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Member X

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Posts posted by Member X

  1. I feel like I've missed out! lol

    I think that I have read several thread responses that have characterized NOOBs as mainly drive bys, looking for the "best sub" and then leaving the rep hobby and this board behind. I do not think it works that way. Getting a good rep is not the end of the quest but only the beginning. A successful first rep purchase does not satisfy the hunger, it only increases it.

    This is true, for me in any case. :) Having come on here following recommendation by someone on a car forum, I was only looking for a Big Pilot watch of some description as I couldn't stretch anywhere near to a gen B&R. After looking round I found I was lusting after Rollies, PAMs, IWCs... Having taken the plunge on the $100 1939 Portuguese and been extremely impressed with the quality for the money, I can't wait for my WM9 SD to arrive!

    Even if I can't afford a lot of reps at the moment, I have learnt enough to know roughly what I'm looking for in a watch and what quality I should be aiming for/avoiding, and this has meant that I've stocked up on homages to see me through until such time that I can shell out on decent reps. There are a lot of good reps for not a lot of money out at the moment, but as I'm just starting out in this game and wanting to try things out, homages offer a way to try the shape/size/feel of a watch before splashing $100+ on a rep.

    When I am rich (one day, one day... ;) lol) I will be able to start getting those on my wishlist!

    Thank you to everyone on here who has offered advice and guidance to me and all the other n00bs. Perhaps some aren't particularly grateful at the time but I think those who stick around realise the value of the wisdom imparted to them and repay it to the community! :)

  2. Getat is a great bloke. He's on RWG1.1 as a dealer if you want to ask him any questions!

    The Parnis stuff is great value, I'm very happy with the Parnis stuff I've got so far (below), so much so I've got another two coming in the post shortly...





    The movement in the one you've posted looks a lot like the one in my one above, which has a pretty noisy rotor, unfortunately. However, it does keep great time and winds easily with a few swirls of the rotor!

    I would perhaps recommend trying for that watch on ebay as I have seen it sold. I don't want to take sales away from Getat but at the same time I don't want to see anyone pay more than they have to! Getat will do well enough with the other great stuff he sells ;):tu:

  3. :tu:

    (all I can say to that :D )

    +1 to that! :D

    (although I still don't understand the seal/bucket avatar :p lol)

    To the respondents to my post, I would love to do a guide on best reps under $xxx but I fear my knowledge is still too limited and I wouldn't want to mislead! I'm not too worried about looking silly (I usually manage it at least once a day :bangin: lol) but I don't want to get things too wrong!

    I will see what I can do though - if I can cobble something together to start from then hopefully we can all produce something good :tu:

  4. Should we take the time to have a "Best [insert watch here]" thread but broken down into cost bandings?

    Such as "The Best sub is..."

    under $100 it is X

    under $150 it is Y

    under $250 it is...

    This banding would also allow cheap watches in the lowest band to be included in the higher bands when modding is taken into account, so comparisons can be made with out of the box more expensive watches. This would also show the relative benefits of modding. :)


    Best under $100 = Noobmariner

    Best under $250 = 'Best sub' from dealer Z, OR Noobmariner with gen bezel + pearl, gen crown, reshaped CGs and Clark Crystal (assuming work done by a watchsmith).

    Just an idea!

  5. Maybe it's because I'm not so n00b any more but I was quite surprised to read Carls rant in this thread - I was under the impression that recently we seem to have been doing extremely well for reps that are 95% or more straight out of the box, and for very decent money.

    I'm thinking of the $99 Milgauss that is pretty damn near-gen bar the 21J movement, the virtually perfect Ebel ($250-$300), the cheaper DSSDs that have come out recently, the $100 IWC Portuguese 1939, some of the cheap Datejusts...

    All of these are great watches even if they're not 100% perfect, and for the money they're amazing. Like most people, the only reps I'd really known about before this was the Canal Street sort of reps, the ones that looked cheap and nasty. If the public in general knew what you could buy now for the money, I'm sure a lot more sales would be made of reps!

    I can see where people are coming from about the fact that the less than perfect reps are sometimes not really commented on when posted up by excited buyers that have just received them, so maybe more posts congratulating them on their purchases and suggesting possible mods they might like to do if they are so inclined would be beneficial to the board? Although I don't think anyone wants this place to turn into some sort of lick-[censored] "Wowww, that's amazzzzing" post-fest LoL

    Maybe we should focus more on how good a watch is rather than what's wrong with it and 'needs' to be improved?

    Just my random thoughts pre-coffee on a friday morning, anyway... lol :)

  6. Just an idea, but perhaps we should look to intro new things as an enticement to increased participation?

    For example, I know there must be new stuff coming out all the time but the only time I ever read about it is when someone posts up about them, usually with a "What do you think? Is it good?" type of post. I'm still n00b enough to not really keep up to date with everything (perhaps I'm not committed enough?? :unsure: ) so maybe a thread a week with the new watches that dealers are stocking would be enough to stimulate more posts and perhaps get some sales going too?

    I think generally it's just summer and people are busy, and also finances are a bit squeezed at the moment, no matter what governments say about comuing out of recession.

    The new skin and layout has, for me, made things harder to find too, but then I shouldn't be a luddite as I'll soon find my way round again ;):D

    Thanks must go to admin for striving to make this place better - I'm sure it will all pay off fully! B)

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