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Member X

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Posts posted by Member X

  1. EDIT: TT has beaten me to it on a lot of the points below but I'm not deleting them now I've spent ages typing them ;) LoL :p

    An AD is an dealer authorised to sell genuine watches, such as the shops you find in your main High Street or Mall. There is no 'list' of these ADs on this board, it is taken as read that they will be good as they are offering genuine products! :)

    The dealer list you are looking for is the list of dealers in replica watches that have earnt the trust of this board and are pretty much guaranteed to deliver what you ask for. Sometimes there are problems but the dealers will be able to resolve most problems - this is why they are trusted.

    The trusted dealers list can be found here: http://www.rwgforum.com/forum/198-watch-collectors/

    My advice would be to hold back on buying anything for at least 1 or maybe 2 months, maybe even 3. This will give you a chance to learn about the different watches, the different dealers, the different movements available, and you won't waste your money rushing into buying something that you later regret because, after learning more, you realise it is not very good.

    Take your time, get reading (especially the noob guide in the introductions section, I think). Use the Search button to look for things you want to know and if you get stuck or can't find information, ask a question!

    Hopefully this is the start of something you'll want to keep doing for years to come! :D

  2. Maybe buy a cheap ultrasonic cleaner to toss the band into and then clean case,etc., as described in earlier responses. I do that a couple times per year on any (rep or non rep cheapie) watch I wear daily as working in a machine shop causes all sort of grunge to get into every nook and cranny of the band.

    I've been thinking about this but I'm not sure where to get one...

    The toothpaste trick is also a great one, thanks for that, Hike! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  3. I kind of came into reps by accident, having been looking for a nice watch for a birthday present for myself and pointed to this board by a fellow member on a car forum. I've only really got two true reps at the minute, a quartz BR01 cheapy and the great IWC Portuguese 1939 that's been reviewed on here (with a Sea Dweller now on order too B) ) but they and the homage watches that I've picked up at bargain prices have meant that I now have a selection of watches that I can choose from dependant on what I feel like in the morning. Some days I'm feeling I want to be smart but understated, so I'll pick up the IWC. Other days I want to have something chunky but classless, so I'll strap the SS BR01 homage on. And at the weekends the Big Pilot is the perfect 'casual' watch that goes with jeans or a shirt or a t-shirt...

    I could never afford to have more than maybe a couple of decent gen watches if I didn't buy reps and 'buy clever' to maximise the value of my limited funds. I think this is what is attractive to me at the moment - I have so little money, so what can I get that's going to look great but also still be working in a month's time? Through the expertise and knowledge on this forum and RWG1.1, I have so far bought well, and I expect to be still enjoying the watches I've bought for many years, unless I kill them through my own stupidity/clumsiness. It's also quite satisfying when someone compliments you on your watch - what's better, someone complimenting you on something you've spent $3k on and would expect compliments on, or someone complimenting you on something you've spent $50 on? I'd rather know I'm being complimented for my excellent taste rather than the fact I have a wad of spare cash to blow on something small, shiny and labelled.

    Overall, though, I think it's just great to have a choice. Could I go back to just one watch now? Not a hope. I've got 9 in the box and two on the way, and there's still so many more great reps out there to buy, even at the amazingly cheap prices for the quality you can get recently.

    And if your woman ever moans about how many you've got ('why do you need so many bloody watches??'), just ask her how many handbags and pairs of shoes she has, and whether she would like just one pair... ;)

  4. This is a great thread, thanks for everyone's input!

    These hex screws seem to be a problem as not only are they hard to get hold of (i.e. impossible, as If you see Kay points out), they also seem to be nowhere near the 1.3mm they're supposed to be, but not as big as the next available hex key size of 1.5mm.

    I am awaiting some screws and a tool from an ebay member that I bought my BR01 homage from, but, just to be awkward, I'm not sure these are the same as the ones I've got on my cheapy quartz rep...

    I will report back when they have arrived (hopefully they'll arrive next week with another watch ;)) and we can see what they're like!

    In the meantime, that panatime link above could be the best bet. I may even give it a go myself for the rep version I've got!




  5. I've always thought the E30 M3 to be a classic- I think I appreciate that body design better than any of the other M3's with it's flared fenders and old school boxy looks.

    When I first opened that thread, I was worried about the potential of a butchered monstrosity that I'd see with a V10 shoehorned into it's engine bay; suffice it to say, I was very surprised (and relieved) to see what appeared to be a rather clean and stock looking body with the completed pics.

    Well done with a lot of custom fabrication to get things right. Wonder what kind of behavior and performance this beast has on the track?

    From memory, the V10 in the M5 (which I assume is where it came from - I can't say I've read the thread in detail just looked at the pics :D) runs 400bhp unless you engage the M-Sport mode (or whatever they call it) where it's 500bhp. Given that the car is pretty much now just a shell lol but taking into account that the engine etc must weigh a bit more than the standard... it's probably just over a ton - which must make for some insane acceleration at 500bhp/ton :Jumpy:

  6. Just wanted to post the same thing...

    Looks good to me, seems they got seconds hand right in first attempt on this one.

    How do you mean hi/low beat ? It is ETA or Asian 2824, just like gen, 28800 anyhow.


    And there I show my complete ignorance of movements still :blush: lol

  7. Both brands were fathered by Hans Wilsdorf; Rolex in 1905, and, Tudor, the baby, in 1946.

    it was in the 1990's I believe that it was decided that they should go their separate ways

    Tudor was supposed to be established as a more affordable line..I believe...


    Er, aren't they just as expensive as Rollies nowadays? lol

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