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Posts posted by lanikai

  1. Yukis has the better insert the only catch is you have to buy the pearl separately... the gen can be had on the gen fora's and ebay sometimes... better price on the gen fora's though

    WSO is cheap but inaccurate

    Clarks has the incorrect pearl also but the size will fit the acrylic.. and Clarks also sells the acrylic pearl... theirs cannot be bleached out.. WSO and Yuki's can..

    Yuki's fades the best to silver metallic.

  2. 'theflyingdutchman' date='05 February 2010 - 09:45 PM' timestamp='1265442313' post='790376']

    Hi, your not negative at all! Just not up to date on HBB's! The name HBB Gold is the gen HBB name. The rep will of course be not gold, just a "normal" HBB copy. Here a pic of the real deal.

    So the point is it will be a better rep??

    So you posted the rep in your initial post?? or is that also a genuine pic??

    Sorry, I'm kinda lost in the purpose of this thread.. are "you" taking orders for a Modded rep?? or is the dealer going to offer this??

    I'm just trying to clarify your initial post.. and if it is a dealer .. wouldn't he/she just post up on their web sight??

    Are you making a better dial??.. who's doing what and for how much??

    the post is to me vague if the intent is to solicit orders?? or are you just sharing a "project"??


  3. i was looking at some of his new ones coming out and they were 800+ dollars. was quite shocked when i saw the prices.

    i know the quality is high and its cheap in comparison to gens but i'm wondering how many guys out there would pay that price?

    I buy exclusively from Joshua.. but if I am going to use an Valjoux 7750 .. I'll buy one and send it to Ziggy for a swap.. it actually comes out the same as buying the rep with the eta 7750 movement.. but I usually have the dial lumed and the movement serviced at the same time..and if I am going to invest in an eta 7750 the watch needs to be in the Super Rep. category ... and with Ziggy's work I know it will perform for years to come..

    AS only a select number of my reps have the Valjoux 7750 transplanted in them..but I think that they are worth the upgrade... although the A7750 is a very good movement after Ziggy services them.. the eta 7750 is great after the servicing..

    even a couple of years ago the eta 7750's were going North of 700 usd..

  4. I have similar feelings about the matter regarding Josh's exceptional customer service. But, one thing has stood out to me as of late: I've been dealing with Josh since 2005. But, I swear that whenever I get e-mails from him now, it's like it's someone else. I mean, the way he expresses himself, his domination of the English language on e-mails, all that stuff was very different in 2005. Weird. It does not bother me. But, sometimes I thing "Josh" is several people working in concert ... and they do a great job!

    Both Joshua and Andrew are College educated business men... they are not your typical rep merchants..let's say others are working round the clock to answer emails.. I'm not saying that this is factual.. and they relay the pertinent info to Joshua, and reply with his answer.. good way to service the customers in that in this day and age of .. instant gratification.. seems like a smart way to always be available.. he does answer all my emails, himself..otherwise someone else could not remember all the details from a month ago.... when he is on biz trips in China.. he will reply via blackberry.. weather boarding the plane or on the road..

    I've gotten so used to his immediate communications.. it spoils me and I have to remember with everyone else on the net.. especially when ordering parts from around the net.. it may take 24 hours at the least to get a reply.. and another 24 before I get another even though I send it immediately after the first reply.. :lol:

  5. The only thing that griped me about the 4th gen was the crown. But would be nice to have the correct crown, pearl, correct He location again (why don't they do this right on current models escapes me completely), and omega emblem under the 12 needs flat feet and people have noticed this from the beginning, before the 4th gen. Accepting gen crown tube would at least be a start. The gen crown is not expensive at all.

    the caveat to dissecting the genuine ...imo.. is it still doesn't cover the issue of the movement.. the movement dictates the crown position.. so there is no way around that .. fingers crossed for that issue as well as the other details.

  6. Hey Lani, Jeff G.

    Just wanted to say, I didn't call the clasp crap, I was just reading some comments from the 'Search' facility and someone said it was pure trash, which was contary to what I had heard. The truth is I really want a SOH, but since the pound is now on parity with chocolate money, it makes all reps a lot more expensive. But I think I am going to pull the trigger. Which then brings me to the second problem (Lani's fault) I normally buy from Eurotimez, but they have had some pretty bad reviews and well i'm just a bit jitery. Reason I blame Lani, unfairly, is because of the little problem, I read he had getting some parts from them, and being a pensioner before he got them, if he even did in the end, not sure.


    No one's blaming you .. fyi.. marcl :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    I just wanted to clear up any misconceptions you may have been led to believe.. it may be in all likelihood the person commenting on the clasp got a defective one.. who knows ?? :)

    Here's your choices for dealers who ship inside the EU.. 1. Perfect Clones, 2. Puretime, 3. ETZ ... maybe ETZ has cleaned up theirs communications ?? dunno know I'm still waiting on my items, not shipped out yet. ..it's only been 2 months now..but hey.. no ones perfect.. :rofl:

    We in the US have been dealing with the devaluation of the Dollar forever.. so I understand how ya feel.. the shoe is rarely on the other foot when it comes to the dollar and the Pound.. B)


  7. I have been purchasing my reps from Joshua now for some years.. and not once has he left a issue hanging, and has gone out of his way at times to source a part for a watch I bought from him .. or gone further in sourcing me parts for a project I'm working on.. even to the point of not allowing a sale .. which in his opinion may be defective or not up to the standards that he and I agree on. I am always pleased with his after purchase service..

    A lot of dealers have come in with a bang and promises over the years and fizzled out .. in over their heads .. Josh has been a fixture and a dealer that has ..imo.. influenced the way reps are made, all for the better in the past few years.. some of our dealers have taken the makers to new heights.. and Josh along with Andrew.. and King have proven they are an effective force in the rep world..


  8. I'm looking forward to seeing how this pans out. Silix claims to already offere an updated model over the 4th generation but nobody seems to have bought one and posted photos. This is by far my favorite watch of all time. And I'd agree this is a better watch to own in gen than a submariner. It is aesthetically a great deal more appealing and a much better deal, not to go into details of what the AD told me about coaxial escapement being much more refined than the movement inside a rolex which I'm not totally in agreement with. Well if it isn't out already, then what the heck is Silix offering? Silix is acting like it is already out imho.

    And above, that seamaster with black&white dial looks a hell of a lot better than any rolex daytona I've ever laid eyes on. Plus the blue seamaster with chronos was done extremely well and looks almost 100% identical to a gen.

    There are lot of different makers trying to out do and out market the next.. ergo the secrecy in the release until the last minute.. or in this case announcing it in advance.. perhaps because to the competition.. who knows..

    the makers are reinventing the wheel, so to speak.. because.. imo.. the PO is like the Sub.. it will never fade away..

    but as far as the genuine.. to service the CoAxil movement costs about 4 to 5 hundred.. and not all watch smiths have the special tools.. ergo it has to go to the AD for service and that's like taking it in to the Car dealer for a tune up.. mcuh more $$ involved..and I never trust the car dealers or AD's in giving an honest appraisal of the work done..

    Although a gen is a gen.. I'll stick with the franken UPO and soon PO..

    I myself would not pick the PO "over" the Rolex subs.. but they each have distinctive personalities and I like them both


  9. Chief has a run to sign up for ... now is the time to at least get the crystal AR'd the rest you can deeal with later..

    order a Clarks 295c remove the mag .. using heat.. send it into Chief for AR

    Your half way home..

    for me the AR under the mag really makes the watch.. I cannot take my eye's off it .. it really did come out better than I thought it would.

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