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Posts posted by watcher

  1. My watch has been ordered with a 2824 inside to match the Lello 2824 wheel. I beleive he now has both but I knew the older DW's were intended for 2824's so I told Angus to make sure which it was.

    I asked the question about the overlay issue as it is easy to adjust the overlay to be as close as possible to being even all month but not as easy if it comes ready mounted on a DW.

  2. I have one in the post from Lello for my not yet arrived Angus Double AR Ingy and will not be pleased if this is the case. They are not cheap and should not be out of true.

    One question though for thge guys who have one. Is this an overlay for the standard wheel that came with your Ingy or is it already mounted on a date wheel??

  3. Personally i could care less if construction is 1:1, most important is, it accepts insert withouth modding the insert. the so called 1:1 construction from watchamster9 does not accept gen insert.

    Oh yes it does!! I should know as I have one and done it! I too have a gen insert in my new SD and it did not go in without slight trimming of the edge. One in it was snug as a bug in a rug.

    The crystal height is no different after the gen insert is fitted. Find my post and see the pics there.

    @Kelster .....Is your gen insert an older one as it has different fonts to mine which is brand new supplied. The '4' is flat topped on mine. See pic.


  4. I have just bought from her and the deal was good.

    I have just compared this watch with my IWC catalogue and it looks near perfect. I have not compared the back though.

    It is a rep of the Spitfire Chrono IW371705 and should be 42mm as King's site. Just asked her for a price and whether it is double AR as the new watches are.

    I think the dealers are realising that we have the ability to get AR coatings done and feel they are missing an oppurtunity to make some extra money on their end.

  5. Looks very good..but will there be an all SS version from this maker? The new super SD looks good as well. The last quater of 2007 is bringing out serious Rollie reps.

    Yes they do a SS version as I reviewed it a short while ago. Have a look through the Rollie section and you will see it.

    Nice watch and exactly as my SS version. Mine is undergoing some serious gen part grafting and will be released for viewing soon with gen bezel assembly, updated Noob dial and date wheel and new better Crystal.

    Enjoy yout TT!!

  6. Unfortunately King do not delivery in EU,

    I went with PreciousTime, He seed me it's exactly the same.

    I wonder how she delivered my watch then as I'm in the UK!!!! PT is a good dealer though if not a little more pricey but you get the comfort of knowing there will not be custom problems. :rolleyes:

  7. There is nothing to see as far as the bezel assembly goes and I cannot remove the insert now, it is to tigher fit. It is not like my WM9 Sub. I think the bezel fits like the normal Subs etc and the crystal will be a thin gasket around the inside edge of the case.

  8. THe dimensions of a Sub insert are way out compared to an SD insert. Both the crystal is smaller and the overall diameter too on the SD. You must get an insert to suit the 16600 whether it be aftermarket or Genuine. A 16660 will also fit as this was the 1st Generation SD as we no it today.

    There is a gen bezel and insert for sale on Ebay Germany at present to fit a 16600/16660 at $400ish!!

    The rim edge on the rep SD is slightly smaller so I only had to remove a very small amount to help clip it into postion under the lip. It ain't coming out now without a fight!!

  9. Here are a few pics of the new SD I received from King yesterday. Personally I love the watch but I will let you draw your own conclusions from my pics.

    I have fitted a gen Insert and altered the crown gurads. Everything else is as standard.

    This was my first deal with King and was a very good one so i shall use her in the future.







    These pics are when I had my Gen earlier this year to compare.




  10. Just to add after re-reading abou tthe other pictures watch. The crown tube is fat but I did manage to trim and polish the guards without removing the tube(the tube does not have splines like the gens so hard to remove without damage) I used a thin dremel cutting wheel.

  11. Hi guys

    My SD arrived from King today and it is late now so I will post pics tomorrow. Sorry!!

    Having now received this and stripped it down, the post I pasted from Repgeek is total crap!!!!!

    The CG's need work for sure and the bezel assembly is normal as per other Rollie fakes and not at all like gen as per my WM9 Sub.

    I will add that this watch is very nice indeed and the bezel looks much better in the flesh. It is the correct thickness but the sloping angle leading away from the crystal is too steep making it look thinner.

    The pics I will post will show that I have reshaped the guards and fitted a gen insert. The insert needed a little off the sides but it clipped in nicely with no need for adhesive anywhere. Also the Bezel has a nice deep ridge so you do not have to thin down the thickness of the insert.

    The crsystal is lovely with a very authentic look which turns white on the angle around the raised edge just like my Gen did. The bracelet is pretty good too with better than average end links.

    The case is pretty much perfect and thick with the HE valve indeed coming right through the case as described by the dealers.

    The crown is a little lower than the Gen but not so much as to be obvious to the naked eye. It has a gen sized crown tube and very good crown(no need to fit a gen triplock anymore!)

    That is it for now. I will take some pics tomorrow for you guys. :rolleyes:

  12. I have just been on Repgeek for the first time and one member there has posted some nice pics and it looks very impressive indeed. I cannot wait until tomorrow. Here are a couple of his pics and I hope he will not mind me doing this.




  13. I'm pretty sure they are all the same watch but I will confirm my thoughts hopefully tomorrow teatime(UK). I have a gen insert waiting for this so hopefully the dimensions of the bezel will be the correct smaller size compared to a Submariner. I'm also wondering if the construction is the new correct style like my WM9 Sub which would mean the insert would fit without thinning it first. :huh:

  14. Mine left China today from King so hopefully it will arrive ahead of Friday. I have owned 2 gen SD's in the last couple of years so I will know straight away if it compares well in feel and on my wrist. I personally think that the marginally thinner bezel will have no difference to the naked eye over a gen and I have a gen SD insert waiting to fit in this little beauty if the bezel dimensions are correct! :D

  15. The only one available unless you want to spend $2500 for a Rollie movement example, the latest eta 2836 model (353)that all the dealers have. The eta version of the other better cased example (352)does not have the same case as shown in the picture.

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