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Everything posted by tenacious_b

  1. Well now after looking closely at the ING, the damn case back is screwed on crooked. If it's cross threaded, I'm sending it back. Taking to my watch guy today. Is anyone elses case back higher on on side than the other? I can actually see about a .5mm gap between the case back lip and the case.
  2. Damn it to hell! And I had just started to like this thing. Mine has this too. WTF!!!
  3. OK, let me preface by saying that I am not trying to be a snob or a smartass here, as I am as much the noob on some things as others are on other things. Also, let me say that if Eddie Lee had not been thoughtfull enough to tell me how to do this, I'd likely have had issues with the pins. OK....that being said....I would love to have been a fly on the wall watching you guys pound away on these bracelets and pin tools. What a scream. Yeah, just like the picture above...there is a little spring loaded button on the backside of the little rectangular midlink...you use one tool to hold that spring loaded button down and use the other tool to push the pins out. It requires hardly any force at all, but can be awkward depending on your level of manual dexterity.
  4. Well, after buying on impulse, I was very conflicted about the ING....it's utterly perfect, but I had been seeing it as lacking in something that I could not quite name. Well, I made myself wear it for the last two days to make a decision as to whether or not to keep it, and I have decided to keep it after all. First reason is it's starting to grow on me just a tinly little bit. The other thing is that it is just too damn perfect not to have. I have held real Rolex Subs and DJ's in my hand that literally felt like crap compared to this IWC. It is just fantastic! I am still not in love with it, but I like it enough to keep it. I sat around the other night taking out and re-installing bracelet links just for the hell of it. The tolerances on the construction of this watch are mind boggling. I'd treat you to pictures, but I'm afraid it wouldn't be much of a treat....any of you that have seen my feeble pictures know I speak the truth. Bryan
  5. http://www.europastar.com/europastar/magaz...t_id=1000901625 Enjoy...
  6. WOW!!! that's perfect; thanks.
  7. can somone point me toward a good source for purchasing relatively good priced, inexpensive straps for 44mm pams? I am looking for something that is based stateside and accepts credit cards. Let me know if anyone can help. Bryan
  8. I guess that's an inside joke, and even though I'm not on the inside, that picture still made me laugh pretty damn hard.
  9. Well, I ordered the IWC ING from EL on Monday via WU, which Eddie promply picked up. Said I should have it in 4 to 5 days. Well just got tracking yesterday, which just started working today and said that package was accepted in Taiwan today. So much for 4 to 5 days. Eddie must me working too hard these days. Somebody get that man a pint!!!!
  10. WRIST Here i sit with a naked wrist. My pam 029 disabled and waiting on lug screw bar from Jetsons, my 49mm Invicta Diver Packed up and ready to ship to Riskart. I feel so naked without a watch on my wrist. I don't ever want to feel this way again.
  11. whew! she looks bad close up... I am trying to raise money for a new bracelet so she can feel beautiful...please see link below: http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?act=ST...=12853&st=0
  12. OK, surgery is now over and the patient is recovering. One of the "screw bars" not sure what the proper term is....was destroyed in the process.....I tried to drill it out enough to get at the screw, but after damaging the lug horn pretty well, I realized i'd likely end up completely destroying it, so I cut the strap off with shears, and cut through the bar with a pair of metal shears. I had to apply an incredible amount of pressure to actually cut through it. On the first cut, it produced so much outward pressure on the bar, that it pushed it about 8mm out of the hole, past the still occluded drilled out hole, but it was so snug, I had to use robogrip pliers to pull it the rest of the way out, and that weren't no easy task. After that, unscrewing the undamaged end from the undamaged threaded lug horn was easy. The whole reason I was doing this was to try my buddy's panny bracelet on before buying one, so now, I just need to get a new screw bar thingy and a bracelet, and I'll have my baby back. She'll have one of her lug holes widened (I cleaned up the hole with a drill bit), but other than that, she'll be fine. I guess there's no chance that I'll ever be able to sell her now, but I probably wouldn't have anyway as she's a 2893 and my first rep. You know, I try to avoid getting emotional about my toys, but when I began to drill out that lug hole and I saw the metal shavings start to fall out on the cloth, I thought I was going to throw up. So now I am going to offer some spare Men's Rolex Oyster links for trade for a screw bar, and I am going to post one of my less expensive Gen dive watches for sale later tonight to pay for a nice aftermarket panny bracelet from one our members who sells them on the side. If anyone has a spare screw bar thingy, let me know and we'll work something out. Thanks for all your concern; things were touch and go there for a bit, but I think we're through the worst of it and now just have to focus on picking up the pieces.
  13. I just crapped my pants, threw up in my mouth, and stabbed myself in the eyes with a PDA Stylus to escape the horror of that watch.....if you can even call it that.
  14. yeah, my hand is fine....my wrist-borne flying saucer, as my wife calls it, took the full impace of the metal office door facing. Actually, this is kind of a weird piece, in that the screw in this lug set screws down far enough to where it sticks out the other lug a bit and puts it out of harms way for the drill bit. I am going to put my kid gloves on and massage it with a ver small drill bit tonight and see if I can't widen that hole....or I might get an extra pair of hands to help me take a ball-tipped awl and try to tap it wider using the awl and a hammer. What a pisser....I thought 316L stainless steel was tougher than this.....
  15. OK, I have got to be the clumsiest damn person in the world, but I am always hitting my pride and joy 2893 029 Pam on door facings. Well, this last time was a doozie. I hit it so hard that it flattened out one of the corners on the lug horn, and in the process bent (for lack of a better word) and partially occluded the log hole for the screw bar. I can get to the screw head with one of my little screwdrivers, but I cannot get it to come out because of the occlusion of the hole. Now keeing in mind that I have all of the patience and fine motor skills of a silver back gorilla, what is the best fix here? I was thinking buy a new screw bar, and cut this one off (replacing strap anyway), and remove both pieces from the inside out, then use a fine drill bit to bore the hole back out to proper size..... Does anyone have any advice or any other way that this problem might be solved???
  16. I have never liked IWC, or anything under 44mm for that matter, but for some reason that I have yet to understand, I was compelled to order one this past Monday. Hoping to find out if I really like it or if that damn Eddie Lee has developed some kind of mind control device.
  17. Thanks all! I've got to get my wife to empty the memory stick on the camera (embarrassing, I know), and then, I'm going to post a gen for sale tomorrow to free up some funds for a 250, since I was blindsided with my seeming uncontrollable purchase of the IWC ING. Thanks again. Bryan
  18. would someone be kind enough to point me (by way of a link) to the section of the forum that spells out the rules on posting an item for sale or trade? Not being lazy....just can't seem to find it.
  19. You didn't by chance declare it as a watch when you shipped it did you? That is a good way to tempt the sticky fingers of postal & customs workers.
  20. Feek, I just measured my wrist for the first time and it is 7&3/4...but, if I fit mine and have anything extra, I'll ship it to you. I don't mind doing so, and have done this for members in the past like Clive, and don't ask anything in return except a good reference should I need it in the future. Bryan
  21. It is hard to let go of that kind of cash.
  22. Are you saying they come from the factory welded, or that Neil takes them off and then welds them?
  23. Anyone know how to get them off then re-secure them better upon arrival?
  24. I know this is a crappy thing to say, but if I worked for customs, and it was my mob to stop the flow of IPR violations, and I had easy access or even official approval to take a few home, you better believe I'd jump at the opportunity. But then again, I would never help " the man " like that, so I would never be faced with that situation.
  25. Seeing your screen name makes me think it was you at the old forum that had quoted that.....am I correct?
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