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Posts posted by lanikai

  1. the TT will be done soon .. it's been a long wait .. but clearly the mod work that is done by BK is clearly worth it.

    3 months 6 months .. one year.. it's all relevant.. gives me something to look forward too.. :thumbsupsmileyanim: ,.. I'm really in no rush :lol: I think of it as .... it would be worse if it were not available at all..

  2. You know, Lani, I have two of these watches from the time Josh carried them circa 2006. Except, although the movements are actual Swiss Unitas, the plates are wrong - not the Swan Neck type like the one you have here. I never, ever wear them, I've just used their straps for my two other Pam reps. These are actual titanium cases, but the appearance through the display case back was incorrect. Now, I have no idea what to do with them. Do you know anyone that could use them? I want to sell both of them - for cheap, since they are incorrect - but I have no frame of reference. What's your opinion? Thanks, brother.

    to tell you the truth .. I don't pay much attention to what is in the display back on most reps.. they are always incorrect..that is why I prefer the solid case backs to the display..

    I posted a how to "oxidize" .. and with that said .. maybe you will get some PM's for your watches.. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    they are cool looking after oxidizing the case..

  3. First.. the rep as is.. is not a very good replication of the "Tantalum" metal.. mainly the colour is wrong.. but in an effort to 'aid" in the colouring of the Ti.. and make it closer resemble the mineral Tantalum.. I oxidized it.. to a greyer look with some faint hints of bluing..

    below is a brief explanation of the metal "Tantalum"

    A rare, hard, blue-gray, lustrous transition metal, tantalum is highly corrosion resistant

    Tantalum occurs principally in the mineral columbite-tantalite. Tantalum ores are mined in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Congo, Mozambique, Nigeria, Portugal, Malaysia and Thailand.

    The name tantalum was derived from the name of the mythological Tantalus, the father of Niobe in Greek mythology. In the story, he had been punished after death by being condemned to stand knee-deep in water with perfect fruit growing above his head, both of which eternally tantalized him. (If he bent to drink the water, it drained below the level he could reach, and if he reached for the fruit, the branches moved out of his grasp.)[12] Ekeberg wrote "This metal I call tantalum … partly in allusion to its incapacity, when immersed in acid, to absorb any and be saturated. Tantalum was discovered in Sweden in 1802 by Anders Ekeberg.

    Now taking this as a hobby and in no way meaning this will "fool" anyone with knowledge of the metal.. let alone the Panerai brand.. it was fun to try and come close to this rare metal with the stock Ti metal of the rep.. actually a nice contrast with the ss of the bezel and CG..

    It is on a Mario Paci "Tantalum" strap..

    thanks for viewing..







    I need to redo the oxidation in a way to leave behind more bluing..

    like this


    Thanks for viewing..


  4. I guess some just like a darker looking titanium. Me I like my Ti light, unless it is supposed to be Ta :)

    I assume this finish will eventually wear off, and the case will go back to the lighter titanium look.

    Actually, no it doesn't wear off I have had these since 2007 like this.. you can take the oxidation off if you so desire..but it will not wear off in time. but the gen Ti crown I have on my 089 is the same colour as the case.. and the crown was not treated.. it looks like that naturally with time... I prefer my Ti darkened.. like the more vintage ones..

    I'm posting pics on a new thread of my 172 Dru..

  5. Just call it the way I see it, Lani, like everyone else here is encouraged to do. Trying to fit in without stirring things up. :clapping:

    But I thought someone might have been confused by TT's post 'bout censorship following mine, so glad to be able to clear it up.

    Not speaking for TT or anyone for that matter.. I think it was just a broad statement as I would imagine a lot of PM's are going to Admin members regarding this thread.. I never took it that you were stating that.. and reality being .. "what one perceives it to be", we all have different realities..and in this hobby realty can differ.. funny that we are dealing with rep watches .. The more you "evolve" in this hobby, one's reality changes (for lack of a better word).. if more knowledge equates to change.. we all do that here..what you fancy when you first get here, your interest may differ greatly in a year or 2.

    All the Forums all have their plus and minuses .. their different age brackets.. taste..just being yourself always works best me thinks.... the knowledge I've learned here far surpasses anything I could of imagined .. coming here for 1 rep.. staying getting involved.. "perceiving" watches and the people here much differently than 3 years ago.

    I'm not saying we are the best out of the forums.. but the best for me.. yes.. everyone should believe that their choice is the best for "them".. and there are those who call all 3 home.. nothing wrong with that..

    We are here to support your quest for knowledge and hopefully someday soon you will be working on modding or fixing your own watches..that "reality" was not even thought of by me in the beginning.

    @P4.. I'm no different.. it's a numbers game with these reps.. the law of averages and chaos theory all pan out.. try 3 DOA

    of the same watch..I get em.. you just don't hear about it.. :lol:

    I know I'm going way off topic with this particular post.. oh well.. it's not life or death.. B)


  6. Ya sure have a way of pointing the finger for someone who wants to abstain from drama Jackster.. :lol:

    Someone, somewhere, had a clear motivation for this thread. If it was to give LoS an opportunity to speak, that has happened. If it was to badmouth RWI, that has happened. If it was to attract RWI members to RWG, that has happened. If it was to cause animosity, that has happened. If it was to claim self-righteous non-censorship, that has happened.

  7. Kickass, looks almost like the first gen PVD.

    Wanted to ask though, any way to darken SS?

    I assume your talking about about giving the ss a vintage look.. the first thing that comes to mind is chemicals .. like those used to strip chromium.. that would darken it, and along with a soft scouring pad,... coins in a plastic jar to give the case some dings ... that should do it..


    Posted Today, 08:25 AM

    I just got an oxidized case from another member here, and it turned out to be much lighter than I had hoped. Yours is the perfect shade for the 172/192 Tantalum models - so it looks like I'm going to have to pick up some OxiClean and do some experimenting myself.

    I have a 172 that I oxidized.. looks good Dru.. I like the contrast of oxidized Ti to ss..

  8. Some may think that they know what we as a community are about, that this thread was started as a plot for various reasons other than asking for the truth... funny it's turned into ugly accusations....some are relieved that the topic could be somewhat cleared up.. some offended to the point of throwing insults around.... anyone is welcomed to post their thought's here.. I understand a lot of PM's have gone to the Admin Team to lock up this thread? .. Passive aggressive comments here and there........What does everyone Fear????.. because to me.. put all the semantics aside.. it seems a lot of the anger towards this thread is coming from some fear based issue..

    We as a forum are not "dying".. are you serious??.. if we wanted to make a statement we would keep "ALL" registered members on our membership count.. as it is the inactive ones are not listed in our total numbers..so please come up with something better than we are desperately trying to "steal" members.. this is one community that does not "recruit".. our doors are open and peeps are free to come and go... talk about a dealer in a negative or positive way.. your thread will not be made "invisible" or locked..

    Do we think we are better than any other Forum.. doubt it.. we are here as support for everyone....I thought we were being good hosts.. to you all.. as we are to RG when they hang here as a group.

    If we wanted to flame any forum.... I think the thread would of started in a very different fashion.. it is not my style to beat around the bush....

    So there was a falling out.. servers are being switched .. if it did or did not have anything to do with money.. so what?? that has been cleared up..

    You Don't want people to ask questions regarding raffles??.. take my name off your mailing lists, and.. and send them to only those that are active on RWI..I can get up to 3 emails for 1 raffle..from RWI... If you all want to be exclusive and keep everything "In House".. lock your doors and screen everyone that wants to register.. cause that is the feeling I get from you all..become a private fraternity.. a lot of RWG members visit just for the raffles..I don't see anyone telling someone that is from here.. they cannot enter RWI raffles unless they make RWI their home..

    I speak for myself, but know that all that are apart of this community feel the same.. we are about first and foremost support.. supporting one another and anyone who has a desire to learn or collect watches.. rep or gen.

    Because one thing you can take to the Bank... Actions speaks louder than Words..But we don't consider ourselves perfect either..

    So whatever Fear is brought on by this thread.. take it for what it's worth.. in other words .. take what you need and leave the rest.


  9. I found the How to .. oxidize your Pam Ti.. it was actually in a "help" thread by Docblackrock.. a friend and long time member..I miss the doc...his wit and banter..

    anyway here it is: How to Oxidize your Pam Ti

    here are some pics of the finished products.. I finished the oxidizing in 07 and recently took these pics..








    Good luck.. remember that oxidizing you Ti is not an exact science.. one and done may turn into repeated attempts.. to get it right..


  10. I think your confusing the issue with your claim of "mean spirited".. you know as well as anyone. that is not what this was intended for..as far as RWG.. LOS has been a member here as well as the other Admins on RWI are.. so with that said..

    I think your statements would cause more animosity than the thread itself.. which has served a purpose.

    I think we all wanted to hear it from LOS.. as before you registered here, for a number of years LOS has been a contributor here also.. LOS registered in 2006 on this forum.. as was D4 and others.

    with that said nothing was discussed about RWI's "migration" issues.. this thread allowed LOS a long time member of this Board also to clarify what he needed to .. imo.. nothing more or less. :thumbsupsmileyanim: it so happened that events that had taken place with some of RWG's "members" happened on RWI.. and since you are experiencing difficulties with your server and LOS does frequent RWG as does D4 and Trailboss often.. I posted this..

    and all involved are members here as well..

    AT one time all the Admins on RWI were here contributing.. posting and sharing , daily actually.. so it was as much our concern of their well being than it is yours..LOS.. D4.. Trailboss all.. have been long time members of RWG..and I'd like to say I respect them all.. :) .. as RWG'rs as well ..

    I feel I have not "invaded" anyone's privacy nor business..if anything it has given LOS an opportunity to be heard..

    Now if anyone does not like that .. I could simply turn it around and say .. what is discussed her is "Our" biz.. weather it's about cars women or watches..

    but I would not do that.. it is an open forum .. inclusive if you just registered or have been here since 2006 :victory:

  11. Lani, I'll have to look for that post of yours - do you know what par is for the co-axial in terms of longevity? Omega used to claim all kinds of things - 10 years, then I used to hear 6-8 years between intervals, but nobody knew because at least the Omega iterations hadn't been proven yet. Now, it seems they've been around enough to get some decent numbers.

    This place has inspired enough mods and tinkering, who know what I'll do next with my PO ;-)

    I hear they are a nightmare to work on .. however you slice it it cost more than a Rolex 1570 or a manual wind Omega cal.861 to service.

    I cannot see the upside to such a movement, keeps time.. it doesn't serve coffee.. :lol: .. like the old MG sport cars .. cool but a nightmare to work on..or so I'm told.

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