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Everything posted by redwatch

  1. I just realized what I did differently. The first shot was set to aperture priority and it was set to f/22. That would explain the better depth of field. Once the batteries charge up on my camera, I will try going back to that. The other shots have all been in program mode and so everything is being set automatically by the camera. That should help a lot. Thanks for the tips guys! I will keep on playing around. Now that i have a good reference point (the Deville shot), I know what to aim for.
  2. Ok. This time I put a white diffuse cloth background overtop of the grey base. Moved the lamp slightly again. Captured the new white balance setting and set the EV to -2/3 again.
  3. I don't know about the 2813 but my noobmariner has a 2836-2 that has worked flawlessly since I got it.
  4. You can also check out this thread where I posted a bunch of pics of my collection: Red's Watches go for a ride in NYC
  5. Ok, here's a new shot of the sub with the EV set to -2/3 and the light source at a slightly different angle
  6. I'll give that a try. I think the Deville shot was at -2/3ev. The sub was at 0ev
  7. And yet another shot from the copy stand. It's nice having the neutral 18% gray surface to shoot with. Makes it very easy to set the white balance.
  8. Here's a few more shots done with the copy stand. The obvious benefit is that you can shoot straight on with the subject. Having the diffuse light to the sides lights the object evenly and minimizes reflections from the camera. Unfortunately, one of my bulbs burned out today, so I could only use one light - hence the shadow's to the left of the subject.
  9. Thanks Pug! It seems to be doing the trick. Still need to play with lighting angles and such, but so far I have really liked the results I've been getting. Here's a quick example:
  10. No and I don't live in NYC either But it makes a nice backdrop for the pics, doesn't it?
  11. Finally took some time to shoot some pics of my photo studio set-up. I have a large diffuser tent and a large copy stand for shooting horizontal shots straight on.
  12. Spent some time doing a photo shoot of my collection today and I thought I would share it with everyone. Hope you enjoy it! The Rolexes The Omegas The "Other" Diver The Dress Watches Thanks for looking!!!
  13. Speedy for me today as well Lani! Nice choice!!!
  14. You contribute a great deal to this community as well O/S so it's the least we can do!!!
  15. Awesome Lani! Thanks! I need to purchase a crystal press to get the crystal out of the noob case. It won't just pop out. Once I have it out, I will measure the diameter and let you know what I've got.
  16. Not a bad idea Lani, but I want to remove the cyclops permanently. If there is a good aftermarket crystal that fits the noob case that doesn't have a cyclops, that would definitely make my life easier!
  17. Good call. Only problem is....what if I plan to reuse the tube? Will the screw extractor ruin it?
  18. That last pic of the DRSD through the lens is spectacular!
  19. Aside from the laid back attitude and the beautiful scenery, I think i have found yet another reason to finally make the trip to the islands!
  20. You're very welcome Hike! Glad i could help!!! BTW...your avatar and sig make me go zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing!
  21. Good call!!! The one that I posted earlier?
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