and you have a excellent rep..cant go wrong with either the black or white version..the blue seems to be a shade or two off on the V3. Actually..If I were in the market for a SA..I would have to give chieftangs franken serious consideration. Im actually hoping to pick up a yellow SW when there back In stock...cant beat the yellow SW If you're looking for a yellow watch...again..Imho. Hope this helps mate. Mike
  22. Welcome to RWG Anthony..If It's watches you are Interested in..you're going to be very happy here. Mike
  23. Firefox and AdBlock.I'll have to check those out...hate those dam commercials. Since It's your post... I'll just remove the video. Mike
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