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Posts posted by Ronin

  1. Late to the debate, but a few "observations".



    The NRA has called for off-duty police in schools. While not a perfect solution, it would likely deter most, if not all, of the loonies who commit these types of crimes. Anyone who would attack a school so protected must, by definition, be psychotic. And, with the current laws in America dealing with psychotics (who have not yet killed or harmed anyone), the government does not appear to be motivated to do anything beyond trying to find more politically fashionable words to describe the insane.


    IMHO, this will add little value.  Any "calculating" psycotic(s) (think Columbine), would simply: 1.)  Learn the rounds the security guard makes around the school, allowing for an attack when the armed officer is furthest from the target zone.  2.)  Kill the armed guard first. 



    The United States of America is a Democratic Republic, not a democracy. 

    The majority are women so I doubt that would even be brought up. And no one wants to return to slavery.

    But the answer is Yes, the politicians  can do that. Then, all the uprisings aside, the Supreme Court would rule on those laws. Their own precedence dictates how they'd rule. 


    But, for argument's sake, let's say they did somehow make slavery legal. Then you would see, right up front and personal, just how the 2nd Amendment would serve. There would be an armed uprising, insurgency, armed conflict for certain.

    And THAT is why the 2nd Amendment is in place.  The government would no longer be serving all the People, and warrant being "thrown off" and a new government made by the victors. 


    Ok.  Correct me if I am wrong but, the 2nd amendment reads:  A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


    Breaking it down.  The "Militia" is to protect the "State" aka The USA from "outside" threats.  Given elected majority, the Militia is NOT about overthrowing the a/current elected US Government.  That would be punishable as Treason under Article III, Section 3.  (In 1791 when the 2nd Amed was penned this could have been the British, French, etc. NOT George Washington because you didn't like his wooden teeth).   


    Also, in 1791 the prevailing weapons technology was; Muscat, Bayonnet, and Cannon's.  That said, I say you can own as many Muscats, Bayonnets, and hell- all the 1791 era Cannon's you can store.  Restricting AK's, AR's, and high capacity magazines are NOT in conflict.

  2. I'm waiting expectantly for that watch. I'm in the first 60 , probably either one or two since I responded about 20 seconds after he opened up the website for ordering. He's slow, but the quality is definitely there. His version is going to use a 2893-2 GMT movement. I would love to have and acrylic insert on that one, but I don't think it's going to happen.Sounds like it's going to be aluminum. 


    I just can't get behind another MkII project.  The Kingston took too long, and ONLY using WUS as his marketing outlet sucks.  As a previous customer of his, it would have been nice to have been notified about the Pan AM project via blast email.  I ~might~ have jumped.  Having my Kingston is actually anti-climactic now, and I could almost care less about having it, it has only seen about 16 hours of wrist time.  :(

  3. Same can be said about auto dealerships. If you are a car buff, or shopping for a specific model and did your homework, chances are you will know more than they do.

    Thanks to the Internet, the customer is more informed then ever before. Technically the salesmen have access to the same info, but probably don't care...except the sales people who are passionate about what they sell.

    The reality about most "Jewelry" stores that sell watches is that watches are often the afterthought for the man whilst shopping for female jewelry. Watches are treated the same as a bracelet or neckless- what looks good, what's your style -vs- a technical instrument of timekeeping.

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