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Member X

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Posts posted by Member X

  1. I have 19" CSL replicas. 8,5 (235) in the front, 9,5 (265) in the back.

    The original CSLs does not match my cars offset.

    I'm using a canon 1000d with a Tamron 18-55 f2.8 lens. (For allround photography) I really like the combo :)

    When it comes to handling and fun, nothing can beat BMW and Porsche. (And I love the convertible feeling in the summer time :) )

    Wheel replicas as well as watch replicas! :D lol

    They look good though :) What's the ride like with them on? Firm? lol

    Nice setup on the camera too. The Tamron lenses seem pretty good and well priced too.

    I might have to challenge you on BMW and Porsche leading in the fun stakes though ;) lol Going round the outside of a 997 Turbo on a wet roundabout in my rusty french hatchback was pretty fun ;):thumbsupsmileyanim::lol:

  2. Yeah, I did think that was the case - although what's to stop a company buying the complete movements and disassembling them to return them to ebauches? lol :D

    re: the B&R movements, I'm even less impressed with their pricing policy now... They either use ETA 28xx movements or the Sellilta, and as they're probably both about that price range in bluk, I have even less intention of shelling out

  3. B&R, I mean.. I like the concept. But it makes me think "Wow look! Its JUST like an aviation guage!"... To the point where it looks like it was yanked out of the cockpit and should have wires hanging out the back!

    And that, I would say, is the point ;):D lol

    I love my homages, one day I'll have a gen! But I'm not paying

  4. The level of watch geekiness knowledge on this forum never fails to amaze me :D lol

    I hate Lost - I swear they just started it, wrote random things, then realised in this series (the last series) that somehow they have to tie all the ends together. Hence they are apparently going to leave some loose!

    The missus made me watch several episodes. I'm glad I've not had to suffer all the series! lol

  5. This thread has made me LOL in places, mostly at the general amusement at just how OTT the Grahams are - I think most people are in agreement on them! :D

    Could not stand Rolex watches because I thought only sleezeballs wore them... But I have to say I have become a totel Rolex NUT after all the research and reading on this our beloved forum...

    This is exactly the way I thought and now think :)

    UNs have become increasingly attractive since Lani (I think?) posted the info about the quality in them (gen and rep), and aesthetically they're different but tasteful, which is a good thing. The Corum Admiral's Cup are nice IMO but I agree that the Bubble looks like something you'd buy at a market stall!

    Panerai... I think I agree with most that I don't understand the desire/need to own all the variations. I also don't understand why people pay $5k+ for a handwind model - wtf? Yes, well made and comprehensively tested, but if I had built one from the parts we can get and then spent the remaining $4800 in testing, improving and making it fully waterproof, I'd hope for something that was bombproof, waterproof to the centre of the earth and was lumed like the sun!!

  6. Morning all!

    It's early, I've not had caffeine yet lol, and in my fuzzy headed state I was sitting here wondering... am I alone in just not 'getting' some of the seemingly more sought after watches, reps or gen?

    For example, the famed Hublot Big Bang... What's so special about it? It doesn't appeal to me whatsoever. The design is nothing special in my eyes and even the reps seem overly expensive! lol

    Also, the AP ROOs - what's with them? Another style that isn't groundbreaking or particularly stunning to look at, just very expensive as a gen.

    On the flip side, I never used to 'get' Rolexes but recently I've seen the attraction - clean and simple lines, understated, classic pieces that look good years from now rather than just being a passing trend.

    That's just the odd couple that spring to mind at this time in the morning lol

    Anyone else got any more?


  7. Have a look at threads on the BK/WM9 subs that have been posted recently, will give you an idea on what they're like out of the box and if you would want to do any modding to them.

    I believe that it may be at least a 4 week wait before BK can ship any more due to Chinese New Year delaying things, so be prepared for a wait!

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