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Posts posted by lanikai

  1. I am a member of all the different rep forums. I think they all have different "values". I like all of them.

    Regarding Raffles: The point of a raffle is to make money for some "cause". As long as "some" of the money is used for that "cause" it is considered a "raffle". I know here on this forum, there is a fundraiser sales thread. To me, that is another way of raising money. It is the same thing...on the honor system. I can't remember if an actual "donation" amount was mentioned before the raffle, but that might be a good thing so there is no confusion on what the donation will be.

    I know many times that people are not buying raffle tickets for the cause, but rather the "prize" they will receive. I am not saying that is 100% of the time, but mostly members feel that way. I know we all say that it is for the support of the cause...but come on...

    I hope that RWI does come back, as I would not want to see any of the forums go away. These forums ownership and management are not "transparent" for many good reasons. That is why we all go by user names. The ownership of a forum is private. Unless money was taken out of our pockets directly we should not care about what the money is used for as long as the forum is kept up and running. We all know that running a forum is not cheap and so supporting members are what usually what makes the forums stay running.

    I would be interested in knowing if the RWI forum being down is due to money issues or tech issues. If it is due to money, maybe another raffle could be done on one of the other forums to help them out. Maybe a public statement by RWI might answer this question and stop speculation...

    for us here at RWG.. we have run many Giveaways .. this is as a member appreciation form of our raffle.. for regular raffles 100% of the monies are used for our server usage..if you look at the ticket prices of all our raffles you can figure out how much is donated to that end..

    here.. it is usually the same members that contribute to the raffles.. and I believe they are doing it not only for the prize but as support to the community..

    Yes we have upgrade donations for membership.. but that does not cut the whole pie for our monthly usage.. the Supporter donation has been lowered considerably in the last couple of years.. Admin used to have to ask for donations and many times paid out of pocket for the usage when we were short.. I've donated countless reps for raffle.. without remorse or any kind of favours..I like to think I walk my talk in supporting this community..

    many members are Supporters or Platinum.. and their membershipe status is not downgraded when they don't donate the renewal..

    they hardly ever loose the privilege of the added benefits of the board .. a lot of times it is an honour system.

    what each board does with their funds is solely up to them.. all we can do here is keep to our standards.. that does not mean other standards are wrong.. it is just the way we choose to conduct the forum..

    Again this thread was never intended to call anyone out on money issues or how other fora's apply their finances.. it is honestly intended for whomever is involved in the rumors to voice their facts.. it has nothing to do with competition between boards or dealers.. it is my belief to allow everyone the decency of being heard..and not letting assumptions come in the way of the truth..

  2. Do these come on leather or something? Don't know if I like the bracelet.

    The bracelet makes the watch jc..... it is what attracted me to the rep.. :lol:

    but Perfect clones does has a leather version.. although I don't think this is the updated model




    Posted Today, 04:22 PM


    When you say you now have the "correct" one with regards to the bracelet, does that mean you added a gen or did you buy a rep from one of the dealers. If a rep - where did you get it?



    this is the updated bracelet.. the clasp is like the gen.


    This is the old version of the clasp



  3. Lani, thanks for that great post.

    I have done the same mod but left the AR on the crystal because I really liked the look of the dial.

    Now I bought the latest version of the GMT II C with the 316 steel and we had a crystal left from the version

    before and it is thicker then the old version. Old version is 1.98 mm thick and the new version is 2.18 mm thick.

    So I couldn't use the old crystal and the new one is in for coating now. I will have it back end of next week.

    Lani, can you post the measurements of the clark crystal and the soure from whom to buy?

    The Clarks crystal is 1.98 mm thick.. and can be ordered through Nostalgia-2000 on the bay..

  4. I know this has been discussed before elsewhere, but how hard was it to remove the cyclops from the Clarks crystal Lani? What technique did you use?

    It's very easy actually .. you just need heat.. I use my cigar torch and tweezers.. you can use your stove..

    simply hold the bottom to he crystal where the mag is a the tip of the flame.. if your using an eletric stove you can put the crystal almost right on the coil .. and after a minute check the mag with a toothpick .. it should "slide" right off.. if you are using a flame like on a cigar torch the mag has a tendency to "pop" off so you need to aim the mag at a box filled with a rag or paper towels.. it will pop off aggressively.. so beware of that

    the stove is sufficient for one mag.. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    make sure to clean the crystal from all glue.. as well as the mag or when you send it in to chief the AR will be defected.. as will the mag when you reattach it to the crystal if you don't get all the residue off the mag..

  5. “When a man points a finger at someone else, he should remember that four of his fingers are pointing at himself.”

    Louis Nizer

    “I do think the patriotic thing to do is to critique my country. How else do you make a country better but by pointing out its flaws?”

    Bill Maher

    We are an extended Community.. we share in a common interest.. we have a lot to learn form one another.. it would be a travesty if we just swept everything under the carpet!!

    Drama ?? No... Life lessons... Yes..

    Mistakes are "Learning Opportunities"

    Drama is Haiti.. drama is not being able to put food on the table for children

    This is merely to clear the air for perceived accusations..

    after all even if this is the internet the accused has a right to answer the rumors..

  6. Great selection!!!

    the VC Overseas is a stunning piece ..IMO

    this is mine from an early Eddie Lee version.. as Andy states there is a better version.. but I am happy with mine.. I recently upgraded the bracelet to the correct one..






  7. being a regular member on RWI, this post has made me really sad. i don't know the internal workings of the admin team on RWI but they a have always been extremely professional in every circumstance. this post and the accusations caught me by surprise and have blown me away. LoS, you have my respect and i was sad to see you leave - especially with no apparent reason. thanks for everything you did for us members on RWI. thanks for posting here and offering us RWI members some closure as to why you left.

    The reason for this thread mw is so accusations don't turn Ugly..

    LOS has stepped up to the plate to address them.. silence would of spoken volumes .. but he came here without being alerted and addressed the issue ..I feel for all of you .. and hope we have helped in someway to put your mind at ease..

  8. I hear you. And I don't suggest that it "can't" be discussed, just that it might not be the best place for it (especially while RWI is down for a bit). I've gained a sense, from reading all 4 forums, that the leadership of each maintains a mutual respect and trust for the others and maintains a hands-off approach to internal issues and policies of the others. But that is just a sense I have gained, and I haven't been around very long at all so I could be way off.

    One thing is for sure, there is a lot to learn here.


    This thread is not started by RWG's Admin Team.. they do take a neutral stance on other fora's biz.. imo..there are members who belong to all the rep forums on the net... no one is taking sides with any of the parties involved, Nor is RWG making any accusations..we as members trade with others on RWI and RG.. members here enter raffles at all the fora's

    I am a member here and do not represent the Admin Team.. and other members here also belong to RWI and RG .. the doors are always open here, as well as with RWI and RG I'm sure.. weather you call this home or not, everyone is welcomed.

    We are in fact "neutral" ground and because of this it may be a good place for the parties involved to voice their side of the facts..

    some may say that this is not our business.. but rather than let these allegations grow into negatives towards personalities.. and RWG always demonstrating it's latitude for discussion.. it can only serve as a good thing for all..

    Edit Add: ..if a gen watch is put up for raffle.. it should be the owner of the watch that sets the price .."if" the forum agrees to it and the price of the tickets are set before hand.. I see nothing wrong..

    conversely, I have turned down numerous offers due to the high price that the owner wanted.. I could not justify the ticket prices or the number of tickets.. in other words our gen raffles are to raise money for our usage not to help the owner sell his gen for a retail price... the genuine raffles that we have had has been sponsored by members who actually got less for their watch than posting it on one of the gen fora's.. and in one instance a member bought a grail Rolex just to raffle it here.. and did not make a penny off of the watch.. so for us it is a matter of getting members the opportunity to win a gen grail watch.. and for the forum to stay self sufficient..

    but any raffle is an auction of sorts..we had an opportunity to raffle a PO.. at a very good price.. that was being worked on by a member and his watch smith.. "but".. it would of had to of been fully serviced to be fit for our members.. and that would of raised the price by a little under 500 usd.. and I didn't feel passing it on to the ticket price would of been a win-win situation..

    but if a member opts to sell his gen for raffle it's is really up to the owner what that price should be..

  9. No one alerted me to this thread and I stumbled upon it....

    The fact that I can be accused of impropriety after over 3 years as a staff member on an RWI board is precisely one of the reasons I left my position as chief admin of RWI...

    Proceeds of the raffles went to RWI...it is odd to me that I held 6-7 of these raffles including one for a 005 that was not mine for about the same cost and there was no issue with that one... it did not become an issue until the watch in question was mine... I take that as a personal attack because I can't see it any other way...

    As for my reasoning of leaving, I don't really feel a need to justify it, but I will tell you that it has to do with betrayal by other members of staff...

    I know nothing about why RWI is down as they decided to change servers after my resignation... I ceased any relationship with D4M on the day of my resignation and have not talked to him since the morning of it...

    I got a call from one of the staffmembers yesterday with regards to this yesterday... and between this and that, I am quite sad... three years of service and this is how I go out...

    LOS.. I did not post this thread to be a Jury in the public eye, but the issues can go through the grapevine and adversely affect those involved..ergo.. it may be good for all members that share fora's to hear the facts from the source and not second hand.

    so thank you for posting your thought's..

    I hope everything can be ironed out.. for all involved.. years of service cannot be thrown away from misunderstandings such as this one..

    I hope this thread serves a purpose, to clean up the innuendos and hearsay..


  10. Not wanting the answer doesn't mean I don't have an opinion on how to avoid this in the future. I don't want to land back on RWI with the idea that a similar story may happen again.

    So as you were ready to talk about this subject (fully aware of the comments that will come), I feel I was right to express this opinion.

    For my prize, I will PM you but kindly need to remind you (as we're not alone here and your answer might be misread) that I contacted you twice (once before and once after your illness >> thanks God you're safe) :) + 1 time in the thread itself. I'm a member on all boards, so I have never disappeared from the scene. If I do, I'll say goodbye for sure :rolleyes:

    That said, my disappointment has vanished (although I stayed ;)) and whatever we discuss in PM, the prize (if hardware) will go for a contest when RWI's back (they'll be back). No offense I trust.


    No offense taken coming from you Pix.. I expect nothing less.. no excuses on my part.. the prize has been held.. cause I knew you would be around eventually.. everything I do is out in the open .... and you don't need to "remind" me of anything Pix.. as I could take that a different way than I will allow.. :)

  11. I don't know the details and don't want to...

    But my feeling is that this would be impossible if "transactions" over a certain amount were simply forbidden.

    We talk about reps, this is our hobby. 1000 dollars is a lot of money. So 6000, go, figure !

    I have and will never support this kind of auction, whereever it is, as noone can really control what happens with these dollars.

    I'd be glad to win a 500 bucks rep after I got a 10 dollars ticket... But a 4K one and 60-80 dollars tickets ? Is that reasonable ??

    BTW Lani, still waiting some news about my prize... Should it be an award... :g:

    you disappeared Pix.. the prize you are referring to was for the photo contest I believe and we are still holding the prize.. no monies were taken for that .. I just want to clarify that here.. and you can PM me with your mailing info.. like I said. you just vanished from sight.. no worries.. we did not loose your prize.. but that is for another thread or PM.. your prize is safe Pix.. :)

    being that you personally don't want the details.. just abstain from this thread.. seems like a logical answer..

  12. Thank you Pete.. but we are all in the same boat so to speak.. and if monies were misused or .. someone was "misunderstood" then we as a community need to clarify what if anything transpired.. these occurrences can happen given Human nature.. but all of us need to know what happened..and not be treated as children.. so no one gets "hurt"..

    the membership makes a "community" what it is.. and a lot of members cross over from forum to forum.. so this is something that needs to be brought up.. and in a manner where if it did happen will not affect us as a community..

    We need the truth .. no matter if some think that it will hurt the standing of a forum.. if this did take place then being truthful is the only way to heal.. and believe me it has affected all of use.. one way or another..

  13. Thanks Lani for bringing this up.

    A lot of members bought tickets in the last raffle which was at RWI. Members buy these tickets to win the watch and support the forum.

    Shortly after the raffle started it was asked here on RWG that the watch is only about 4 k USD incl the DLC and people did aks what would

    happen to the 2k profit done with this watch. This thread was removed from the admins a few hours later.

    Now the raffle is over, LoS left, we do not get any answers on that. There was a post on RG asking the same question, I copied it because

    I would like to find out about it too. Now this post got also deleted by the Admins from RG, so what is going on? I am a long term member

    on RWI and I personally know some guys from here. So I really appreciate that this is a topic here since RWI is still down. Here is the post

    which was deleted in RG

    I think as always, we need to hear both sides of the story.

    Thanks for starting this topic. I would have done it on RWI but it is still down.

    What you will find on RWG is the latitude given by the Admin team for members to express their views,.. as long .. IMO .. as it doesn't get nasty you won't find inquiries like this ever being deleted.. I know for a fact that the Admin and the Admin team here never have anything to hide from the membership when it comes to raffles and monies....

    I think everything will pan out in the end and RWI will be up and running soon.. I will give my last rep to keep this place afloat..and others feel the same.. so I think it only fair to ask the question.. from all parties..

  14. Dont doubt it mate.

    But just seems a shame to do that to a decent forum with good members. Not sure what we are talking about here financially but I assume Memberships donation are also under scrutiny or just raffle money?

    Of course I assume your comments have more founding than you are willing to commit to in type. I know R you can be one for 'read between the lines' posts!! :p

    to be fair.. "Benefit of the doubt" is automatic and not just a thought... but if silence is the norm when these things happen then what are we to think or "assume".. since the Admin Team from each fora should be held accountable, we are "Un-sponsored" unlike the gen fora's who have sponsors to keep them going.. and never come under cyber attack, we depend on monies from the membership to keep us online .. this is the price we pay for being here.. and if that trust is broken .... someone needs to be held responsible and step up to the plate not just for one fora but for all..

    I have been in a dilemma, since this happened .. trying to justify raising the issue.. and I do this as much for Us as anyone else..

  15. looks great, Lan...

    amazing timing...my BB is heading North friday...for some tender love and affection --- and some BLUE lume...gotta be different, ya know?!...the best part of reps is tailoring them and making them your own...

    and totally agree that the Blackbird is one of THE BEST Breits out there...in my top 3 (or so!), too... :victory:

    and psst -- my brushed BB has nice tabs... :pardon:


    your one of the very fortunate ones R.. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    with this hobby often it turns out to be a numbers game..

    with a little luck always being a good thang.. :lol:

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