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Everything posted by TJGladeRaider

  1. OK, so it sounds like TonTon would have won, but didn't read the fine print close enough. Phoband was the winner and Ed donated $200 just to donate. I'd like to send all three of you the Phoband watch, but I don't have three broken watches with Asian movements and mineral crystals so I'll probably have to send T & E watches that work. You two guys e-mail me your FedEx addresses at TJGladeRaider@aol.com - I already have Phoband's packed. No more gifts . . . that's all folks. Bill
  2. Since it's a duplicate thread, and many people may have already read it, I wanted to mention this post as I would hate to see anyone miss out on what could be a wonderful opportunity to . . . well, who knows? Maybe . . . Maybe Not Bill
  3. To me, and this is just my personal observation, I am always a bit sensitive to "free membership" forums that get you to join and then start hounding you for money . . . a bit too much like "bait-and-switch" for me. I mention that because it may be that some of our newer people feel that way. As I am not an Administrator or Moderator of this board, it is not my place to speak for them, but it is clear to me that those of you who may be visiting are NOT the people the Admin's request, or the member's comments, are directed to. There is no reason why a curious visitor should be supporting any board, and there is no "bait and switch" BS going on here in my view. What we do have is people who come here all the time, read a lot, post a lot, buy watches, and all round benefit from the boards, but don't feel moved to help support the forum. That's a mentality I simply do not understand, especially since there are very few people with computers and Internet access who would find the membership upgrade to be financially significant. To me, it's like having a club that allows visitors to "check things out" where some of the most active members choose to take advantage of the fact that they can remain on permanent visitor status, leaching a free ride off their friends. I suppose that some might find that insulting, and I regret insulting people who (in some cases) I actually like a lot - but that's the way it is. Now, having said all that . . . let's have a little fun. Let's see who has a little faith and $200. Sitting here in front of me, I have a watch. Maybe a nice watch, maybe a POS . . . maybe it's waterproof, maybe it's not . . . maybe it's a gen, maybe it's a rep . . . maybe it runs, maybe it doesn't. One thing is for certain - I'm gonna send this watch to the first person who gives the Admin the $200 he needs for his upgrade. Maybe logic says that the watch must be worth less than $200 or I'd just send the money to the Admin instead, or perhaps observation says I'm a twisted soul with a quirky personality so you cannot be sure, or maybe intuition suggests that . . . who knows. Hey, ya buys yer ticket, and takes yer chances. Bill
  4. And I thought I was a detective . . . you need a job? LOL Bill
  5. I have a rather large collection. +/- 5 secs a day is actually a lot more common than you might think. +/- 10 seconds a day is perfectly ordinary. Anything more than that and I'd be making adjustments. Bill
  6. Actually Pug, the twin towers are "Patent Infringement" and "Trademark Violation" -- "copyright “ is a protection for "original works of authorship,” including literary, musical, artistic, and various other intellectual works. I am not sure that either of these would apply. Patents expire, and he is talking about avoiding the trademark issue altogether by abjuring inscription/engraving completely. What he is completely forgetting is the fact that he has already demonstrated the intent to facilitate counterfeiting by his declaration of intent here. Although he could claim to have been manufacturing generic OEM replacement parts, in the end, his actions would define his intent. Further, it seems highly unlikely that anyone will believe that there is a legitimate market for perfect Rolex cases. Even if he were fortunate enough to avoid criminal indictment, Rolex would certainly seek an injunction and then file suite under the civil provisions of the Lanham Act. They would win, they would be awarded treble damages and attorneys fees, and Danny Boy would be completely FUBAR. Bill
  7. I wrote that last before reading the foregoing - if you actually wish to maintain that you discussed this with a bona fide attorney who assured you that you could replicate Rolex cases to infinitessimal accuracy without issues so long as you abjured engraving, please e-mail me his contact information (same name as here but @aol.com). It would be unfortunate to have him continue with such nonsense. Frankly, it is my considered opinion that this is not a statement that any first year law student would make, because anyone with any experience whatsoever would know how really and truly asinine a statement like that would be. I hate to accuse you of being disingenuous, but I will believe that a lawyer actually told you that once I have actually talked to the fool. I don't know who you are, or what your motivation is, but I would have to say that I question your credibility. Bill
  8. Hi Danny, I think you should revisit your source and check your specs - your machinist must be talking about inches, not millimeters. 5.5 thousandth's of an inch would be competent work, but 5.5 thousandths of a mm is not realistic. That is two ten-thousandths of an inch! The next thing you should consider is the legal implications - you are setting yourself up as a manufacturer of counterfeit goods, and subjecting yourself to potential civil judgments and criminal prosecution. Before you kid yourself into believing that you can avoid these implications by manufacturing cases with no identifiable trademarks, that boat don't float. Bill
  9. If you get screwed by Eddie Lee, please be quiet about it. I'm getting old, and I really might not be able to stand the shock. LOL Seriously, it's FAR too early to be concerned. Bill
  10. LOL - and I run XP Pro on my MacBook Pro. I think Apple makes a FAR superior machine, and I am looking for the day that Apple will finally release these set up this way and support them. Bill
  11. I do have a few! LOL Bill PS, the answer to that question is most definitely.
  12. If you check for a T-39 Super Dome on EBay, you will find a guy selling Clark OEM replacements for $60. That seems like a hell of a lot to pay for an aftermarket so I talked to the guy and he assured me that his Rolex replacements were far better quality than the typical vintage watch crystals that sell for about $8 each and he pointed out that he sells those same crystals for about that same money. After talking it over with Randy, we decided that I should be the guinea pig, so I bought one. As soon as I opened the package, I saw that it was nothing like the cheap crystals. It looks a like more like my Gen 127s in the way it refracts light. (BTW Pug, whatever else you do, be sure and get a gen 127 for that white sub - you cannot believe the difference) The crystal snapped down TIGHT on the watch case, and then the retaining ring was a perfect fit. Tight, but not ridiculous. I am going to order some more for the rest of my watches. Oh, BTW, if anyone was interested in that MBW Red Sea Dweller I posted a week or so ago . . . fuhgedaboudit!!!! Bill
  13. Would that be a short clasp rivet bracelet? For watches that I am actually going to wear, I often remove the bracelets and replace with stingray bands so I have a bunch of bracelets that are still wrapped in plastic including several from MBW. Can you post a picture of what you are trying to match or send me a pic via e-mail? Bill
  14. I don't know whether a vintage must look old - I have a couple of guns a lot older than any of these watches, but I don't mar the stocks or buff away the bluing. Unfortunately, I have not gotten around to restoring some of the old cars I am interested in, but if I had a 67 Camaro, it would be my intent to make it look better than it looked on the show room floor. I don't say that to be critical of your position - not at all - I just point out that there are different ways of looking at things. Personally, I think that the diversity of opinions and approaches adds a lot to this peculiar hobby. At the end of the day, all that really matters is being happy with the watch on your wrist. On my MBWs, I want the best possible lume and I want the watch to look like it would have sitting on the jeweler's shelf. But that's just me. I'll post pics when I get them back from Ziggy. One thing I would mention to you. If you haven't tried it, you may want to look at putting an OEM replacement bezel assembly on the vintages you are building. I have been surprised to discover that they fit perfectly on the CN vintages. You may have seen the pics I posted of a CN DRSD with a T-39, and OEM style crystal retaining ring, spring washer and bezel. Bill
  15. Hi Ubi, Personally, I'd prefer to have you ask for top three, or top five - picking one is so hard to choose. I'll take the plunge though, and say an MBW DRSD. Bill
  16. Kewl. Nothing like running around on the water around here. Bill
  17. I suppose that it will always be a challenge to explain doing things that have nothing to do with the finances involved. Suppose I pay $450 for an MBW 1665 - one might argue that it makes no sense because the CN 1665 looks very similar, either way, all you have is a fake, and if you're going to mod the watch anyway . . .. Suppose someone else pays $5000 for a boob job - one might very well argue that pumping them up with inserts doesn't make them produce more milk. Suppose someone else buys all the paraphernalia necessary to catch and mount butterflies - one might argue that such an undertaking is a complete waste of time because there is no real market for mounted butterflies, and who wants to have dead insects decorating the walls of their home? Then there are those characters who spend a freaking fortune buying the instruments necessary to slap a little white ball from hole to hole. What's the point? Why go to all the trouble to get the ball in one hole, just to waste a lot more time banging it over to another. How about the gym rats who struggle for hours, lifting inert blocks of steel, only to put them down again, exactly where they were in the first place. To me, the bottom line is, nowhere does it say that our behaviors must make objective sense -- and a good thing it is too. If I buy an MBW, and want a genuine bezel insert, I am not going to trouble myself asking, "Why?" There are just two relevant questions, "Can I have it," and if so, "Am I willing to pay what it costs?" And so it is with gen Tropic crystals, crown guard modifications, relume, . . . etc. If I want it, and I can have it, all I need to decide is whether or not I am willing to pay what it costs. Now, once I've got it all fixed up, perhaps I shall find myself taken with something else - one fancy can displace another. In that case, it makes perfect sense to sell the project that no longer intrigues me, and pursue the project that does. What is the prior project worth? That's a simple answer -- whatever someone will pay for it. To me, and just my humble opinion, the guy who spends $250 on a T-39 Superdome while there is one single thing anyone in his family needs is a total ass, and I cannot imagine why anyone would buy more than one watch while his family had other needs. That would be completely beyond my comprehension. On the other hand, discretionary income, "fun money," the wad of cash left over after the bills are paid and needs are met, makes it possible for us to have fun. Once we have met our responsibilities, I think we can spend the rest, or burn it, without having to concern ourselves with justification. But that's just me. Your mileage may vary. Bill
  18. Dude -- you just down the street? E-mail me when ya get a chance and I'll buy you a cup of coffee. Same screen name as this at aol.com Bill
  19. Hey Estaban, Got your PM just now but for some reason cannot reply - I'll send you a phone number when the thing works again. Looks like Archie knows his way around. Maybe we'll have to try that magnificent steak! Bill
  20. Yep, and thanks to somebody from a previous "What do you say if . . ." thread, I'll know just what to say if asked what kind of watch that is. "I dunno, I took it off a dead guy" is a wonderful shelf answer. Bill
  21. Just wondering if there was any likelihood of meeting up with anyone there, Bill
  22. I never thought I'd see a Timex I'd wear, but that watch is spectacular. I see them on EBay for $469 or best offer. That really is a nice looking piece, and I can sure see why they don't say "Timex" on the dial. Bill
  23. Unless you get it from Pugwash, TTK or some other photo guru, don't go by that. I never saw any difference between the MBW Tropic 127 and the gen Tropic 127 until I bought some for my MBW Subs. The gen crystals are not made of the same stuff the replacement crystals are made of. They are much harder to scratch and they refract light beautifully - much like real crystal refracts light. On the other hand, if you happen to have a gen Tropic 39 and you are trying to evaluate it, forget what I said about the miserable piece of junk and just send it to me. I'll PayPal you straight away. Cheers, Bill
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