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Everything posted by TJGladeRaider

  1. I'm much too old for that stuff anymore, but I thought I had you til you started with the hand spins, That's tough to do with those chains, unless you have wide hands - I always prefered the rope since the ropes are shorter. These days, physical fitness is an oxymoron, and self defense is for handguns! LOL Very impressive. Bill
  2. I wonder if we could find someone to PVD an MBW (Ziggy??)? I like that look, and I especially would like it if it had super lume that glowed like a torch. Is PVD complicated to do? Bill
  3. I wonder if you understand the significance of that "quote." The true significance, and the genius of Quintin Tarantino, is that you have a wicked hitman (SLJ) whose only redeeming claim to humanity is the fact that he likes to quote from the Bible before he kills bad guys - BUT (and does it not seem odd that this wicked hitman would be well versed in the Bible) SLJ is not actually quoting from the Bible at all (Look it up). In reciting this verse, and drawing forth deep insights and darkly profound meanings, SLJ is actually quoting Sonny Chiba from an old Karate movie. Just call me your 1-Stop Shopping Source for Useless Trivia Bill
  4. As of now, collecting counterfeit watches is legal here in the US although selling one makes you a potential felon. There is no limitation as to number that I know of, but I will say that if twelve is a problem, perhaps we can arrange to share a cell. Bill
  5. That's not generally how things work. On TV, everyone gets read their rights . . . the reality is, an investigating officer does not have to read you your rights, even if he arrests you, and no investigating/arresting officer has the juice to make a "deal" binding upon the Office of the United States Attorney. The obligation to read a person their rights applies prior to CUSTODIAL INTERROGATION. If thus inclined (and it works better than you think), any law enforcement officer can arrest you and take you to jail without asking you a thing. IF you are read your rights, assert them in the absense of clear mistake. If the true answer is, "That package is addressed to Joe Blow who lives in my guest house," by all means say so, but [censored] is a bad idea -- a very, very bad idea. Making false statements to an investigator is a violation of 18 USC 1001 that only makes things worse. Where most people get jammed up is trying to talk their way out of a situation, generally hoping they can avoid being arrested. Unless the truth will set you free, lawyer up. What you will do from there depends upon what happens. Having personally had cases where parents rolled over on children, brothers turned on brothers, wives turned on husbands . . . I can tell you that "would you rollover . . ." is a silly question. If you are in serious trouble, you will cooperate with the government unless you are involved in organized crime. In that case, you may have more to fear than the government. There are three reasons for that, the first being a reality that sets the stage for the other two. The reality is, there is no such thing as parole in our federal system anymore. By statute, you will serve 85% of your sentence - unless you die first. A twenty year sentence means seventeen years behind bars unless you die. Then there is Section 5k1.1 of the US Sentencing Guidelines that provides reasons why a sentencing judge can sentence you to less than the guidelines would otherwise require - the principal reason being cooperation. If you are in trouble, and faced with the prospect of spending 17 years of your life making nice with cell mates . . . well, we had a huge banner on the Task Force wall that read, "Play Ball With Us, Or We'll Shove The Bat Up Your Ass." I kid you not. The final motivator is Rule 35 - a reduction in sentence motion that can only be filed by the prosecutor AFTER sentencing (and within one year). In a Rule 35 Motion, the prosecutor asks the judge to reduce your sentence based upon your "substantial assistance" post sentencing. In other words, the government has two separate and distinct opportunities to "flip" you. Now, let's talk a moment about the mechanics involved. Suppose you decide to trade off a couple of "friends" you don't really care much about. An experienced agent has seen all this before and he's going to be way ahead of you. There is no such thing as being a "sort of" [censored] - it's all or nothing. Your new friend is going to let you tell everything you want to tell, get your statements, use them, and let you get used to the fact that you've sold out. Then he'll point out the fine print in your Plea Agreement -- cooperation must be complete, or it's meaningless. Then you'll tell him about your Momma, otherwise you can find yourself doing hard time with the folks you snitched out. So, the answer to the question is, "Yes, if the government has you by the stones, you will roll over on your friends, your family, your spouse, or your Mom by the time the government is thru with you." Of course, you may be different - a real tough guy, a man of principle . . . and Bubba ain't gonna bust dat booty either. Of course, this is an international group so I cannot presume to say what happens elsewhere, except to say that I'd rather be prosecuted here in the US than in any Country I have had dealings with. In China, their idea of giving you a break may be reminding you to open your mouth wide enough so your family can have an open casket funeral (the bullet doesn't destroy your face on the way out). Bill
  6. Do you know where his site might be found? Bill
  7. That white stuff in the background looks suspiciously like snow. We have bikini weather here. Not a complicated choice for most! LOL Bill
  8. You need a spanking . . . or perhaps a duel . . . Supersoakers at dawn. Bill
  9. She'll top out at about 50 - not nearly as fast as the Paramount I had before her. That was a 70+ boat but at 21 feet, it wasn't enough for a family like mine. I was working security at St Louis International Raceway when Shirley Muldowney punched the clown in the tower who staged the next rails while she was broke down on the track. That must have been late 70's. Boy was she [censored]. Bill
  10. Lordy Lordy, is that what you call that monstrosity? Looks to me like you could run at night without worrying about unlit markers! Speaking of which, that's a real difference between monos and cats - although a mono will bounce off one way or another, hit a marker at night with a cat and it can be really unfunny. What does one do with a monster like that anyway. It's uncommon ugly. Bill
  11. BUMMER. Maybe someone knows of one - we live in hope. Bill
  12. A good friend and professional associate showed me a picture of his "dream" watch - an ugly, skeletonized thing that has no appeal to me at all. Nevertheless, Christmas is coming and he is probably too old to have his tastes changed. Anyone know of a rep of this horrid looking abomination? Foogly I would especially like to have something with a Swiss movement - I hate to give someone a gift that goes pftttttttttt. Bill
  13. That boat operator is a bit hard to see - probably because she was eight at the time. That's my daughter showing off for my camera. Pretty cool pic for a little girl to have hanging in her room huh!? Better pic here with "her" car. Link LOL Bill
  14. Let me ask you this -- why? If some Troll wants to blather on with allegations, why hide? I'd rather address his concerns, paddle his [censored], and send him home than have it look like the people who run this show fear criticism. Besides, when you lock it, he looks vindicated and that encourages more such [censored]. Straighten him out, clarify his little mind, put him back in short pants and discourage such crap in the future. Further, what if he is not a Troll. What if his questions were sincere? Is it incomprehensible that a person looking in from the outside would wonder if we are all a bunch of losers trying to pretend we have watches we cannot afford? If that's what he genuinely thinks, I'd rather disabuse him of his misconceptions than leave him confused. Bill
  15. Hi Gio, It just annoyed me to have that Troll suggesting that we are a bunch of losers pretending to wear watches we cannot afford. I think most of us could easily afford most of the mainstream gens if we wanted one. Rolex got where they are, and they have stayed where they are, by violating US law as related to unlawful trade strategies and price controls. My response to "D," that did not get posted was a rather long winded response to his nonsense, castigating him for labeling us according to his narrow viewpoint, ignorance, and very limited understanding. Bill
  16. I have crown tube removal/installation tools, but it's as easy to do it with a triangular or square file. Remove the little o-ring push the file into the tube and tap it with a jeweler's hammer to lodge it in place. Star it turning with a pair of pliers. I'd rather use the tool, but if I was only doing one or two, I wouldn't buy it. Bill
  17. I have said this before and I'll say it again -- Color me wound up, but it seems asinine to me for anyone to decide that any thread should be locked under anything but the most extreme situations. When nobody has anything else they want to say, the thread will die, and as long as they have something to say, why would any moderator take it upon themselves to lock the thread. Are we children that we cannot quit reading a thread when we have had enough? Do we need a babysitter to tell us it is time to shut up? If this little bureaucratic privilege amounts to something to you . . . what can I say. I just set aside Sunday Night Football and spent a good bit of my valuable time responding to a thread, apparently by a Troll, only to find that by the time I was ready to post and spank the silly son-of-a-[censored], the thread had been locked - for no good reason I can see. I value my time, that is pretty damn infuriating and I wish our illustrious moderators would kindly knock it off! Thanks so much Bill
  18. Go for it on the CG's - just be sure and go slow with the right tools. Remove the bezel, remove stem and crown, remove the crown tube and then pack the hole with a tiny piece of duct tape, rolled to be sticky side out (that way, no need to uncase the watch). Then, put a narrow but long piece of duct tape over the holesecuring it to the front and back of the watch. You do not want to remove any metal from the existing seat for the crown. Using a nice set of jeweler's files, work the crown guards down slowly. Those sharp little files take metal off very effectively but unless you're a lot smarter than I am, you'll not find it so easy to put metal back. I use a dremel vise with rubber padded jaws to hold the watch. Ten - twenty strokes on CG, same for the other, turn the watch areound and do the same from the back side. Work from both sides, regaularly examining your progress. Keep a sharp eye on the corners where the inside of the CGs meet the flat where the crown will set. DO NOT use anything to seal the crown tube until you are sure you are happpy with the results. You'll have no idea what you have done until you get the crown back in. Once all looks good, seal the crown tube, Work on cheap watches, or discarded cases, before attacking a nice piece. I really like how this DRSD came out. Bill
  19. Jules Borel it shall be and thatnks - glad to hear that the [censored] at Ofrei isn't ssomething special just for me. Bill
  20. Maybe a picture is worth a thousand words here: General collection Swiss Mov't Rollies Cost -- a little more than 1 gen Submariner. Which would you rather have? Mostly Josh "Perfect" Subs/SD's Cost - a little less than 1 gen Submariner. Which would you rather have? Vintages - Including Four MBWs Cost - a little less than 1 gen Submariner. Which would you rather have? Put it another way. I could easily have acquired several gen Rollies for the MONEY I have spent on reps, and if I had put the TIME I have spent on this down on a billable time sheet instead, I could have bought another half dozen or so (at least). This has been fascinating - who wants to be just another putz who can claim that they spent ten times what their watches are worth just so they can legitimately claim to have been screwed by Uncle Rollie. Bill
  21. I think you will find some very nice reps HERE in your $300 price range, although some of the best are a little more than that, and some that are completely serviced and tested before delivery can be significantly more than that. The garbage advertised on may Internet sites is not something I would want to try to address. All in all, I suppose I have bought about 200 reps - invariably with Swiss movements. For $300, from a reputable dealer, you can expect to buy a very nice watch that is water resistant and keeps excellent time. The rep industry is peculiar, you can always have problems, but if you stay away from cheap junk and buy from reputable dealers, I think you will be pleasantly surprised. Bill
  22. Your watch is coming. Tracking numbers are not reliable, I cannot begin to tell you how many times I have been unable to track a watch, even after it arrived at my door. Andrew is reliable - completely. Bill
  23. Dear Mr. Nanuq, Deacon of Deception, and Prince of Prevarication: I most certainly did not write to you as I have lost nothing in Alaska and have no desire to go looking for it. Further, you may delude yourself to believe that those of us who go "tic tok" do not know of you, but I assure you that I would prefer to be basted with sweat, and drowned in salt water before I'd risk being Nanucked . . . yes, that's what we call it. I suppose it was rude taking liberties with your name, but we all feel that the "uck" adds a certain clarity to the meaning. Finally, Mr. Nanuq, you should know that I actually never go anywhere other than to get slightly dizzy turning round and round on my white leather carousel in my mahogany box - a carousel that I happen to share with a certain orange bezeled Planet Ocean that I believe you have some history with. I must say, that watch has some stories to tell . . . especially that one about the Alaskan woman that didn't bathe in the dark -- what was that, like six months at a time? Maybe my new friend exagerrates, but when you can offend the olfactory sense of a waterproof watch, that's pretty horrid in my estimation. Now, not to be rude, but let's strike a deal. If you'll stop publishing ridiculous BS and penning my name to it, I shall refrain from sharing the rest of that story. I may even send you a couple of cans of Lysol. Bill's Comfy, Cozy 5517
  24. I use two-part epoxy. I use a standard 2" sticky note pad as a mixing palette and use one small drop of each part mixed with one side of a tooth pick. Once mixed, I use the other sharp clean end of the tooth pick to put a tiny dot of it at six points around the bezel and I roll a thin film across the back side of the pearl. Works perfectly, never fails, and removal is still possible if you are careful. Bill
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