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Posts posted by lanikai

  1. I always wonder out loud to myself this same thought.. what if I check out tomorrow.. what would happen to my collection.. well I figure I would leave an email with my brother or another family member and have en contact Ubi.. or Kruzer.. so some of my watches can find a good home.. that would make me happy to know they were going to RWG'rs..

    but as far as an inventory.,.

    nah.. to lazy.. :lol:

  2. At one time it was one of the faves here.. and still is a good one to have in any collection.. imo. classy looking piece..

    All your woes can be fixed..

    misaligned bezel can be straightened

    crooked markers too


    sometimes replacing the dw with the eta will take care of the problem.. or the ultimate swap an eta 7750

  3. Again .. great thread r..

    but I goota go with Ubi.. my watches are posted all ova da place.. and it would be hard for me to nail down 5 of my top fave.. since my taste change from week to week and month to month..

    But I'm enjoying viewing all the pics here.. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  4. Cheapest way.. a pen eraser.. going evenly in one way strokes.. the best way.. a fiberglass tip pen.. although the pen eraser works really well for light scratches

    I used the fiberglass pen to refinish this vintage case


    Available on Watch Bitz here.. or Cousins if your in the EU

  5. I would like to see Bazz's toppers.

    Great idea R!

    For those of you that are newer to the forum.. Bazz is one of the most accomplished Photogs here.. and I believe was the first to do a splashing water shot on a watch.. may not have invented it.. but it was what everyone else aspired to.. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  6. I read your thread about the Lite vs the ETA a little while back. It was actually one of the key threads that got me so interested in the SOSF. I wasn’t sure if the SOSF was right for me, but I figured for only $100 for one of the best reps around, I had an obligation as an RWG’r to at least try it out for a few weeks! I really want to thank you Lanikai for all of the amazing reviews, posts, and pictures you contribute to this forum. I can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed reading through your amazing macro pictorial reviews and I’m sure I’m not alone. :good:

    By way of update, I’ve decided to go with a black dial and I’ll be getting both the ETA SOSF and the Asian SOSF! I figure this will serve 4 useful purposes. First, I’ve never seen double AR firsthand and I’d really like to own a watch with double AR. Second, no review exists of the black dial Asian SOSF vs the ETA SOSF and I think the black dial will really show what a difference double AR makes in this rep. And third, I’ve never posted a review before, and I think it would be a good way for me to contribute a review to the forum that might help someone else. And fourth, the Silix asian and ETA SOSF’s are ~40%-30% cheaper than the others that I’ve found and I’d like to know if this represents a great value or a significant compromise in quality. I’ll keep you posted.


    Thank you for the kind words Dove .. it is the basis for this forum and what we do here as a community..

    INFO.. so all the newcomers will be better prepared to make good decisions..

    and then you have the next level of knowledge with the likes of Ubi, tribal, freddy, Jojo.. and of course Ziggy and his tutorials and movement reviews..

    I really believe we are best suited for pure tech knowledge.. and everything else is icing on the cake of this great community :victory:

    Now I'm looking forward to your pics and reviews.. passing it along to the next member that is coming on board.. B)


  7. cskent69, on 01 February 2010 - 02:39 AM, said:


    I must be dense - so let me see if I understand this correctly:

    1. Buy clarks crystal

    2. Remove cyclops, and send to Chief for AR (double sided)

    3. put cyclops back on the appropriate side (top), and then remove the AR from the top. The cyclops will cover the tops AR which is under the cyclops

    4. Remove AR from the bottom side EXCEPT for the area under the cyclops.

    If I got that right, then I have one question. How do you remove the AR from the bottom, except for the area under the cyclops. You said that you tape it. Do you tape over the cyclops area (along the straight top and bottom lines of the cyclops for instance) and then remove. Etc. etc. If so, how did you make the curves?

    Sorry for all the questions. This is an incredibly cool mod.


    You can "replace" a Clarks 295c and AR your existing crystal if you really want to keep the coronet etched symbol on your GMTCII..


    remove the mag.. send it into chief for AR.. it will be double AR

    glue the mag back on the proper side. (I like using the UV glue , it gives you ample time to play with the adjustment, and the UV from the sun,, even through clouds is enough .. it will bond before you expose it to UV btw... you have a bout a 2 minute window from the time you start applying the glue to the mag or crystal.. which ever you decide to place the glue)

    Don't worry if you screw up on the alignment.. simply remove the mag with heat ans start over.. the heat will not damage Chiefs AR.

    after the mag is bonded get some acetone and clean the top of the crystal, using a sharp implement to scrap off the glue from around the mag the acetone will have softened it considerably..then get your dremel and start removing the AR from the top of the crystal.. you will need a dremel and green or white rouge, chiefs AR is very tough.. plain solvents will not suffice.

    Then do the underside.. careful around the underside of the mag taking off enough AR just beyond the "line" of the mag... you can tape it if you so choose.. I did it free hand as long as you go slow with patience it should be fine.. tape it if you don't feel confident in doing it .. I would tape one "line" at a time.. just "inside" the mag a fraction of a mm.

    After your done, wash the crystal with warm water and dish soap to remove all the oils from the rouge..

    IMO this is the kind of mods that make this hobby enjoyable..I had not burning desire to wear my GMTIIC.. but after completing this project.. it really makes all the difference.. in my mind anyway..

  8. I do. and it still works. purchased it in Mexico in 96. A shoddy (by today's standards) rollie. It seemed pretty cool at the time. I'll have to post a picture of it. It sits in the drawer and reminds me of the madness it started.

    Great you held on to it .. I can't see selling my first rep. .. or my last.. :rolleyes:

    looking forward to seeing it r :victory:

  9. Wow, what a great idea.......until I saw my name. I will post pics of my collection this weekend (only because I've not done it for a year or two and have added a few). I need to find a wide angle lensthumbsupsmileyanim.gif

    Your collection goes back a way's rtk !!!.. great source for the history of the rep world :thumbsupsmileyanim:

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