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Member X

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Posts posted by Member X

  1. Great review :) I only found it through Eton's review!:

    Eton's looks even better than straight OTB with Chief AR and a relume, so they're definitely worth the extra investment on top of what seems a very reasonable price if these are only $208! :)

    One thing I would say... Is it the case that the rep chrono pushers are just a touch too long compared to the gen? Not that you'd ever notice unless they were side by side :D lol

  2. sweet watch :thumbsupsmileyanim: ... panerai prices are fvcking ridiculous... But if you like it, go for it, cuz you'll always be able to recoup your 10k

    +1 on that lol

    As long as it's all gen, all the papers are there etc etc, why not go for it if you have the money - you can always sell it again later if needs be! :D

  3. Every now and then a fellow member here at the RWG will do something SO genuinely kind and unexpected for us that it reaffirms our faith in mankind and renews our belief in our capacity as a community, to do good. We often thank these members via P.M, but wish that we could openly tell the rest of the community of their generosity. The only PROBLEM with that is that if one were to state, for example "I really want to thank "Member X" for giving me that WM9 Rollie, free of charge.", the end result is that poor "Member X" would be rewarded for his kindness by being deluged with P.M.s from other members asking for the same deal. Obviously, the point here is to THANK the member, not punish them.

    Aww, shucks, you didn't have to this whole thread just for me ;) LOL :lol:

    I have too many people to list to thank - so many people have spent time typing replies and PMs to my n00b questions and general pestering!

    Thank you to everyone who makes this community great :tu: All these good deeds can only be good for the karma!!

  4. Just looking back on some of my old topics and thought I'd update this one!

    Watch is still going strong, even as a daily wearer :)

    Crystal has taken a bit of a battering and got a couple of chips in it (Her - "oh, how did they get there? I've not hit it on anything!" Me - "yes dear..." lol) but the bracelet is still remarkably scratch free and the movement is still sweeping nicely, with only one incident of stopping randomly and restarting, but that was several months ago now.

    Overall very happy with it. Needs a good clean now so may do that if I can get it off her wrist at the weekend, but apart from that I think it was a good buy :)

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