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Member X

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Posts posted by Member X

  1. I always try not to handwind automatics after what I've read on here about bent teeth on gears :blink:

    I think the best bet is just to wear the watch to wind it. I've found that the asian autos in mine start up pretty quickly if you place them face down in your palm then swirl the rotor anti-clockwise a few times to give it a bit of a wind to get going :)

  2. ooooh, MilSub is pretty rare - I will keep an eye on the giveaways! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    I think I agree with your approach to building. Unlike some lucky members, there's no way I could ever get a 100% accurate to gen build, so you might as well build something you like :)

    It's not like anyone is likely to pick you up on it really - there's been so many variations of Rolexes that only a true WIS would be able to tell in the wild! :p

    Thank you for being an inspiration though, I will undoubtedly bug you with questions when I finally set to work on one myself ;) lol :D

  3. That's a great post, Nanuq.

    I really don't know how people can still believe they hype when so much is hush-hush around it and they won't release data for scrutiny by others.

    This is not science - this is a politically driven machine that is scared to reveal the truth because so many policies now hinge on persuding the world that the end is nigh and we must do something about it - namely restrict our movements, tax us to the hilt, stop us buying goods that have always been available previously or change the law so we have no choice but to get something else... (in the UK you now cannot buy 100w incandescent lightbulbs, thanks the the EU <_< , and new cars are taxed according to their CO2 emissions so you are 'encouraged' to get something less 'polluting' :rolleyes:)

    Anything that dictates 'the rules' but cannot back them up with hard evidence is, essentially, a religion - and the new climate religion is one where we must all suffer, and we must be stopped from enjoying a capitalist lifestyle of freedom of movement, low prices for energy and goods, and the ability to have freedom of choice. What appears to be socialism/communism/facism (politics isn't my strong point so I lose track of which stands for which - but I am aware that most insist that we should all be 'equal') is effectively being enforced on us even if we don't want it, and that is simply not right.

    The only hope is that, due to the constant insistence by political-puppet 'scientists' that we are all going to die in a ball of flame or drown in the floods that are apparently coming, the public are getting more and more sceptical due to the fact that nothing is happening. Questions are being asked. Those with the skills to do so are getting the information the only way they can (see the hacked emails, above) and putting it into the public domain for all to see. That the 'scientists' refused to give this data and information out is only, IMO, more evidence of the fact they are up to something. Science should be transparent and freely shared. The Global Warming 'science' is far from that, and therefore does not stand up to scrutiny.

    IMHO, of course ;)

  4. Nice! :)

    Thanks :) I did consider re-working the dial so it only had the coronet at twelve, but in the end, I just couldn't be bothered to do it :whistling: I do still plan on doing another 'woody' with the rectangular luminous markers (as on the above dial) but the project's on hold for the moment, as I have other projects to do first :D


    Projects are what I need to get into - respect for doing the work yourself :tu:

    Will look forward to seeing what comes next! :)

  5. Great mod, avitt :)

    As a question... would the graphite treatment on top of DLC treatment make it pretty much bombproof? That would seem a much cheaper way of guaranteeing long life, rather than shelling out a not inconsiderable amount on a gen movement! lol

  6. Thanks indeed :) The watch cost £26, if memory serves, and the dial is simply a layer of vinyl with a woodgrain finish :) I removed the dial markers, applied the sticker, poked holes with a pin for the markers to re-attach, and that was the result :) It should've had the full complement of Roman numerals, but one of the markers snapped, so I had to improvise/compromise on the design :)

    Superb, modding is good! :tu:

    I might even have been tempted to leave all the numerals off bar the rolex crown at 12, so it mimicked the plain dial posted by freddy, but it looks great as it is :D

    And for £26, you can't go wrong!

  7. I was soooooooo lucky with that dial, I got it from a-and-e-watches on ebay with a bid of $31.59!! I already had a dark blue dial but I'd wanted one of those textile dials from the start so it was too good to resist. A&E usually have buy it now or offer (and are open to reasonable offers) but their auctions have no reserve usually so you can get lucky. Unfortunately I also had to pay nearly $30 in postage to the UK but I combined the dial with the white gold bezel, so it wasn't too bad. This is their more normal price - http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Rolex-Datejust-Men-Silver-Florentin-White-Gold-Bar-Dial_W0QQitemZ300369115960QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item45ef64fb38

    Yes $400 - $600 depending on your spec and luck. I tend to buy watches with used ETA 2836-2's on the bay, again patience is the key, but they can be pretty cheap ($20 - $40) and so far, touch wood, have all proved clean and reliable so there is a saving there. And I still have the option of replacing with a brand new movement at a later point if I wish. The one essential is a Stilty ring, they make the whole process so much simpler.

    Awesome, thanks for the info and links :tu:

    I was gutted when I missed a linen dial go for about $25 :( but live and learn... Next time I'm just going to stick it on the plastic! lol

    Good work so far, I'll look forward to seeing if you get any more completed :D

  8. Damn you!!!

    That's exactly what I want to build! lol :p

    Finding the 'textile' dials in silver is seemingly impossible, or impossible at a decent price :(

    Hats off though, they look great :D

    May I ask if they were within the $400-600 range put forward in another thread about franken datejusts?

  9. What I don't understand is how scientists, who by definition should be investigating all possible scenarios, are point-blank refusing to even look at the evidence provided by the 'few naysayers'. If they are so wrong, why won't the pro-AGW scientists look at what the skeptics are putting forward? Surely they are so wrong that it would be easy to dismiss and therefore worth doing to 'prove' AGW is real?

    Or perhaps they don't want to, because evidence is coming forward that doesn't fit with their computer models, that are of course programmed by humans favouring AGW, therefore are hardly impartial in their calculations...

    The UK Met Office has got the past 2 or 3 summer long range predictions hopelessly wrong, whereas WeatherAction, who base their long and short range predictions on solar activity, have got a great deal right.


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