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Everything posted by sam_tgg

  1. My watch is from Summer last year.
  2. The same to me. I could not find how to comunicate with him. I must say that in the past communication was perfect and fluid, but now the skype works no more. Sam
  3. I will jump! My mother loves it!
  4. The watch is for my increible beautifull. I can not understand, why replica watch buyers, most of who, do not care a sh*t about movements, even have no idea about reall horology, care about a "non seen horological watch". Like Pugwash said, Porsche Design is a very well design group at least in Germany. "Pretty Stupit" is for me, talking without thinking, and thinking about what the others think (too many thinks, sorry). If an stupit guy, laughts beacuse you have a "porsche watch, but not a Porsche car", you can laught about an stupit guy, that talks like it has a brain, but not. Regards
  5. If you can get the watch relumed, and even with an original ETA 7750, you can say that you have a 95% gen watch. Really. I have seen both (gen and modded), and no one should note a difference.
  6. I do not know if it is correct to writte the another forum address here. I can give you the details via pm if you like SAm
  7. it exists a spanish forum
  8. Lets go: 70$
  9. The interesting thing, is if this will be a new version, or just the old one, in swiss and AR like they are doing upgrading the Ingy. Other side, I agree that a Fifty will be a great rep, of a really great watch. and full from History, as the PAMs or Submariner. I just want to say that sometimes the mods fire very fast and other very slow. I am not talking about repgeek, because I do not know the case totally. But for exaple there is one guy making troubles all this time with his sales, and it is not fired. Talking about Chronomat... So, If Eddieplatt breaks the rules, take it aout, but at the moment, in RWG, he hast break nothing. at least at the moment.
  10. I have used it too with TTK. It is nice to have this contact.
  11. First of all: if just The Zigmeister could note the difference bettween both machines, it is more than possible that none of our "suppliers" knows the reallity, and have tools to do it so. They are not especialist and they buy and sell close watches, so they know what the factories says. Other point is that itself, ETA has at least three different prices for the eta 7750. Official prices with different quality (at least in Spain, with ETA official distributors).
  12. The problem with this, it is that would need to have a especiall mold, and this is not cheap. And you need to produce hundrends of pieces to have a good price. even all this points, it is a beautifull idea.
  13. No, no, nothing to do with this horrible thing. It is the one that Josua is making from one of his original watches. He has for some time already the dials, and they have problems with the rubber band, like allways. It was said that it will come at the end of october.
  14. And the Porsche one!
  15. Pug buyed one. He has installed in his GST. I really do not know how much does it costs. Sometimes, it emerged in ebay.de. Sometimes very cheap, sometimes not so, depending on the dial (if it is dameged or not). My GST is a watch that I really like, and it was one of the first super-reps, when this title did not exist. I am gona send to you the cristal, to be coated, because a so dark dial, it is not properlly view with a non-coated one. To sell or not to sell, well, it is up to you. But it is a pity for me, that the people have not enough interest, at least now, for models like the GMT or the spitfire.
  16. I have my cristal coming from K222 installed in my IWC Spitfire and in the IWC Ingy. Increible. In the Ingy, the results, in what you have seen: cryspy dial, and a watch that is getting the 9% of the original. The Lello update will be done the 99% But the Spitfire is a winner. A watch that has no special status in the forums, grows to be one of the best IWC reps. The fine crystal, with the strong doble AR, shows all the details of this watch, making it and absolute beauty, classy as all the pilots watches, but more elegant (less sportive) than the 3717. A winner and a perfect work (with the ARs, the packaing the shipping, etc) and comunication with our AR guy in EU.
  17. Thanks The Zigmeister for your photos and warnings. Looking the photos, it is not just a guy going out of his limints, it is a barbarian playing with a watch! I still remember the guy with the socks and the hockey punch to take out crystals. But ok, he wasn
  18. It is not a normal bus, it is a bus in airports.
  19. I have taked out the cristal of both, the spitfire and the Ingy with my fingers without problem (I must say that I was totally afraid). Bu with the gst I press it really hard butv I could not move it. I have buyed a press in Spain (no cheap at all, but good quality), and I will go in the next run with the GST.
  20. Mines send today to Poland! A ingy and a Spitfire. I could not take out the cristal from the GST. It will go in the next run!
  21. Hi,I would like to go with two crystals. The only point to me is to take the crystal out. I am going to buy a press to pop them out. so I would like to know what is your dead time. Shipping from Germany. Regards Sam
  22. Direct from dealers: at the end of October, some Grahans and the Porsche!!! The Porsche will be superb as is a 1:1 from an original. The I hope the Swordfisher will be a quality one. This two watches are in my Xmas list for Santa!
  23. Do you now someone how to starct the audio? I would like to have it in my Ipod!
  24. Mr. Radio Active, I think (with respect) that you are totally wrong. this bussiness moves thousends of dolars. And they are directed from here, these boards. I mean that you come here, because of the friend people, but also to learn about what is happening, and where you are sending your money. It is not talking about a 10 dolars watch in a beach in Turkey. We are talking about watches (I really do not mind if they are reps or not), that cost more than 700 bucks. so I think this posts are really important. the only thing for me, that I really do not like, it is that there is no conclusion. the facts are shown, and in the last days is just a personal war.
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