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Posts posted by lanikai

  1. this thread deals with the 45mm "UPO".. if you have the 42mm it needs to be a certain one (4th generation) from our dealers to fit the gen parts.. you may still be able to fit an eta in there though.. but here is the thread with part numbers for the 45mm version>Here


  2. You can purchase a eta 2936-2 from ofrei for 130 usd.. that is the movement that comes in our UPO's and is very reliable.. the gen crown and tube can also be had from Ofrei as can the gen dial and hands.. there is a thread.. let me look for it that will give you all the part numbers fro the Cal. 2500 genuine.. your case may be the same one used.. the rep dial you have is pretty good.. but the genuine is very affordable for a name brand.. the gen crystal is pricey and your crystal can be Ar by chief Ar service here the best Ar on the planet.. better than my gen PO crystal.. I will look for the thread..

  3. thanks for the time to put together such a comprehensive review of the BK WM9 UN..

    great pics and a thorough analysis.. great job!!

    I especially like the added touch on the lume pics.. very nice !!!

    the only parts I added to my WM9 from BK is a gen insert and a gen oyster bracelet.. I like the feel of the gen oyster.. since the WM9 is worth the addition of a gen bracelet.. I didn't swap the Clarks crystal with a gen 295c.. I felt the crystal was very good.. and it would not need the added expense of a gen.

    thanks again.. Value Added for sure in the Rolex Forum with your interest in Rolex :victory:


  4. If it's one thing that grates my patience are people that are habitually late .. be it appointments.. or whatever reason for being "On time".... I used to keep my clocks and timepieces 10 fast on purpose.. now I tend to like them as close to COCS as possible.. wonder why??... I mean at times for me it is more a challenge to never be even a minute late if I'm meeting someone.. even for a casual lunch etc.

    And definitely never late for a doctors appointment or a business meeting..there was a time when I woke up at dusk in Hawaii thinking I overslept and the sun was coming up.. mild coronary in the business I'm in..I even keep 3 battery operated alarm clocks no on the night stand but around my pillow.. I don't trust the electrical power surges that we experience with our electric company..

    And it came to me that with all the watches we buy and covert.. this community as a whole should never ever be late to an appointment.. :lol:

    there are those I come across who feel 15 minutes.. 30 minutes late is not a big deal :angry:.. although I don't show it outwardly.. it does bother me somewhat.. :lol:

    No one is perfect and there are times that things cannot be helped.. :)

    where do you fall in the category of timeliness.

    I'd like to hear from you all.. B)


  5. Welcome to RWG first of all.. good to have you aboard.. all the dealers listed in the "watches, accessories and clothing" forum are trusted and have the full line of Tag reps along with many other Luxury brands.. so spend some time reading the reviews and toads FAQ Noob guide.. fill yourself with all the info available here..

    once your done.. if you need further assistance.. Holla :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    We are here to support your hobby.. but all you need to know are in the threads.. other than that .. enjoy the obsession


  6. PP is used by ETZ.. one golden rule to follow for PP.. never put anything in the message box having to do with watches!!!

    Nor should you consider a dispute when things are not to your liking.. things can always be worked out..with the parties in question .. if you are in doubt.. ask here, before you pull the trigger

    member sales usually go the PP route, check always with us until you know exactly who you are dealing with.. there are misunderstandings that can well be avoided when buying from members that post their watches for sale.. a better price does not always mean a better watch.... and if you do not know the party I would suggest not using "gift" until you are 100 on the trustworthiness of the party..

    Edit Add:.. one detail to be aware of .. if a member has a very low post count and is selling in the trade forum definitely check with us here before making any decisions..that should be SOP for all of us when dealing with a member that has just registered and is selling his watches ..

    Dealers take CC and I have not had an issue with mine.. they pay high rates for secure payment servers.. but if a prepaid card makes you more comfortable.. then the choice is yours..

    STick wtih the dealers listed on the board.. they are here for a reason.. and RWG is here for your safety.. first and foremost..

    when in dobt.. like you are doing now.. ASK

    Some dealers only take Western Union or Moneygram.. MG rates are lower and it is what I use for DSN and other dealers that take only money transfers..


  7. oh... oh.........

    is it... :Jumpy:





    nah no boner :nea:



    but a genuine appreciation for your gesture and words.. it is true the feeling is being apart of ..

    with that said.. I hope your hunt for your grail watch takes you on a fun journey as it has for me and others..

    And one thing you can count on.. you got all the support one could ask for.. :1a:

    thanks for supporting "Your" Community!!!


  8. simply confident or not .. I take my rep off before entering.. even slipping it my pocket will do..

    simply put I don't advertise what I wear into an AD.. for obvious reasons.. I like to keep a low key approach with the AD's.. you may fool them but my feeling is.. "what for?"..there is nothing to prove by this, other than either the salesperson doesn't know his/her watches or they are not overly concerned.

    for me I just feel more comfortable without a rep on my wrist when I enter an AD.. ole skool mind set of our Cardinal Rule..


  9. Seen a lot of "OXI"-something cleaners at the supermarket, but don't know if it is strong enough...

    So I've finally ordered some Oxiclean Baby at Amazon.com... :-D

    Caseback of PAM172 is supposed to be titanium, right? Anyone has an idea to protect it from oxidation when processing the whole watch?

    DSN has the correct case back I'm told.. but the case back on the genuine is the same colour as the case..



    Posted Yesterday, 02:26 PM

    Hmm, I guess it depends upon the grade of ti and what elements it has been exposed to. I've got two gen titanium watches from the 90's, and they're still light coloured. I wonder if your location (being surrounded by the Pacific :) ) has anything to do with it. Or perhaps my location (watches probably spend a lot of time indoors :( ) does.

    Well the genuine Ti crown on my 089 came from another part of the planet.. and Honpos rep of the 089 is dark.. another genuine Pam I saw was dark.. I think it depends on the brand and what they do with each model.. as the Breitling Ti is dark.. but other gen brands are light..

  10. Agreed on the clarity of gen tropics. I am contemplating on getting a gen T19 too, as the gen T127 on my 1680 + T21 on my 6263 really does make a huge difference!!

    Thanks Lani, too bad WSO does not ship to where I am....any idea on the fitment of WSO's T39 flat?

    let me Know A.. anything you need I can order for you and forward from Hawaii

    I'll take some measurements with my gen T19 and see if the flat T39 matches up..

  11. Was the Helenrou bezel too wide, steep slope, drop at end ... ??

    it does have dimples.. but the Jackson Tse bezel would make the bezel issue right, Jacksons Tse' bezel is spot on for a PreV.. if you can live with the dimples for a lesser rep.. if your going all out with a Zig pvd and FGD dial.. etc.. then I would wait for the Kruzer gen CNC'd case..

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