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Posts posted by lanikai

  1. It is indeed, brother :D Do you think it seems longer? The year has absolutely flown past for me :D Thanks, it's been a great day so far, and we're going out in a while for a meal in a Mexican restaurant which is quite popular locally, but I've never been to, so I'm keen to see if it lives up to the reputation :tu:

    I guess with all the happenings in 2009 it was a long year that flew by.. if that makes any sense..

    regardless have a great day TJ :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  2. LANI! I think we've had 2 o 3 requests for you to show us a group shot of your babies in one place.. That picture would be priceless..( as well as all the watches in the picture)... Are you game or what?! :victory:

    Just to answer your kind request Plai..

    first I dont have a wide angle lens..

    not bravado .. RobbieG called me requesting a group shot..

    not ma thang :p

    I have posted parts of my collection in 3 or 4 groups .. but gave up after 4

    Maybe someday.. you'll have ta stay tuned ,.. maybe if I ever hit 20k post it will be apropos :lol:

  3. Plai .. the cape cod works well on the brushed surface

    it won't alter the brushed surface.. in fact it will only brighten it.. I use cape cod on all my brushed surfaces with great results.. and use a tooth brush to remove the residue in the cracks.

    all my brushed bracelets get the cape cop treatment :thumbsupsmileyanim:


  4. My very first rep a Pam 217 lasted 5 years until it stopped.. in need of a service..it was the Russian movement..

    but as a start.. I have most of my eta's and A7750's serviced from the get go and expect them to run (which they have) without issues.. without the proper servicing it's hit and miss really..

    Serviced properly and they should be gtg for another 5 years.. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    like all watches rep or gen 5 years should be the norm "if" serviced properly.


  5. Is the side www.wow-first.com a scam side with to high prices? Or just a dealer who speaks german and send watches from China? Any experiences with that side?

    greets Mike

    I wouldn't go with anybody off RWG site for watches.. not saying I haven't for parts.. but there are too many people copying

    our dealers pics to trust anyone not listed here..


  6. Let me guess. This watch is #1021 in your personal collection right? or was it #1022... are there any good looking watches that you DON'T have??

    absolutely beautiful.. what kind of camera are you using lani? i need something that can capture images like yours! my canon point and shoot was dropped to weeks ago by an [censored] stranger in a bar.. it means that I won't be uploading anymore pics at least until my birthday or until i can get my hands on a friends camera to take some shots.. I have 3 watches with Francisco and one on the way.. when they all arrive i'mg gonna be so angry i don't have my camera!!!!

    Nice watch Lani. ear it with pride and joy!

    Camera is a Nikon .. I have 2 Macro lenses .. this pic was not a Macro shot.. Nikon is my choice.. love it.. manual adjustments work best for me with the lighting.. you can manipulate the light to do all sorts of things with the images.

    I highly recommend the Nikon.. and the Bretiling /chrono.. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Looking forward to pics of your 253

    @Tech.. Joshua .. Perfect Clones


  7. Breitling's revival of their vintage Super Ocean heritage was a break from the seemingly endless same ole same ole dials that is their trademark..

    Although the Rolex dials have stayed basically the same throughout the different generations of Subs .. Brietling ..imo hasn't captured the mystique of the Rolex brand..

    A lot of the hype was, or is over the non chrono dial.. But given the size of the case, I prefer the chrono model..

    the simplicity of the bezel, the racer strap.. the golden B,.. and the stick markers.. beautiful.. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    I think it's the size of the watch that has me leaning towards the chrono version...

    anyway just a couple of shots.. simple for a simply awesome replication..




  8. You can change yr nick here eh?

    Maybe I should consider the change... . I've recently been accosted on another site for the same nick I use here - seems people think, because i use "mastrmindalliance" i think I'm smarter than everyone else.

    Maybe I should change it to "MensaBrains"?


    ohhhh Pullleeeaase .. :rolleyes:




    it did give cause for a chuckle though :lol:

    Dang Theo.. I thought someone copied your avatar on another thread...

    so used to you as Pam1A .. ok .. change noted even though I'm not a Mensa braniac 8)

  9. This was a pic of BT Senior at birth..courtesy of TT.. :lol:


    and soon BT JR. will have a dumbbell in one hand and a camera in the other.. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Congrats Papa !!!!!

    looking forward to your review and pictorial of your Son :1a:

    Hana Hou to the proud father !!!!

    May he grow up strong and with all the qualities that you posses BT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  10. Love this shot Lani. Almost looks like you shot it in b&w!

    thank you..

    it was shot in a porcelain sink with very low light .. the sun was down..

    to get the blue lume true I had to wait until just the right time of day.. without manipulating the image this was the only way..

    any pic without the perfect lighting.. your not going to see what the naked eye sees.. so for this lume I had to use the bathroom sink without any light coming through the window.. or any reflective colours interfering. :lol:

  11. Ok.. I'll start with one that I should definitely be wearing more

    SOH Chrono the only unmodded rep I really like as is.


    and this has to be in my top 3 if not #1

    Ubifranken .. not just for the watch but the History and bond with the 80021 Zip code :1a:




    Another catagory.. "one" of my fave Ziggy Lumes BR94-02

    Ziggy just got the blue lume right after the recent gens were lumed blue.


    And of course ma fave Pam at the moment..

    FGD dial and Ziggy lume and OEM PVD on V straps



    My 1655 .. took over a year to source all the parts for this one..

    I treasure it


    Just completed Mag AR project GMTIIC

    the mag looks out of alignment only due to the angle of the pic.


    7032 Monte Carlo



    Breitling Skyland Avenger Black Steel




    3717 Spitfire


    Omega Railmaster



    Explorer 1016 gilt



    HBB AS all ceramic


    IWC 3719 "Slevin"


    IWC Ingy


    Ok .. I really can go on... I am not finished with my faves.. :wounded1: ..because I value and treasure them all..

    Ziggy .. Ubi.. Kruzer have played such a big role in my reps being what they are.. everyone here actually..

    Ziggy takes reps into another dimension.. notice no genuine are posted in my daily wear.. except for my Doxa .. oops which reminds me... :rolleyes:

    Doxa 300NT.. the only gen I'll post


    Thanks R.. for the thread .. top 5 .. kidding me..??? :lol: .. how bout top 50 maybe not enough :o



  12. What about a group shot Lani? One pic? :D

    still don't have a Family photo of my collection..

    but remember awhile ago the GTG in .. was it Brussels?.. and this pic was posted of the event... just a tease from every ones collection.. and I believe Takashi was in the bathroom doing lume jobs.. (that sound Freudian) Imagine if hotel security was called up to this room.. :lol:


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